[stock_status_changed_auto] => 0 Here well take you through everything your need to know about Umbrella Plant Care, including how to plant, water, fertilize, prune, and propagate your Schefflera at home. ) [is_in_stock] => 1 [_origData:protected] => These houseplants dont strictly require pruning. [_isObjectNew:protected] => [_eventPrefix:protected] => catalog_product [_defaultValues:protected] => Array [use_config_backorders] => 1 [_optionInstance:protected] => [stock_status_changed_auto] => 0 ) ) ( [sku] => HS665/BLK/2000 ) The common name umbrella plant most commonly refers to trees and shrubs in the Schefflera genus. [_origData:protected] => Array Water with filtered or rainwater only when the soil is dry, and fertilize every six weeks during spring and summer only. [store_id] => 1 [created_at] => 2016-02-03 20:03:54 [use_config_enable_qty_increments] => use_config_enable_qty_inc Metal Frames For Plants. [_minSaleQtyCache:Mage_CatalogInventory_Model_Stock_Item:private] => Array [qty] => 4.0000 [pre_order_qty] => [_customerGroupId:protected] => [_isDuplicable:protected] => 1 [stock_status_changed_auto] => stock_status_changed_automatically [_isComposite:protected] => [_isDuplicable:protected] => 1 [use_config_backorders] => 1 [max_sale_qty] => 0.0000 [_isObjectNew:protected] => ( [max_sale_qty] => 0.0000 [is_in_stock] => 1 Be careful though as the plant wont enjoy the leaves to become saturated and stagnant water is a breeding ground for fungal infection, pests, and diseases. [pre_order_qty] => [use_config_notify_stock_qty] => 1 ( [stock_item] => Mage_CatalogInventory_Model_Stock_Item Object ( [max_sale_qty] => 0.0000 [product_id] => 25447 [_minSaleQtyCache:Mage_CatalogInventory_Model_Stock_Item:private] => Array [use_config_min_sale_qty] => 1 [_isComposite:protected] => Avoid placing your plant under the intense, direct sun because its leaves will burn. [_defaultValues:protected] => Array [_urlModel:protected] => [use_config_notify_stock_qty] => 1 [backorders] => 0 [notify_stock_qty] => [_productInstance:protected] => Mage_Catalog_Model_Product Object ( [_processIndexEvents:protected] => 1 ) [pre_order_qty] => [use_config_max_sale_qty] => 1 [_resource:protected] => [use_config_manage_stock] => 1 [product_id] => 18691 [entity_id] => 18696 [_optionInstance:protected] => [_typeId:protected] => [_isComposite:protected] => [_isDeleted:protected] => ) [type_id] => simple [_isDeleted:protected] => ( [_setAttributes:protected] => [_eventObject:protected] => item ( [_canAffectOptions:protected] => ( ( [_lockedAttributes:protected] => Array ) [_typeId:protected] => [use_config_enable_qty_increments] => 1 [manage_stock] => 1 [_isDeleted:protected] => [qty_increments] => 0.0000 It can reach 2 to 3 feet in width depending on how it's pruned and allowed to spread. [notify_stock_qty] => [use_config_min_sale_qty] => 1 ( [backorders] => 0 [_eventObject:protected] => product [is_qty_decimal] => 0 [qty] => 20.0000 [_linkInstance:protected] => [_data:protected] => Array [level_triggers_stock_alert] => 1 [manage_stock] => 1 ) [low_stock_date] => [_cacheTag:protected] => catalog_product [min_sale_qty] => 1.0000 ) [_resourceName:protected] => cataloginventory/stock_item [_idFieldName:protected] => item_id [_hasDataChanges:protected] => 1 [pre_order_available_date] => [_isComposite:protected] => [manage_stock] => 0 [_origData:protected] => Array [is_decimal_divided] => 0 [product_changed_websites] => [updated_at] => 2023-01-30 14:06:50 ), Mage_Catalog_Model_Product Object [_isObjectNew:protected] => [stock_id] => 1 Schefflera vs Heptapleurum whats the difference? [_idFieldName:protected] => entity_id var __dcid = __dcid || []; [item_id] => 18702 [is_in_stock] => 1 [qty] => -1.0000 [_eventPrefix:protected] => cataloginventory_stock_item [_minSaleQtyCache:Mage_CatalogInventory_Model_Stock_Item:private] => Array I love growing my own foods. [product_changed_websites] => [_syncFieldsMap:protected] => Array [pre_order_qty] => [free_text] => [use_config_enable_qty_increments] => 1 ( ( [is_in_stock] => 1 [_resource:protected] => [_storeValuesFlags:protected] => Array ( ( [use_config_min_sale_qty] => 1 [_customOptions:protected] => Array [stock_status_changed_auto] => 0 54 [level_triggers_stock_alert] => 1 Available To Order. *RECURSION* [_options:protected] => Array ) ) [register_interest] => martineg@blackcountrymetalworks.co.uk,sales@blackcountrymetalworks.co.uk [sku_policy] => 0 This tomato cage is made from stakes and twine and it only takes a few minutes to put together. [stock_status] => 0 [_optionInstance:protected] => [item_id] => 18707 [_oldFieldsMap:protected] => Array [product_id] => 25449 [is_decimal_divided] => 0 ( [bulk_trade_orders_only] => sarahmc@blackcountrymetalworks.co.uk [use_config_enable_qty_inc] => 1 [use_config_enable_qty_inc] => 1 [stock_status_changed_automatically] => stock_status_changed_auto [_dataSaveAllowed:protected] => 1 [free_text] => [use_config_enable_qty_increments] => 1 [stock_status_changed_auto] => 0 ( [_reservedAttributes:protected] => [updated_at] => 2021-10-10 09:47:03 ) Refrain from feeding the plant during autumn and winter. [status] => 1 [stock_status_changed_auto] => 1 [backorders] => 0 [product_id] => 18703 [is_decimal_divided] => 0 Aside from potting up a new cutting or plant, Umbrella plants only need repotting when theyve truly filled the current vessel. [min_qty] => 0.0000 [use_config_min_sale_qty] => 1 [use_config_min_sale_qty] => 1 [manage_stock] => 1 [_hasDataChanges:protected] => 1 [_lockedAttributes:protected] => Array [stock_status_changed_automatically] => 0 ( [_urlModel:protected] => [_customOptions:protected] => Array ) [level_triggers_stock_alert] => 1 [bulk_trade_orders_only] => sarahmc@blackcountrymetalworks.co.uk [item_id] => 18710 [_resource:protected] => [_eventPrefix:protected] => catalog_product [_eventObject:protected] => item [use_config_max_sale_qty] => 1 ) [product_name] => [_hasDataChanges:protected] => 1 [type_id] => simple [stock_item] => Mage_CatalogInventory_Model_Stock_Item Object [_data:protected] => Array [status] => 1 [enable_qty_increments] => 0 [_isReadonly:protected] => [_origData:protected] => Array . [min_sale_qty] => 1.0000 [_product:protected] => [image] => /j/a/jacob_s_ladder_garden_flower_spike_-_brown_and_white.jpg ( ( [_oldFieldsMap:protected] => Array ) [_resourceName:protected] => catalog/product ( [stock_id] => 1 [stock_status] => 0 45.00, Normal Price: ) ) 4.1 (151) 149516.95. ( [_product:protected] => [_product:protected] => [_urlModel:protected] => [type_id] => simple ) [updated_at] => 2018-04-30 21:05:09 [use_config_manage_stock] => 1 [use_config_max_sale_qty] => 1 [_storeFilter:protected] => [_eventObject:protected] => item *RECURSION* [stock_id] => 1 [_canConfigure:protected] => [enable_qty_increments] => 0 [_calculatePrice:protected] => 1 [max_sale_qty] => 0.0000 This offer cannot be applied to previous purchases or combined with any other offer. 80.00, Sale Price (while stocks last): [pre_order_available_date] => ( Umbrella Plants need to be kept in bright indirect sunlight where the ambient air temperature remains between 60F and 75F throughout the day and night, year-round. [share_stock] => [_linkInstance:protected] => [type_id] => simple ( The plants are native to warmer and more tropical parts of the world like Australia, Java, some parts of China, New Guinea, and Taiwan. [use_config_qty_increments] => 1 [_urlModel:protected] => [_oldFieldsMap:protected] => Array [_eventObject:protected] => product ( [is_decimal_divided] => 0 [bulk_trade_orders_only] => sarahmc@blackcountrymetalworks.co.uk ) [_data:protected] => Array [_canAffectOptions:protected] => 40.50, Normal Price: [register_interest] => martineg@blackcountrymetalworks.co.uk,sales@blackcountrymetalworks.co.uk [_editableAttributes:protected] => [use_config_max_sale_qty] => 1 [_canAffectOptions:protected] => ) [qty] => 38.0000 [free_text] => [_storeValuesFlags:protected] => Array [use_config_max_sale_qty] => 1 [stock_id] => 1 ) [_fileQueue:protected] => Array [share_stock] => [_isDuplicable:protected] => 1 [use_config_min_qty] => 1 [stock_id] => 1 [required_options] => 0 [min_sale_qty] => 1.0000 [_isReadonly:protected] => [_fileQueue:protected] => Array [status] => 1 [notify_stock_qty] => ) [notify_stock_qty] => [is_decimal_divided] => 0 [level_triggers_stock_alert] => 1 [has_options] => 0 [pre_order_qty] => ) The wooden stakes and wire give your plants the perfect support while they are growing. [free_text] => Constructed in high quality galvanised solid steel with a polymer coating. [use_config_enable_qty_inc] => 1 [_canAffectOptions:protected] => ( Dia x 36 in. Put it in a pot of peat moss mixed with perlite and cover it with a loose plastic bag to keep humidity high. [type_id] => simple ( [_typeInstance:protected] => [product_type_id] => simple [min_sale_qty] => 1.0000 [use_config_max_sale_qty] => 1 [qty] => 12.0000 ( [_productInstance:protected] => Mage_Catalog_Model_Product Object Its possible to take perfect care of your Umbrella plant with no special tools aside from a general-purpose houseplant fertilizer. [register_interest] => martineg@blackcountrymetalworks.co.uk,sales@blackcountrymetalworks.co.uk [qty_increments] => 0.0000 [_idFieldName:protected] => item_id Commercial growers often use a single 4X4-inch wooden post to which they tie the plant and prune the top branches in an umbrella shape. [_resourceCollectionName:protected] => catalog/product_collection [_productInstance:protected] => Mage_Catalog_Model_Product Object ( [_oldFieldsMap:protected] => Array [required_options] => 0 [use_config_min_qty] => 1 Add to Cart. [qty] => 0.0000 [stock_status] => 0 [is_qty_decimal] => 0 [pre_order_available_date] => Monstera Plants vs Snake Plants: Whats the Difference? [type_id] => simple [backorders] => 0 [low_stock_date] => [_reservedAttributes:protected] => [register_interest] => martineg@blackcountrymetalworks.co.uk,sales@blackcountrymetalworks.co.uk ( [_canUseQtyDecimals:protected] => 1 [use_config_notify_stock_qty] => 1 [small_image] => /j/a/jacob_s_ladder_garden_flower_spike_-_pink_and_white.jpg 77.00, Sale Price (while stocks last): Papyrus plants are grass-like plants that make super simple houseplants. [_eventPrefix:protected] => catalog_product [_syncFieldsMap:protected] => Array [_cacheTag:protected] => [_typeInstanceSingleton:protected] => Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Type_Simple Object ) [enable_qty_increments] => 0 This encourages bushy growth to emerge from whats left of the stems. [_reservedAttributes:protected] => [_hasDataChanges:protected] => 1 ( [_isDuplicable:protected] => 1 [updated_at] => 2021-09-10 12:25:24 [_resource:protected] => [small_image_label] => [use_config_enable_qty_increments] => 1 [stock_status] => 1 [_hasDataChanges:protected] => 1 [_isObjectNew:protected] => [pre_order_available_date] => ( [pre_order_available_date] => ( *RECURSION* [pre_order_qty] => [sizes] => 2053 You will receive update communications from Black Country Metalworks, [_canUseQtyDecimals:protected] => 1 $13063 FREE delivery Apr 13 - 18 Garden Obelisk Trellis for Climbing Plants, 70.9inch Decorative Vertical Metal Umbrella Trellis Tower Frame Outdoor Flower Support Cage Climbing Stand Rack for Vines Rose 2.4 (5) $4999 FREE delivery Apr 28 - May 19 [use_config_notify_stock_qty] => 1 [small_image_label] => [item_id] => 18708 ) [_data:protected] => Array [_linkInstance:protected] => [_storeValuesFlags:protected] => Array GAP GARDEN PRODUCTS Medium Tuteur - plant support 4.6 (20) 2899 Get it Tuesday, Feb 14 5.49 delivery Garden Arch Metal Frame Garden Arbor Arch Rose Arch Steel Frame for Climbing Plants Support Archway Wedding Gate,2.4x2.4m (2x2.4m) 62299 Promotion Available Get it Friday, Feb 24 - Thursday, Mar 2 FREE Delivery [use_config_min_qty] => 1 [use_config_notify_stock_qty] => 1 [product_status_changed] => [qty] => 0.0000 [min_qty] => 0.0000 [product_name] => [stock_id] => 1 Delivery within an estimated 15 - 20 working days. [_oldFieldsMap:protected] => Array [use_config_max_sale_qty] => 1 [use_config_enable_qty_increments] => 1 [use_config_enable_qty_increments] => 1 [_eventPrefix:protected] => catalog_product [qty] => 1.0000 Its pretty easy to make and you can do the entire thing with your willow twigs and branches or you could use rope or twine to tie all of the supporting branches together. ) [item_id] => 18708 Even if you have to buy the stakes, this is still a really inexpensive DIY plant support project. ) [product_type_id] => simple [_fileQueue:protected] => Array [entity_id] => 18693 [is_in_stock] => 1 ( [use_config_enable_qty_increments] => use_config_enable_qty_inc [_isObjectNew:protected] => [_isDeleteable:protected] => 1 [_dataSaveAllowed:protected] => 1 [min_qty] => 0.0000 [bulk_trade_orders_only] => sarahmc@blackcountrymetalworks.co.uk ) [enable_qty_increments] => 0 [stock_status_changed_automatically] => 1 [_hasDataChanges:protected] => 1 [_oldFieldsMap:protected] => Array Steel Grate Plant Support by Garden Trading - 30cm 40.00 36.00 Buy Now FREE DELIVERY * Steel Domed Plant Support by Garden Trading - 75cm 65.00 58.50 Made to Order Buy Now FREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY * Steel Domed Plant Support by Garden Trading - 60cm 45.00 40.50 Buy Now FREE DELIVERY * Hoop Steel Plant Support by Garden Trading 25.00 22.50 [_isComposite:protected] => [backorders] => 0 [stock_status] => 1 [use_config_enable_qty_increments] => 1 ( [_data:protected] => Array ( [_qtyIncrements:protected] => [_canUseQtyDecimals:protected] => 1 [stock_status_changed_automatically] => 0 [_resourceName:protected] => cataloginventory/stock_item [absolute_weight] => 0 [is_in_stock] => 1 ) [_lockedAttributes:protected] => Array [_productInstance:protected] => Mage_Catalog_Model_Product Object [_calculatePrice:protected] => 1 [use_config_notify_stock_qty] => 1 [_resourceName:protected] => cataloginventory/stock_item ) [_canUseQtyDecimals:protected] => 1 [_resource:protected] => [min_sale_qty] => 1.0000 ) [min_qty] => 0.0000 [_resourceCollectionName:protected] => catalog/product_collection [required_options] => 0 [use_config_min_qty] => 1 [product_id] => 18703 [register_interest] => martineg@blackcountrymetalworks.co.uk,sales@blackcountrymetalworks.co.uk [_isObjectNew:protected] => ) [_hasDataChanges:protected] => 1 [type_id] => simple [min_qty] => 0.0000 [bulk_trade_orders_only] => sarahmc@blackcountrymetalworks.co.uk [_typeInstance:protected] => [_processIndexEvents:protected] => 1 ) [_isObjectNew:protected] =>