You drag it out, revealing a shiny spark, almost completely covered by dirt. They toss some twigs your way, some attached to fruits while others are covered in debris. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Are you dreaming? Ouch. From the Grouse House FAQ "In order to get a trophy from a battle, your lead wolf must be level 10 or higher and the opponent must be level 5 or higher. This is such easy prey! however, many users are hanging onto trophies / purchasing trophy items in case they become used in a special craftable base. You deserve it more, of course. You hesitate for a moment, quickly looking away from the wolf in an attempt to gather your thoughts. Oh, well, it was totally worth the thrill! You observe it from a distance. Whatever interesting thing is there, you just have to find out! Surprised and disappointed, the glowing creature leaves and doesn't bother you anymore. Click or tap on the images to see them at full resolution. You try both playing with the otter and answering its questions, but it's not easy! This beautiful, harmonious dance could be a ritual. In absolutely no rush at all, it walks away, revealing a small crack it was sitting on. The bird likely has the same thought, because it flees suddenly in a panic, dropping something shiny on its way. All rights reserved. You puff up and trot between the wolves, barking at them! It doesn't care about you at all. You approach slowly, sniffing the otter's fur curiously. will display. You notice a shine within the mud. You could win Gold Cones, Grove items or special Lunar applicators! Breeding items are items that are meant to be used on either the sire (genetic father) or dam (genetic mother) of a wolf during breeding. You're far from matching their harmony, but they seem to appreciate your effort regardless. Healing from the Herbalists Sick Wolves page. AliBird #26758 Were launching a handful of special raffles for the Anniversary celebrations! It doesn't seem bothered by you, nor does it seem like it even notices you're there. The bird is perfectly vulnerable to any predators. You wonder if the shining fruits they're consuming would be poisonous to you. Hm. You lie down, letting the moon bask your muzzle in its blue light. This trinket probably fell out of one of the sheep's wool. If there's one bird around, there must be more, which means lots of cool nests nearby! Winner, winner, gull for dinner! It launches towards the hills, leaving everything it was nibbling on behind. As you come closer, almost touching the treasure, you feel a sharp, unbearable pain on your back. You quickly find a treasure buried under the rock. You ask it where its parents are, or if it needs a temporary shelter. When exploring the regular map during Dawn, Day, and Dusk, each time you click on the paw to take a step, you have a chance of generating either 2 or 3 Lunar Essence. He offers you something in return. We have added a year counter on the sidebar which tracks how many in-game years you have rolled your account over. The otter comments that you would need a lot of luck in this land so you can win the next match! Oh, they understand you! Scars are also a kind of trophy item that can be used to decorate your wolves! You sniff around the tree, finding a small, almost unnoticeable hollow. Your paws tap nervously in place as you watch the bird land in the crosswind. - Failed hunts now have a chance of giving a consolation critter carcass Step by careful step, you finally reach the perfect distance away from the gulls. This earns you a good dozen smacks to the muzzle before the cat finally dashes away into the bushes. Well You weren't that hungry, anyway. Perhaps valuable, too. * Trophies now drop from ANY enemy that is level 5 or higher The name was inspired by French words for "flying" and "plunder". You sigh and stop howling, which causes the stranger to approach you, place something shiny in front of you, and pat you on the head before they leave. What absolute perfection! Your nose didn't fool you. The wolf's excited voice makes you feel very welcomed. The closer you get, the more the world around you shifts and distorts. As your own voice vibrates inside of you, you begin to feel dizzy, and you swear you're floating away from your body. When you take it off the ground, you notice something between tiny pebbles. The wolves snap at you, it's none of your business what happened between them! You grab the tiny creature, getting ready to eat it. Soon, it looks almost like the night sky is being reflected on the ground. You howl excitedly, but out-of-tune. We accept all Lunar Tears, as long as they aren't cracked!" The noble bird appreciates your time just as much, and gives you something in return. You tried. Confused and upset, you try to run towards it, but end up tripping over exposed roots, and you fall, and fall, and fall until you wake up on an empty path. Today we're celebrating our 1 year anniversary - and what a year it's been! Many trophy items don't have uses, and are currently just intended to be sold. A faint scent leads you to a shiny glow inside an empty stump. Their panicked bleating fully wakes you up, and you finally slow down, satisfied. You're eager to play, but the rabbit considers you too much of a threat. You can make up to 5 spins an hour. Lioden Ltd 2012-2023. The little glowing rodent looks quite nervous, which touches you somehow. You approach them slowly, and, to your surprise, the butterflies do not seem to be afraid of you. You can collect up to 100 Lunar Essence at any one time, and up to 100 maximum from Explore per Rollover. It seems that the quails have spotted you. You're very spooked by these lights. You cease singing when you feel something stuck in your throat, and you take a moment to hack out a shiny object. Thankfully, it wasn't your tooth! . Frankly, you're a little spooked by these lights. Ultimately, you decide to take the risk. You don't care if anyone's watching, you'll do what you want! You wonder if it was absorbing essence through it. You rub your head into the flowers and roll all over them. Glowing critter or not, you're hungry! Your excitement grows as you feel yourself getting closer! It gets very, very round, and you're excited to hear some adorable angry froggy sounds until it spits on you. Temporarily removes 10% fertility from a female wolf until her next breeding. You hesitate for a moment, but eventually decide to join in. With a slightly suspicious smirk, you offer your help in finding more supplies. We're launching a handful of special raffles for the Anniversary celebrations! This infuriates youwith a quick snap, half of the rat is gone. Right in the neck! Silver Cones are the game's basic currency, and are obtainable through gameplay. You consider teamwork for the future. The amount of materials needed to construct your caves will still increase with each one you build! Wolvden Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Will it taste like a bird? So, this is what the orbs turn into? You see some messages, a couple advertisements and a shiny object! You feel overwhelmingly exhausted throughout your entire body. When the glowing wolves leave, the area becomes noticeably darker. These orbs are seriously eerie, and you cannot make out what they are. It claims this area to be its territory. We have added a way to gift money, items and wolves to your friends! They're probably just some insects or local critters. Once it's gone, you notice it was sitting on something shiny. Someone nearby giggles, and you have the sudden urge to hide. It tries to hide within the small hollow of a nearby tree. Alas, you're not too much help to the bird after all. You feel hazy, and everything appears to be covered in blue fog, glowing lights, and dissolving darkness. If something fell from these rocks, it would be here for sure. You're in a playful mood, jumping in excitement and chasing after the shimmering particles. I was exploring and I won a battle against a bobcat. Finally, it's time for you to part ways. February 2021, as this is when the event was first introduced).. Below, we have provided a helpful timetable of when the Lunar Dreams event will start and end for the remaining year of 2021. It looks at you in fear and begs for mercy. other trophy items are essentially..useless; at the moment, anyway. Weve all been working very hard the past few weeks for the next development update. You sit under the branch and stare at the critters intently. You jump from one tiny puddle to the next, feeling like a puppy again! You need a rest! No, wait! What a serene moment. They get blown away by the wind, but that's okay, because one of the feathers just landed on something you wouldn't have noticed before! Wow! In addition to LT, you will gain Experience and can gain Silver Cones, Medicine: Healing Salves, Meat Chunks, and stats. A special bundle of Anniversary items will be claimable for the duration of the weekend, so make sure to log in and claim it! The mushroom breaks under its weight. You notice a gentle light shining on your paw. What happened? It definitely smells differently than the other otters you know. The wolves whine a bit, but eventually, they agree and decide whatever they were fighting over should be yours. Thankfully, you manage to pull out a tiny object from the brush. There was something shiny hiding under its belly. When you close your eyes, you can't feel your paws beneath your legs anymore. You approach them slowly, and, to your surprise, the butterflies do not seem to be afraid of you. You check the mossy growth closer. The mice don't trust you at first, but they are moved by your honest intentions and slowly get used to your presence. Howls should be universal, right? You spit out the essence-covered feathers. Touched by their tiny squeaks, you quickly rush to find something edible for them. The mice notice you sniffing and begin to search with you, putting their little noses and tiny bodies to good use. You look up at the ravens curiously. When you peek inside, you notice a glow. You snap your jaws as the birds flee in panic, managing to grab a few feathers, and maybe even a leg And an eye? The mother will have a nice day to herself to rest. It really doesn't help that it keeps approaching you, then flying away, almost on a loop. The pass can only be used by one person. It seems one of the wolves may have lost it. The scent is sharpyou surely won't lose it! Weve opened up two topics on our forums regarding certain parts of Wolvdens development and wed love to hear your opinions and ideas. You pounce in the air, trying to grab the feathers! You snap your jaws in the air. New Scars that can be gained as battle trophies! The longer you run, the further the bird seems to be, which makes you nervous. You lift your head up and join the howl. After a while, you stop, utterly exhausted. * The chance of trophies dropping is directly tied to your Lead Wolf's level, with the highest chance of getting a drop at level 20. The smell of these glowing flowers is so heavily sweet that you're not sure if you like it, but the mere sight of this scene makes you feel calm and refreshed. the only trophy items that are useful rn are those for the fox base & eyes. Everyone is just trying to survive, no matter the place nor dimension. You smile wider. Hey, it looks like you bumped into something! The skunk looks very happy and assumes you come from a more friendly world, because the other animals here tend to avoid approaching him. Our second update to the game has been released which includes the following wonderful new additions! You did it! This will be a week-long mini event that reoccurs every single month. The fox looks surprised. Guarantees a minimum of 5 puppies in the wolf's next litter. The current lore for the event is in regard to the creatures found within the Dreamlands, which was brought up in the first Lunar Event News post. One three twenty You're getting a little lightheaded. Underneath the disturbed ground, you find something cool! The artwork you create (or commission an artist for) will actually show up on your wolves, just like regular game made decors! You observe the struggle of the tiny glowing creature with sympathy and offer your help. What better way to accomplish this than a good run? Through coughs and snorts, you almost overlooked a shiny spark falling from the clumps of glowing fur! A special bundle of Anniversary items will be claimable for the duration of the weekend, so make sure to log in and claim it! Lunar Essence is used as a secondary resource which you will spend in place of Energy on explore steps in the Dreamlands, a different, lunar-touched world. You start to dig under the growth and find something very large stuck in the ground! You cannot get around the night time requirementthe Dreamlands creatures don't want to come out until it's dim and dark! It's time to move on. Being subtle isn't your strong point today. A small, shiny spark twinkles in the grass. You bark at them to make it stop! You find something at the bottom! Passes the chosen wolf's claw colour toallpuppies in their next litter. You freeze in fear. In the distance, you notice an unguarded pile of shiny sparks. But they won't share their nuts. The formation is nothing to you, but it towers over the stoat. It gently places a shiny spark onto your back so you can have your own shine, too. They're searching intently. The current recipes obtainable in this way can be used to craft base and eye applicator items. And here's our second teaser, ahead of our next development update. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters . Close to turn back, you notice a shine among the leaves. You're chased away aggressively, incurring a bite from the hostile wolf. The squirrel seems excited and leads you to its hiding place, where you notice quite a lot of shiny objects. You've never seen a tree like this one, and you want to investigate it in peace. The number of items to turn in, as well as the rarity, depends on the difficulty. Something fell down from one of the posts! When it realises it's going to be hard to change your mind, it offers you something valuable in exchange for its life. You pick up a fallen feather from off the ground and entertain the little moth-puppies with its tickly tip. Hey I would like to reserve a spot since I just got a anlter trophy : Tempest #65229: Search Topic; Keyword(s) Posted By Search. Just before you decide to walk away, you notice something on the ground with a stronger shine than the surrounding dust. Your gesture is appreciated, though. Join us for Wolvden's first month-long event! A banner on the Event page will light up and become available to use, or you can visit Explore and a button will appear in the top right hand corner which allows you to "Fall asleep". You observe the possum for a moment. The dirt surrounding it is freshly dug. Hmm quite tasty! This is always a fun activity in the snow and rain. It changes its flight path over the sea to land on the waves instead. While this is not integral to the Dreamlands, the Cnitharian wolves that run the Lunar Shoppe are canonically female and are in a relationship with each other, as confirmed by a site developer within a player-made theory topic. This may be an entirely different world, but even here, some things remain unchangedcrows are just as curious as they have always been. You wonder why the stoat is so desperate about this spot. You run quickly, taking the chanceyou have the advantage of complete surprise! You check it out, only to reveal a shiny spark. You notice something hidden among the leaves. Better check it out! There are some shiny things here. It wasn't worth it! You were bitten once or twice, but you escaped with a trophy! Mesmerised by the bat's mysterious glow, you decide to chase after it as it flies away. * The difficulty of the hunting quest has been lowered. Collect Quests require the player to turn in an assortment items, which could include carcasses or amusement items, or defeating an enemy and acquiring a battle trophy. Agh! They all seem to have left behind items they were carrying. Instead of the rocks, you focus on the soft ground. Once more before the new teaser tomorrow . It runs away nervously, leaving today's hunt behind. Among everything in this world, they don't seem that unnatural, but you have a gut feeling they're the cause of all of this. You stop the song to cough something out. You manage to detach the shiny bit from the bird! View history. Your senses are so perfectly sharp, and you feel your hackles rising. It still looks delicious though. You check the mossy growth closer. Watching them is really fun, and you wonder how it would feel to jump like they do. The stoat fulfilled its part of the promise, too, and showed you something that can be very useful in your den! The bravery of this glowing bird fascinates you to the degree that you've forgotten about chasing it. You were so sure you grabbed something more than just the tail! You gently touch the surface, feeling a slight chill running down your spine. - Weekly raffle You feel a sudden hint of sympathy. You hold your breath and smile, hoping he won't notice, then playfully wag your tail to show your intentions. You charge at the birds, barking and snapping at the panicking flock! As the world gets warmer, they are able to wander further north to pillage new lands for lunar essence, thus clashing with the Pherris warriors. They specialise in trade and enjoy dancing and music. Well, it won't be abandoned for long! It's even worse than the smell! There are some things for you to take, too! You've even got a small gift that may be useful in your journey through this mysterious land. You growl and bark viciously at this annoying pest. Their glowing feathers are a hypnotising sight. At first, you just want to watch it, but it's no fun when it isn't moving. At the end, you're exhausted, but the mice appreciate your effort. There are quite a few treasures overgrown by the roots! You wonder what would happen if you took the skull? Trophies can be obtained occasionally when battling any opponent that is Level 5 or higher, as long as your lead wolf is Level 10 or higher. You sit down and watch the bird swoop in the wind. You assume a prowling position and move in quickly, confidently, and effectively. The two of you spend some time together, but he notices you're struggling to breathe and that there are tears welled in your eyes. Would its glowing essence affect you? Making second-hand the first choice worldwide. On the 19th October 2020 we opened Wolvden to the public. The frog croaks at you, then jumps on top of a big mushroom. You approach the noble grouse, offering your help by gathering big, heavy sticks and digging deeper holes. Either your malicious thoughts were too visible, or the squirrel somehow found out its potential fate. | Vinted Marketplace is the largest online international C2C marketplace in Europe dedicated to second-hand . The quests you will receive are now far more varied, simpler, and more rewarding! Suddenly, you sneeze loudly and repeatedlybut instead of spewing slobber, lunar essence is expelled from your mouth. You did not catch a moth, but you do have a whole lot of shiny dust over your body! You try to shake off the feeling, when you suddenly remember the best solution for such a situation. The wolf's next litter will be entirely female. You were about to turn away, but a subtle shine from within the hollow catches your eye. To join Fishing, Slots have now been released on the Games page! A playful mood, jumping in excitement and chasing after the shimmering particles bird you... Grabbed something more than just the tail slight chill running down your spine the!... Of this glowing bird fascinates you to take, too, and you there... Agree and decide whatever they were fighting over should be yours game been! Tiny creature, getting ready to eat it moth, but they seem be. 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