This is Mo Yao, a chunky stone like resin herb, most kits today add as is, we do not! Thanks for your order Chris, We sent the list to your email address. Thanks again. The Dit Da Jow breaks up the stagnation and improves the overall health of the practitioner. These liniments are different in their makeup with a few crossover herbs. The formulations vary primarily in whether they clear heat or are warming, our formula clears heat and is more neutral in properties. Our Authentic Dit Da Jow is the best for blood stasis and blood stagnation and moving Qi the moment it is applied. I personally was in a herb factory in Shenyang China and saw them packaging the dust remnants of the herb Huang Qi( Astragali Radix). Try Shaolin Dit Da Jow today! Contin. The existing safflower studies by the scientific community provide a deep scope on the plant varieties, main constituents, and pharmaceutical uses chiefly based on Chinese and Indian traditional medicine. When someone sustains a injury, the Qi is blocked and blood can not travel properly through the injured area, hence pain and what they call blood stagnation. Chi Shao Yao and Bai Shao Yao come from similar plants. Thanks for your order, we will include the ingredient list with your order. The Zhango Nao will dissolve into the liniment, this can take anywhere from 1-3 days. Both of these formulas are ideal for Jiu Jitsu and other arts that utilize wrist locks, grappling and submission techniques. In a short period of time the solvent gets absorbed by the herbs expanding the cellular walls of the herbs thus starting the extraction of the healing compounds. Unless you can find Everclear at a ridiculously low price, Vodka will always be the least expensive even when diluting Everclear down. The tradition became known as hit medicine. 2011;133(2): 524-30. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2010.10.029. Dit Da Jow opens up the flow of blood and Qi to promote healing, plus some of the herbs in the formula take away pain and discomfort. The best way to use Dit Da Jow if you are training in the martial arts is to apply some to the areas of the body that are going to make contact, lets say if your punching a bag or makawara apply some to your hands prior to training like 20 to 30 minutes, then apply some more right after training, just enough to fill your palm should be sufficient. ; Linke, H.A. At the beginning my PSA number was at 4.63 and the pain was so strong I cut back on liquid intake not wanting to urinate. 1, 1842-18532004). Required fields are marked *. In severe cases, a solid, immobile mass can be found. (34 Matsuda, H.; Morikawa, T.; Ando, S.; Oominami, H.; Murakami, T.; Kimura, I.; Yoshikawa, M. Absolute stereostructures of polypodane-type triterpenes, myrrhanol A and myrrhanone A, from guggul-gum resinthe Resin of Balsamodendron mukul. That is why we will appreciate having Dit Da Jow at our fingertips. Thus treating the depression treats the pain as well. This incredible liniment is not just for martial artists, it is for anybody who wants to heal trauma type injuries as mentioned above, please read on for more information. Yes they work extremely well together, apply the Iron Palm first then wait a minute and apply the Dit Da Jow. Dit Da Jow is a topical analgesic liniment "secret formula passed down through oral and written history of masters of traditional Chinese herbs and martial arts. These variables can result in significant differences in pharmacological activity, that is why herbs from China can be so dynamic due to the varied topography in that vast country and the centuries of using the herbs from the various regions to see what would work the best and what did not. POSTED: July 25, 2017 | WRITTEN BY: Sarah Lister. If Dit Da Jow is in your plans now is the time to consider making your purchase. Internally it improves blood flow as well as Qi. I got instant muscle relief and I was amazed. This is very bad and should be avoided at all costs, read our page on using the right alcohol for Dit Da Jow, click here Liniment prepared with rubbing alcohol can become toxic when used regularly. For example, depression seems to increase a persons perception of pain and to decrease the ability to cope with both the pain and the treatment. If you purchased a Iron Palm kit the last picture shows the herbs added into the jar. We have found this the best way to squeeze every drop of liniment from the herbs. It comes from the Mandarin word Jiu meaning wine and the Cantonese word Zau also meaning wine. Antibacterial activities of some constituents from oleo-gum-resin of Commiphora mukul. can this be used for chronic pain, for example, in the knees? Authentic Dit Da Jow was created to heal bruises, sprains, contusions, hematomas, reduce swelling and heal other trauma type injuries. Most people just pour a quarter size amount into the palm of their hands and rub on the affected area, several times a day. If you are doing a lot of contact training then we would recommend using an Iron Palm liniment which you can read about here. Thank you for the kind words, we feel we offer the finest authentic Dit Da Jow online today, with that said it is up to the customers to follow our instructions for making it properly and you obviously did, so kudos to you. One example is licorice root also called Gan Cao, this a neutral herb but if Po Zh is used then it can be changed into a warm property herb, the same can be said of Da Huang a cooling herb which can be turned into a warming herb. This is the time when you pull out the most molecular compounds. Pictured is a Dit Da Jow liniment kit, a variety of Chinese herbs that produces a powerful liniment. The alcohol used should always be of good drinking quality (ethyl alcohol). The reason 40% is a good alcohol content is primarily for two reasons, one it extracts the constituents out of the herbs quickly and second when applied on the skin it does not evaporate quickly, allowing the liniment to be absorbed through the dermis. I never thought about making dit da jow until I came to your website and read all the great info. I have found it is best to apply and let air dry instead wiping it with a cloth, this will allow for more of the Dit Da Jow to penetrate the skin and help the healing process. We will cover the theory behind this liniment and Traditional Chinese Medicine further down the page but we want to point out it is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine which dates back close to 5000 years ago and it involves the Yin/Yang theory and the movement of Qi. ), Cup your palm and drop a small amount in the center (usually less than a dropper). (49 Shen, T.; Wan, W.Z. I have been using your dit da jow for years now and I love it. The photo above shows both the Dit Da Jow and the Iron Palm liniments added with vodka in the Bormioli style jars and shaken for a couple of minutes each day,this is the third day and the colors are on point. Unlike other kits I have purchased, these arrived fresh and not in some small plastic baggie. Over time the two words were blended together and Jiu and Zau became Jow, but let me break down the whole word. A question that is always asked is do I strain out the liniment and throw out the herbs (Marc) after 4 weeks. Whatever you release you can add in with your jar containing the strained liniment. As such, an optimal therapeutic effect can be achieved by herbal treatment. My spouse and I absolutely love your products the dit da jow and iron palm liniments are superb and find all of your info to be very informative. Yes you can but what I would suggest is use a combination of our Dit Da Jow and Iron Palm together at a 50/50 ratio and if possible apply it as a compress. Below is a photo of 1.75 liter bottle of vodka I purchased for $7.99 which Im sure you can find if you shop around at your local discount grocery or liquor store, wally world always has it for $9.96 in our area. Our formulas at have been made to high standards with high quality ingredients and authentic preparation. After years of buying it already made, I will now purchase your shaolin dit da jow herbal kit and make my own as it sounds very cost effective and straight forward to do. This remedy is known to relieveqiand blood stagnation, promote healing, and soothe the pain. It ends in Mexico City, Mexico. Not to mention the herbs make it smell fantastic and it is a great excuse to buy vodka. Unfortunately there are herb suppliers who sell only the outer portion or the dust of the herb. As mentioned above, blood stagnation causes pain and in addition to that there is something called blood stasis associated with trauma, we go over both of these a littler further down. Pain is our domain. These opaque tops are leach free but sometimes do not seal 100% when shaking so I use a piece of wax paper under the top and one over it, then I screw on the lid. Having the flexibility of choosing which liniment to use depending on the situation is priceless. Read On. P.O. For the everyday person who bruises easily apply twice a day morning and night on the areas you need. By shaking the jar the herbs are moved around in the solvent allowing it to release the constituents and compounds needed for a strong Dit Da Jow. This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. If you do buy Dit Da Jow already made, make sure it is packaged in a glass container. If You Live In The USA, You Can Visit Our Shopping Cart To Order With The Link At The end Of This Page. 1-800-566-5586 This Chinese Dit Da Jow formula is best for arthritic pain and pain associated with other degenerative conditions. For serious injuries make a poultice or compress with cheesecloth and wrap with plastic around the wounded area. These Jars come in Three, Five and Eight Liter sizes, they can be found at most Asian grocery stores. They are very bitter and pungent, and move quickly. This email could also end up in your spam box so please check there also. *These products and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. By submitting this form, you are granting: Shaolin Brand, PO Box 7683, Algonquin, Illinois, 60102, United States, permission to email you. Many people look to relieve one of these symptoms when sometimes a single herbal remedy can help with all of them. Dont merely spread it around like lotion. It can take months or years before the herbs are completely 100% exhausted. Modern medicine considers that pain is the bodys way of responding to damaged tissue. If a herb is required to be powdered we do it manually insuring our customers the best possible liniment kit. Applying Dit Da Jow frees blood stasis and allows Qi to flow freely permitting the healing process to begin. I have done heavy research and feel very confident in your product. Not sure what the differences are between Dit Da Jow and Iron Palm? All you need to do is empty out the pickles and rinse out the jar with soap and water, wipe dry and you are ready to use. Our formulas at have been made to high standards with high quality ingredients and authentic preparation. Great to use after a hard weightlifting or Crossfit workout. But briefly the key is to get the injured area saturated but not dripping wet and then it can be massaged in and let it air dry. shins, forearms, fists) against something or someone. thanks. Fill out the form below to get 2 FREE weeks of training at our downtown lakeland facility and access to our full class schedule! That is why certain herbs should not be powdered when making Dit Da Jow since you lose some of the constituents we need for external use. The first 3-4 weeks are vital. Fragr. When you are ready to use, just take out a little and place in a small glass jar for use. The jar should be shaken at least 2 minutes each time. it also has been referred to as the dregs. The answer is no, the herbs still have not exhausted all of their constituents. The Dit Da Jow herbs are placed in a vessel preferably glass and the solvent is added. Conditioning is a common martial arts practice that is often done by repeatedly striking a specific area of the body (i.e. It is also best for very old injuries that have not been able to heal properly. WebDit da originated in Guangdong, China, and was usually practiced by martial artists who knew aspects of traditional Chinese medicine. Dit da specialists may also use or recommend dit da jow , other Chinese medical therapies, and in modern times, the use of Western medicine if serious injury is involved. All these statements clearly mention that the Heart can be influenced by the dysfunction of other Zang-Fu organs as well the difference emotions, and this may lead to the development of pain. Nat. We all know that bruising happens when the body suffers a forceful blow or trauma of some kind. Hi Harry, Citations The minimum time is 4 weeks before a little can be taken out and used with the bulk sitting and continuing the brewing process. Often a martial arts master blends his unique mixture of many aromatic herbs such as myrrh and ginseng, which are combined to stimulate circulation, reduce pain and swelling, and improve healing of injuries and wounds. If you do have the time and you constantly shake your Dit Da Jow, then after 6 months you can strain the Dit Da Jow into another glass jar AND you must take the Marc out and place it in cheesecloth or a large muslin bag and start pressing out the liniment from the herbs. Dit Da Jow bottled in glass versus plastic insures no chemicals leaching into your liniment. Dit Da Jow would be classified as a Cantonese word but Jow as it is spelled is not a Cantonese or Mandarin word. Safflower injection using high performance liquid chromatography. The kits you made were amazing!! Flav. Contrary to what you might think or have read the herbs must be prepared properly, some need to be ground to a powder, some need to be bruised and some need to be whole. Furanosesquiterpenoids of Commiphora myrrha.J. Dit Da Jow | Everything You Need To Know in 2023, Save $$$ On Our Dit Da Jow And Iron Palm Kits, Yangshang Tieda Yao | Dit Da Jow Iron Palm Liniment Kit, The Laymans Guide to Dit Da Jow and Iron Palm in Martial Arts Training, How To Apply Dit Da Jow Or Iron Palm Liniment, Iron Palm liniment which you can read about here, Physical Attributes for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Make Your Own Zheng Gu Shui Style Liniment At Home, Ku Yu Cheung Iron Palm-Dit Da Jow Liniment, Read This Before You Buy Any Bottled Dit Da Jow or Iron Palm Liniment, Shaolin Kung Fu Injury Treatment Formulas, International Orders For Dit Da Jow & Iron Palm, Sprained Wrist..Heal It Fast With The Iron Palm Soak, E Mei Shan (Jako Kokotsu) Medicated Plaster, Kai Kit Pill For Enlarged or Swollen Prostate, Chronic Prostatitis Causes and Cures Based on Chinese Medicine, 3 Liquid Extracts That You Should Know , Bruce Lee Did, Effective Chinese and Amazon Herbs and Their Uses, Bruce Lee: The Evolution of A Martial Artist, Bruce Lee Is The Most Popular UFC Fighter In EA New Game, The Science Behind Bruce Lees One Inch Punch, The Speed Training Of Bruce Lee In Jeet Kune Do, Bruce Lees Speed Training And Fighting Concepts, Historical Perspective of Chinese Martial Arts, Getting A Good Nights Sleep Without Drugs, Botanicals, A Scientific Look For The Treatment Of PMS, Migraines and Depression, Rheumatoid Arthritis Relief With Chinese Herb, Traditional Chinese Medicine And Constipation, AHCC, The Miracle Of The Shiitake Mushroom, A Positive Mind: Is Your Passport to Longevity, Using Chinese Herbal Medicine For Lyme Disease, Top 10 Chinese Patent Formulas You Should Have, Save Your Gallbladder If You Have Gallstones, Healing Horse Tendon Injuries With Dit Da Jow, New York Ban on Nunchucks Ruled Unconstitutional By Federal Court, 3 Unique Recipes For The Winter Months And How To Build Your Immune System, 5 Great Tips for Massage Therapists To Prevent Sore Hands, 8 Important Insights From Karate Training, 8 Important Tips On How To Use Pi Yen Chin Opthalmic Eye Drops, 8 Tips For Choosing Your Martial Arts School, Aches and Pains During Cold and Wet Weather, Acrylamide: A Possible Cancer Danger In Your Diet, Berberine possibly a natural alternative for diabetes treatment, Bottled Dit Da Jow and Iron Palm Liniment, Bruce Lee Paper Training For Punching Power And Speed, Bruce Lees Bodybuilding Training Program. I go to Sams club and for under $5.00 I get a nice jar with some pickles thrown in. Herbs like Cao Wu and Chuan Wu are very toxic but when applying Po Zh methods we can remove the toxicity for external use. Please enable JavaScript on your browser to best view this site. We have noted whats different in the secret formulas and why theyre so protected. Notice the Camphor floating at the top, this is added when bottling and dissolves when shipped. Thanks for providing such a great product. Jumping Delayed soreness typically begins to develop 12-24 hours after the exercise has been performed and may produce the greatest pain between 24-72 hours after the exercise has been performed. We grind down the Mo Yao to the right consistency by hand. Southern preying mantis uses it quite widely too. J Chin Pharm Sci. you show clear bottles, does the color of the bottle matter? ; Duan, J.A. We are working on an article explaining this further, so keep an eye opn for it. If you want you can bottle up your Dit Da Jow in small bottles making sure they are labeled. It should now be clear that pain is mainly a result of disturbances in the Qi and Blood circulation, and may be caused by stagnation of Qi and Blood, or deficiency of Qi and Blood-but why does this disturbance of Qi and Blood flow cause pain? It is documented that 91% of the 6986 herbal formulas are multi-component and 3196 herbal materials were used to constitute 11,810 formulas. If you train in any contact sport or just bruise all the time this for you. For instance, when a bone breaks, nerves send pain messages through the spinal cord to the brain, where they are interpreted. Lipid lowering activity of guggulsterone from Commiphora mukul in hyperlipaemic rats. If pain is not adequately treated, then pain impulses are more readily transmitted to the brain. This insures that each bottle contains a constantly aged powerful product. ; Kapoor, N.K. Make sure you write on the labels do not drink and possibly draw a skull and crossbones on the label. (You certainly wont find them in cute bottles at your local Rite-Aid.). I place a little olive oil on the gaskets to prevent them from drying out or sticking when opening. We always purchase our herbs whole and not powdered or in small pieces. Dit da originated in Guangdong, China, and was usually practiced by martial artists who knew aspects of traditional Chinese medicine. Once it's aged enough, it's used as a liniment (something applied to skin for pain relief.). Our Authentic Dit Da Jow formula moves blood and Qi to relieve the pain of traumatic injury 4th Invigorate blood circulation and relieve pain. WebThe market is filled with Dit Da Jow liniments and companies of dubious origin and questionable intent. The jar pictured is a 5 liter Bormioli jar. Do I leave it on with a cloth or rub it in? To learn more about what is the best alcohol to use to produce a powerful Dit Da Jow read our article here. Posted: Sunday, November 8, 2015 @ 8:41 pm CST, What is dit da jow? We have a article titled The Laymans Guide to Dit Da Jow and Iron Palm in Martial Arts Training which explains the differences, you can read it HERE! This is the second package of dit da jow that I have ordered from you. After reading your website, I am unclear if one should use dit da jow or iron palm when working out with weights, do you prefer one or the other? ; Zhou, W.; Luo, D.; Ding, A.W. Below is how it looks. WebFor centuries, dit da jow has been known to stimulate circulation, reduce pain and swelling, and improve healing of injuries and wounds. ; Raja, S.N. Our Authentic Dit Da Jow formula moves blood and Qi to relieve the pain of traumatic injury Phytocher. We provide quality web design, web hosting and domain name registration, logo creation, search engine placement, and Stellent content management consulting. 2004; 7: 51-63. Many practitioners will allow their Dit Da Jow to sit for years before use. (38 Dolara, P.; Luceri, C.; Ghelardini, C.; Monserrat, C.; Aiolli, S.; Luceri, F.; Lodovici, M.; Menichetti, S.; Romanelli, M.N. DOMS appears to be a side effect of the repair process that develops in response to microscopic muscle damage. Just like our Dit Da Jow kits each bottle is prepared prior to shipping so no bottle is sitting on the shelf waiting for a customer. 22. Res. Can Dit Da Jow be used for bone bruises? Inhibition of LPS-induced NO production by the oleogum resin of Commiphora wightii and its constituents. Back pain, cuts, bruises, lacerations, sprained joints, and pain are just some of the daily problems, which can pop up unexpectedly. As mentioned above 40% alcohol offers the best percentage for absorption into the skin, so if you use one of these high percentage alcohols we recommend you dilute it down with distilled water to 40%. WebJADIENCE Severe Joint Pain Relief Kit: Dit Da Jow Formulas Penetrate Deep for Serious Muscle, Joint & Nerve Pain | 2 Natural Herbal Plasters, 1oz Body Pain Reliever Spray, Gauze, Tape & Bandage Wrap. I am starting to do some Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and my joints and back are taking a beating, what else can I use with my jow for that? Moreover, the Kidney also produces Yuan Qi or Original Qi, which is the root energy for all the Zang-Fu organs. When you do this for as long as we have, patterns begin to emerge in the formulas. Can I just throw the herbs in a big jug of vodka or something? ; Tang, Y.P. Ordering Terms & Conditions. This is a strong anti-inflammatory and can be used for all kinds of inflammation and pain connected with a fresh injury, bruise, welt, sprain or strain. We use only the highest grade Chinese herbs along with traditional processing methods and time proven formulas to bring to you the finest ditdajows and herbal training supplements money can buy. Its foundation is based on the principles of balance; the interdependent relationship between Yin and Yang. Accumulation of Phlegm, water, food or parasites in the body for a long period of time may also lead to Blood stagnation. Thank you. Our Authentic Dit Da Jow formula moves blood and Qi to relieve the pain of traumatic injury If you notice in our photos or videos, we provide you with the whole herb and not just one part of it or a kit that is all powdered. Copyright 2023 -, All Rights Reserved 10am - 6pm If you are into hardcore brick breaking then you you should read about our Ku Yu Cheung liniment, this liniment is strictly for serious experienced Iron Palm or Iron Hand practitioners. Compared with Ru Xiang, it is more bitter and its dispersing action is also stronger. Such as in the case of conditioning or regular martial arts practice. One last suggestion is after all the liniment is exhausted just seal up the jar and keep the herbs in the jar as is and use them as a poultice if a serious injury occurs. If you are involved in Martial Arts like Kung Fu or Karate you probably have heard of Dit Da Jow or are currently using it, we feel you will find this website informative. Now that Covid restrictions are being lifted in 2022 we will be more active either at the gym , martial arts school or just at home. 19, 649-6512005. Dit Da Jow kit and ready made aged 4oz glass bottle of Dit Da Jow liniment. Of course you will need a large glass jar and we discuss some options toward the end of this post. Plum Dragon has applied the available modern herbal science and good manufacturing practices JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. The circulation of Qi and Blood in the body should be constant, just like the continual courses of the sun and moon. Preparation and characterization of solid lipid nanoperticles loaded with frankincense and myrrh oil. It works very fast on bruises and other contact injuries I get while training in Wing Chun, I think I read it is good for muscle soreness also, is this accurate? When ready, Authentic Dit Da Jow is one of the best healing liniments for trauma type injuries, like sprains, contusions, bruises or other injuries where blood stagnation or stasis is involved. The solvent could be anywhere from 40% and up but if it is to high it will evaporate very fast when it is applied on the skin not allowing proper absorption of the Dit Da Jow through the skin, we recommend not going over 58%. Hey, I love the jow, bought the ultimate package and the dit and iron liniments are great, really do the job. Dit Da Jow is a topical analgesic liniment "secret formula passed down through oral and written history of masters of traditional Chinese herbs and martial arts. This choice is best for all other injuries that have moved beyond the bruising/inflammation stage. Dit Da Jow The Mysterious Healing Liniment, Dit Da Jow, The Mysterious Healing Liniment, Dit Da Jow | Everything You Need To Know in 2023, No Synthetic Herbs-We do not use synthetic camphor like most companies or other synthetic products, All Herbs Are Pesticide, Chemical And Insect Free, All Kits Prepared By An Experienced Herbalist, Authentic Traditional Formula Not A Modified Version, This Formula Heals Injuries Fast, All Our Kits Are Prepared Fresh And Ready For You to Prepare, No Grinding Of Herbs Required, Our Guarantee, if for any reason you are not happy with your kit when you receive it, return it to us for a prompt refund. Rare Access to Publicly Unavailable Secrets - Some have requested secret formulas, hand-written in Chinese, that arent available anywhere else. The solvent could be water but water does not pull the alkaloidal constituents out of the herbs as well as alcohol does especially because of the resinous herbs in the Dit Da Jow formula and it can also spoil in a short period of time. This formula is by far the best Dit Da Jow Kit online. The Liver is in charge of keeping the Qi circulating freely, which in turn keeps the Blood circulating freely. You can make Dit Da Jow at home and save big $. *These products and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If you are pregnant you should consult with your doctor before using. By preparing each kit fresh before they ship, enables us to give every kit a powerful positive aura, you can feel the energy when you unwrap each kit and that then transcends into a strong energy filled healing liniment when ready. Another option can be to use rollerball applicator to apply. I like the fact they are freshly made before they are sent and the size of the kit is large enough to make over a gallon. My wife even put it on her foot for plantar fasciitis and she too was amazed at the relief. We use only the highest grade Chinese herbs along with traditional processing methods and time proven formulas to bring to you the finest ditdajows and herbal training supplements money can buy. ; Zhang, X.; Yu, L.; Jiang,F.R. All herbs are organic or wild crafted and are chemical and pesticide free. (47 Zhu, N.; Kikuzaki, H.; Sheng, S.; Sang, S.; Rafi, M.M. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Put it on with a few crossover herbs look to relieve one of these formulas are ideal for Jitsu... ( 49 Shen, T. ; Wan, W.Z unless you can read about here from drying out or when. Formulas and why theyre so protected the list to your website and read all the to... You want you can bottle up your Dit Da Jow formula is by far the Dit! 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Both of these symptoms when sometimes a single herbal remedy can help with all of their constituents get. Severe cases, a variety of Chinese herbs that produces a powerful Dit Da Jow formula moves blood and to. Overall health of the repair process that develops in response to microscopic muscle.... Something or someone ready to use after a hard weightlifting or Crossfit.. Asian grocery stores to relieve the pain of time may also lead to blood stagnation, healing... And Authentic preparation appears to be powdered we do not drink and possibly a! ( 47 Zhu, N. ; Kikuzaki, H. ; Sheng, S. ; Sang S.! Is why we will appreciate having Dit Da Jow liniment water, Food or parasites in the for. Rub it in packaged in a glass container I came to your website and all... Possibly draw a skull and crossbones on the principles of balance ; the interdependent relationship Yin! A ridiculously low price, vodka will always be of good drinking quality ( ethyl alcohol ), and the... Javascript on your browser to best view this site November 8, 2015 @ 8:41 CST. Easily apply twice a day morning and night on the situation is.!