Absolutely love his teaching and watching his videos online. Dr. Baucham is the author of numerous books, including Expository Apologetics: Answering Objections with the Power of the Word, The Supremacy of Christ in a Postmodern World, and Family Shepherds: Calling and Equipping Men to Lead Their Homes. The Rampart Division was the baddest gang in L.A.; they made sure we knew that. It is inherently anti-capitalistic and it is inherently atheistic and anti-Christian in its nature. Im not an advocate of those things. My father was always an advocate. And so, the level of influence here, number one, is a small country; number two, its a constitutionally Christian Republic. He worked as a counselor in juvenile detention centers. Therefore, all other groups can claim to be oppressed by them because the men are the trendsetters, the shot-callers, the status quo. Shame! Often the person whos looking at their brother and saying, Ah youre just a Cultural Marxist, doesnt necessarily mean that thats what the person is even though they may believe that theyre espousing some of the ideas that come from Cultural Marxism. Let me explain. Everyone should hear this. Did they just disappear and stop bombing things? The Frankfurt School refers to a collection of scholars in Frankfurt, Germany. And it was right there and it was huge and it was heavy. And so, you have ethnic studies, queer Studies, feminist studies, womens studies, African American Studies, Chicano Studies, anything was studies on the end of it, right? Now that place where your not whiteness and your not maleness intersects is where you feel the weight of your oppression. Therefore every time something like that happens to one of them, it is another piece of evidence, which is why you have people who say things like, The facts of that case really dont matter. Or worse, you start talking about the facts of that case and people say, Oh now youre blaming the victim. Whats the end result of that? Ive said to people, I think Jesus was a pharisee. We need to overturn the cultural hegemony. There are things at stake here that are of the utmost priority and significance. Its important for you, whichever side of this thing you find yourself on, to understand the words that you use and the implications of the words that you use, and not just assume that people know what youre talking about or what you mean when you throw out those words. In recent years we have a growing concern about "social justice." 1 Chronicles chapter 12 beginning in verse 23, These are the numbers of the divisions of the armed troops who came to David in Hebron to turn the kingdom of Saul over to him, according to the word of the Lord. So David, the man after Gods own heart, is about to inherit the kingdom; hes about to become king and there are men who came with him because if youre going to be king, if youre going to govern Gods people, if youre going to lead Gods people, there are some things that you need. Man, weve got way too many people in prison in this country. And so thats my decision here; my decision here is to give that. I would never tell black people to shut up. Some of them did it even after that. Have you ever wondered why women, who make up more than 50% of the population, are considered a minority? We sure appreciate you listening today. And building relationships with those people. Dr. Baucham stated in his lecture, that the population of women in this country is greater than men, yet they claim minority status. Is that part of what made us ripe for this right now? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. If you get it, its me. Another part of the problem is our ignorance of, or misuse of, the terms, which is one of the reasons that I want to address this tonight. How does Marxism and biblical worldview compete in America right now from your perspective? Cultural Marxism Voddie Baucham. And again, while I would actually love and enjoy to be treated with that level of brotherly love and respect, I cant demand it; I wont demand it. That ultimately capitalism would fall. It saw people becoming passive recipients of political and ideological information, instead of being activists. And so this is not something new. Now what I dont want to do is I dont want to just offer you a dry lecture on the topic of Cultural Marxism, which is kind of hard not to do because it is Cultural Marxism. And it was like, thank you so much for praying, heres some specific things that you can be praying about. Amen, amen. They theorized that this experience made people intellectually inactive and politically passive, as they allowed mass-produced ideologies and values to wash over them and to infiltrate their consciousness. (I cut the initial 14 minutes off the video because he spent a lot of that time justifying his lecturing of this topic as it is a sensitive matter in our society, if you want to hear that portion, search Cultural marxism Voddie Baucham.). Racism is real. Dont make me choose between those two. Email Address * CAPTCHA. But today, were actually going to share with you an interview that I just had with Dr. Voddie Baucham. Its important because this is an agenda, not just an idea. My assignment tonight is to address the topic of Cultural Marxism. Your email address will not be published. We will get Voddie Bauchams answer to that in just a moment when we returned a WallBuilders Live. And so, the things that were able to do, we have a student labor program so were teaching students about the importance of work. But there are a couple of other things are important that I want you to hear tonight because remember what I said about the courtesy that I want to extend, that courtesy that is not always extended in the other direction. There is brokenness here that has to be addressed. There are a number of family members of mine whove spent most of their adult life in prison. Heres the second problem. Im not even an advocate of systemic racism theory, and it is a theory. God's WorldGod's Rules BOOK: https://press.founders.org/shop/by-what-standard-gods-world-gods-rules/Wield The Sword: https://founders.org/wieldthesword/Become a part of the F.A.M. For more resources on these topics, you can visit www.founders.org. And so anyway. But you also need some men who understand the times. And then now for the last five years, weve been living in Zambia and it has really made me appreciate America from a historical perspective and from a practical perspective, just what we have and what were called to steward and how precious and how precarious it is. Right? There are only a few in the world. Be sure to tune in tomorrow, VoddieBaucham back on WallBuilders Live. Stay with us folks. So, the radicals of the 1960s, again, you got to remember in the 1960s, there were radical groups who were revolutionary, right? There are too many police officers that have been killed by citizens. But you tell me this story and I say there was no injustice here. The idea that a culture must be weakened first before the revolution can take place. On-air Personalities: David Barton, Rick Green, and Tim Barton. And it is insulting, unfair, and unbrotherly to suggest otherwise, just as much as it is to say that anybody who emphasizes these issues more than I would somehow doesnt love the gospel. with David Barton, Tim Barton and Rick Green is a daily journey into the past to capture the ideas of the Founding Fathers of America and then apply them to the major issues of today. What does it mean to think critically and biblically about government roles? Left unconfronted, it will transform our country. So again, this is where Im coming from on these issues. But a cultural hegemony that has established structural racism that disproportionately targets black males. This presentation was given by Dr. Voddie Baucham on January 3, 2019 at the Southeast Founders Do Justice, Love Kindness, Walk Humbly regional conference in Cape Coral, Florida. Marx missed this part, or so Gramsci would argue. ,I*K+fwXfk}?8yWJqm God has been good to us. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Thats the man. Hegemony is the main big idea of the powerful group and its the way that they oppress everyone else, right? 7 Steps to Family Worship Voddie Baucham Jr. September 21, 2011 No, it doesnt have to be. Its interesting, because there are a lot of Africans believe that America and the West is what it is because white people are superior. {26:05} Enter the Cultural Marxist with a couple of goals. Thats number one. So, they got a letter from us months before that we prayed for them. That cant be. @w 3]i<. You dont even have to be from Los Angeles to have heard about the Rampart Division. Because of what happened in WWI, they left Germany. or so it would seem. by John Lennox at UNC 2012, Education: The Politics of Hollywood with Andrew Breitbart by Hoover Institute, Media: Media War - Andrew Breitbart Interview by Hoover Institute, Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament. So, theres fertile soil there that youre sowing into these five years, youre literally planting seeds for a generation Zambia to have the same foundational truths that our founders in America put when they put a declaration in place and said our rights come from our Creator and not from government, that basic idea, and then having a biblical worldview where youre literally using Gods commands and making disciples that will follow those commands and not separate government or family or work from what they believe. And for them part of it was the fact that people were receiving so much information through mass media. In recent years we have a growing concern about "social justice." You know, the people who wear robes judges, professors, pastors, politicians. Justice exists because God is just and righteous. And then each week, we would go down the list of national, state and local leader in each of those branches and pray for those individuals. % Hegemonyis political or cultural dominance or authority over others. Hatred is real, and its sinful. hA'&{X:1Rbt%T=[ojz>Yq_=.Sh.=76(+;~jl6g_ix p &6*m ^>F%x_5:TMFc'||;Y,t2_g|S#NaO>,MiLgb[e'ty\31#^v" {xuE0Nu2RHHp;nE {\~E-vvHc It is usually achieved through social institutions, which allow those in power to strongly influence the values, norms, ideas, expectations, worldview, and behavior of the rest of society. Heres why its important. In recent years we have a growing concern about "social justice.". You can go to our Facebook page and get it right there on Facebook as we do it live each Monday and sometimes additional days from there. And I think 88 now is the first time that I get to think about participating. I want you to go further on that. I will be waiting for part 2. He has spoken at Patriot Academy multiple times and just knocked it out of the park every time. Dr. Voddie Baucham, Dr. R.C. While. Yes I couldnt find a transcript anywhere and wanted to be able to refer back to particular things that were said/share parts of it! As someone who grew up in drug infested, gang infested south L.A., the son of a single, teenage mother, I look at the Mike Brown situation and I want to say to all of the young, black boys like him who were young, black boys like me, We cant live like that. To all the fathers who are not there, to the tune of nearly 75% among black children, what I want to say is, We have a problem that needs to be addressed. For more resources on these topics, you can visit www.founders.org. We got to take a quick break. On-air Personalities: David Barton, Rick Green, and Tim Barton. Why did I think it was an issue at that time? Published on April 5, 2021 by Books At A Glance . Bill Ascol , Fred Malone , Tom Ascol , Tom Nettles Load More. And number two, its not whiteness that has caused prosperity and freedom around the world. I didnt know anything about what was going on politically. Thats part of whats made us right for this, is more sinister than that. Gather the family around, watch the One-Room Schoolhouse and learn some great history. And the fruit that were seeing is absolutely incredible. Lets go to the Book. I believe that there are some people within these circles, there are some people within these movements who absolutely hold to this ideology that were going to talk about here tonight. Podcast description: Voddie Baucham has spoken of the unbiblical ideology imbedded in Cultural Marxism. 970K views 3 years ago Dr. Voddie Baucham has spoken of the unbiblical ideology imbedded in Cultural Marxism. "This has all the trappings of religion," he says, noting that even atheists have made that point. But I dont believe that everyone who is an advocate of those things is necessarily a Marxist, and I think we have to be careful about that that were dealing with brothers and sisters here. Because weve got people who for years have been talking about how unified we are in Christ, who now are suddenly dismissing one another because of where they fall on a particular social issue. And in 1933 they went to Switzerland, but they only stayed there for a couple of years. We think you will find the answers informative as the Southern Baptist Convention prepares for another heated Annual Meeting. Voddie Baucham has spoken of the unbiblical ideology imbedded in Cultural Marxism. And thats when I began to sort of my mind began to open up to this idea that people serving in politics, its not like theres the church and theres the gospel and theres Jesus and what he does in our lives and then theres over there, theres politics, which is something different. And this is one of the things that makes it difficult to talk to people about Cultural Marxism because Classical Marxism is something that for most Christians, for most Evangelicals, for real Christians, for real Evangelicals, who are not way out there in the fringe somewhere, just wouldnt identify with Marxism. And thats why one of the things this Cultural Marxism has exposed recently is false unity. {37:11} So what do these guys give us? No. {51:56} Do you know what that means? What's a resource where he talks about "cultural marxism?" I've seen lots of his proponents share snippets and sound bytes of him, but they lack the definition and nuance that makes me think it's not just a reactionary sentiment. 297 Likes, 43 Comments - Brian Dempsey (@40_something_style) on Instagram: "FINALLY under 200lbs! There is a man by the name of Balint Vazsonyi (I probably didnt say his name correctly). He serves as Dean of Theology at African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia. Frankfurt School - 1900s Social Theory School, Hegemony - Term to describe how control over another happens, Karl Marx - 1800s German philosopher, economist, etc. And why do I have to choose between acknowledging the fact that there are huge problems in pathologies both among individuals and cultures, and systems? What does understanding our culture's worldview have to do with preaching the Gospel? Weve been doing biblical worldview and philosophy, but now theyre working on actual campaigning and how to apply this stuff out there in the real world and make a difference in the culture. Theres brokenness that has to be fixed. But the way things stand now, to say that is to blame the victim. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. I grew up in Los Angeles, California, in South Central LA. So, what we did was every week, we would pray for our leaders. Do you see why these ideas matter? i0b; CBq[7`zt=E\`{Q0+j-) XtC&\Xo4yeA(T=i`og9ihX 2Th 3:10-12. The things that we take for granted, these are the things Im having an opportunity to teach a generation of students who have a view toward transforming their culture into something that resembles what we have in mind. Well thats hard, yall. {59:34} But, for me, theres something that I have to consider. Over others and biblical worldview compete in America right now things that were is... It saw people becoming passive recipients of political and ideological information, instead of activists... That has to be for a couple of goals Worship Voddie Baucham has spoken of the utmost priority and.! Gang in L.A. ; they made sure we knew that way too many people prison... And should be left unchanged are considered a minority ( @ 40_something_style ) on Instagram: & quot ; at. Think Jesus was a pharisee where you feel the weight of your oppression a in., theres something that I just had with Dr. Voddie Baucham is an agenda, not an. 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