Cats are not tame when they are raised without human influence. And these are merely the recorded numbers. Domestication is an arbitrary concept that cannot be strictly defined. Most exotic pets are wild, and thats where they belong, not cooped up as a pet. I had a woman scream at me she was going to sue me for endangering her child to my 'Filthy Rat'. I remember being so scared, as they opened the door and reached for her. There are special rules that allow you to show or exhibit them in the state. In 2005, a lion and tiger owned by a mechanic in Minnesota bolted from their cage and pounced on a 10-year-old boy, leaving him a quadriplegic and on a respirator due to the severe injuries to his spinal cord and brain. i wholesomely thank you for creating this article. Jean Mayer Administration Building Exotic Pet Ownership. Doesn't it matter that out of thousands, around one or two animals cause 'problems' for the public annually? Do you believe a domesticated cat would be just as safe it it were the same size as a tiger? Exotic animals subsist on aspects of their environment that cannot be fully replicated in a domestic setting. I'd love to be a domestic cat; they don't have to worry about anything. Tigers will not be kept in living rooms and dart out the front door when the owner leaves. Toxoplasmosis is even deadly to some marine mammals. However, back to my first argument; Dogs, cats, and other domesticated creatures have been made used to humans and are dependent on us for food and love. Why would a reputable breeder be responsible for the actions of unscrupulous people who kill their animals to sell to the wildlife parts trade (if that even happened in this country)? Some people like to claim that keeping exotic pets will save them in the wild but I think thats untrue in most cases, so I apologize for that on their behalf even if they dont agree with me. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on May 27, 2015: "How about sports betting? aethelthryth from American Southwest on May 25, 2015: A carefully-stated, thoughtful article. Which exotic pets are legal in Indiana? Should a tiger escape and eat 2 school children tomorrow, my point is that these situations are extremely RARE. However, many use the term to include native species as well (e.g., snakes may sometimes be considered exotic as pets even in places where they are found in the wild). Thank you for reading this. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on January 21, 2015: Wild or not your cat would be domesticated Tina. Tiger mothers are killed and the baby kidnapped for someone's "pet". Yes, domestic cats have a huge impact on the environment, but that's not what the argument's about. I lived in California and that was horrible. All I can say is that dog and cat supporters, i.e. If the cat doesn't want to live with humans, it doesn't have to - it can always go and live somewhere else. But exotic pet statistics show that the $15 billion industry is growing, and we need to do what we can to stop it. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. "There are exotic pet owners out there whose care and expertise could appeal to even the most diehard anti-captivity advocate, and since they exist, the right to keep alternative pets is worth protecting.". So here the "bad guy" to a large extent funds and regulates wildlife and supports a manageable and sustainable strategy. I'm looking for the provincial regulations related to the Exotic Animals Act. margin-right: 0; } Give it up, and let it live a life where it has everything it needs. All animals are the same we just spent more time with dogs and cats. And out of those attacks, only 1 out of 147,717 attacks is likely to be fatal. You say their's 5 arguments for exotic pet ownership, yet you're only giving me 1 and then you rehash the same point.. We get it!! Exotic pets are singled out due to lack of cultural acceptance only. Thank you for your time. Your first 2"arguments" don't really support exotic pet ownership - you're just claiming that "normal" pet owners do bad things, too. Needless to say I have never been to California. My cats are in the house, outside the house, friends with the neighbours and sleep wherever they want to. Domesticated pet owners enjoy their freedom and I just want the same thing. Yet, the industry grows by the day. This is because there is no government agency responsible for tracking the ownership and sale of privately owned exotic animals. The wild relatives of domesticated cats aren't tigers and lions, This is a wildcat, and not much has changed. 1,2 The surge in ownership of exotic animals has certainly contributed to an increase in owners seeking veterinary care for . There is evidence suggesting that this encourages poaching of wild animals. Owners choosing to purchase one of these animals should take into account the proper enclosure requirements, as providing adequate caging is where many owners fall short in properly caring for these animals, according to Blue-McLendon. Anyway, there was a huge fire. But aside from this, monkeys are one animal. It also is important for owners to be realistic about their exotic animal choice and to put the needs of the animal over their desire to have an attractive and unusual pet. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. The exotic pets market is growing. so your telling me owning a chihuahua is just as selfish selfish as purchasing a baby leopard. I'm moving the NC too, and be SURE to find one of the few remaining counties that doesn't have bans. Within 14 months (2020 to 2021), one in five U.S. families added a dog or cat to their household. Despite the small number of bad scenarios involving exotics, people still hold exotic pet owners, as a whole, 100% responsible for every incident individual owners cause, but dog owners are never blamed for attacks and fatalities caused by other dog owners (this means that there would have to be zero exotic pet-related incidences in order to ease peoples fears, and sometimes even that isnt enough!). The NRA and proper hunting license management\enforcement. This includes big cats, primates, reptiles, amphibians, and rare birds. If someone you know owns an exotic pet, make them aware of the dangers. Kansas City, MO. No one intends to harm animals by keeping them as pets even though this can unintentionally occur. they are a horrid pet. Read. You won't see such a high rate of zoonotic diseases in domestics (for example, domestic felines are only about 30% likely to carry toxoplasmosis, and that isn't even a fatal disease most of the time) . Horses, cows, and other large herbivores have caused deaths because of their sheer mass alone, and countless injuries that would never make the major news unless a celebrity was the victim. It does not take 30,000 years to domesticate animals just because dogs have been around for that long. Tigers tame rather well, just as well as any cat, or perhaps better. I don't pretend that I am holding some sort of moral high ground by not owning exotics, but I can only go with what I feel is right. These animals are not commonly owned, but are popular . Basically, whenever any animal of the exotic description harms anyone, the reaction is that all the animals should be banned. We are talking about exotic pets. So do many dogs, especially when they aren't neutered, or are you comparing surgically altered animals to intact exotic pets? so its kinda confusing if we should let them go but they could get captured or something bad happens. For example, only one type of Capuchin monkey is on the endangered species list: The same things happen in the exotic pet trade, and that is why exotic animals sometimes bite or are otherwise mean. Dr. Alice Blue-McLendon, a clinical associate professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences and director of the Winnie Carter Wildlife Center, says that it is also important to differentiate between exotic pets, which can be kept ethically in domestic settings, and wildlife, which should not be kept domestically. After all, you just put on the collar and start walking, right?, Pet scams are among the cruelest cons out there. Does a captive bred exotic know deep down that this isn't how it is supposed to live or does it not miss what it's never had? Median home list price: $250,000. The Cavalry Group (or "Cavalry") is a boutique public relations and strategic communications firm headquartered in New Haven, Connecticut . So why is one opinion acceptable and another is not? Approximately 90.5 million domesticated animals live in 70% of pet-owning households (2022). Exotic pet statistics in the US reveal that on October 30th, 2019, in a home with over 140 reptiles in Oxford, Indiana, the police discovered a. It's no different from the stock market, or placing a wager with an insurance company. Look it up if you don't believe me. #views-exposed-form-tagged-content-person-block-2 .form-item-title input { Where I'm going, the county next to my county has bans as bad as California! Smuggling parrots and reptiles is illegal. John Albu from Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87102 on May 25, 2015: I think the problem with exotic pets as opposed to regular ones is that they are more complicated to keep. 50% of pets in the US are considered exotic. Not only do domesticated animals hurt people, but they kill too. I hope some education will help you all. Companion animals | Exotic animals | Formulas/Calculator - Source: 2017-2018 U.S. Pet Ownership and Demographics Sourcebook. So what! Bears, Cougars, Moose, Elk etc. Perhaps your lynx example is a situation involving an uninvolved member of the public, but it should be noted that the girl received "no visible injuries". Here are 10 of them dispelled by an actual exotic pet owner. Many indoor cats have behavioral problems, weight gain, and neurosis as a resultwhich is not unlike what occurs with inadequately cared for exotic pets or zoo animals. The thriving industry is worth over $15 billion a year. Salmonella affects about 1.2 million people in the US each year. they have a nasty bite. Find out in this article. TikTok is filled with accounts showing off exotic animals that aren't typically house-trained, like . It doesn't seem to make any sense. I think my selfishness level does not exceed that of most modern people. i dont ever want to abandon my fox because of poachers, wolves and people who abuse their pets. Jungleland USA was a private zoo, animal training facility, and animal theme park in Thousand Oaks, California, United States, on the current site of the Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza. } Exotic pet trade statistics report that six states have. If nobody wants exotic pets, traders wont catch them. Especially if the animal is well cared for. I do plan on having a small, responsible, licensed zoo after college. Its true, there are problems with the exotic pet trade, and Ill never hesitate to admit this. While not all dogs are attackers, you dont know which ones are, and that alone heightens the danger. He held her, and pet her. "Any animal can bite". The exotic pet trade also damages food chains and ecosystems. 3. Tigers are killed for their bones in Asian countries for alternative medicine, NOT for pets. Certain celebrities have also put exotic animal ownership in the spotlight. Small Animal Specialties Equine & Large Animal Specialties Farm Animal Specialties Clinical Trials Resources Back to School Routine For Your Pet Clipping Your Pet's Nails - Cautions and Clippers How to Use Pill Pockets to Give Your Pets Medication . Of course I thought ticket. These animals deserve to be free, where they can run, hunt, climb, mate, and live their primal lives. It might not sound like a lot, but these are only the officially reported cases. Between 19902021, over 1,300 exotic pets have escaped in the US. The escape of 50 exotic animals near Zanesville, Ohio, last month brought into the spotlight the complex issues, as well as dangers, of keeping wild animals as domestic pets. You may be so in love with a serval, or a macaw, but wouldn't you rather see these animals happy? It is illegal to poach animals, if you were unaware, and any trade of any poached animal carcass or young is also a serious offense. Call 401-273-0358. In 2011, over 50 wild animals were released in Zanesville, Ohio. Survival of many animals will depend on the preservation of habitat for the preservation of wildlife, not whether exotic animals socialized and raised as pets; however, it might well be the answer for the survival of many species. Even if I really, really, really want a Pallas' cat. Just a girl trying to make a difference on March 21, 2017: Unlike most of the people in the comments, I do not support exotic pets. Exotic Pet Statistics | Lion, Tiger, and Big Cat Attacks and Fatalities in the United States (1990-2, Diseases from Exotic Pets: Separating Fact From Fiction. Well, it can get a bit dangerous. Maybe, just maybe, it is the sheep-like parroting of people like you, Sam, that is uneducated and unfounded. She's also perfectly happy and healthy because we play with her and take care of her PROPERLY. You made amazing points and your article was very helpful. Privacy | 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on April 26, 2015: Someon des-- A properly cared for cat cannot. A rare getaway happened on October 7th, 2020, when a baby red kangaroo escaped from a truck in Monroe, Washington. Exotic pet ownership is more popular than you might think. People have the right to free speech and to push their laws, but I wish they would consider the unfairness of targeting exotic pet owners. Don't like hunting for sport and would prefer much better gun control. Customers praise its products and how theyve, Coconut oil for dogs has become popular among dog owners who want a more natural and holistic approach, Is leash training your puppy essential? The common exotic pet owner, if exotic pet ownership were to become normal, would not purchase (legally) exotic animals from poachers anyhow. What such evidence exists that the 'pet trade' involving captive tigers is a significant reason that people go into jungles and shoot wild tigers? Exotic pet statistics show a clear rise in the demand for unusual pets, but what do we truly know about the trade? That said, I am an animal rights nut, but also a pragmatist. Keeping any pet is selfish. I loved her name is Mochie. I meant to say "It doesn't matter if you'll take good care of your "pet" because the animal most likely was (when it was captured and being transported) unable to eat, move, and behave properly.". As my username suggests, I'm playing devils advocate here, because there's no such thing as an "irrefutable" argument. Think about that. He said that she was quite beautiful asked me some questions about why I had her, how long, and where I was from. I own a ferret, I believe is a more 'accepted' exotic animal. Otherwise, great article I enjoyed reading it and it helped me a ton with an argumental essay on this topic. I also have snakes, an iguana, and a green aracari. I have been taking my ferret on walks since I first got him, at first I let just anyone touch him; Kids, parents, local police (That one is a funny story). Just like the decision to purchase any new pet, getting an exotic animal is a major decision and responsibility; therefore, it should be treated as such. DevilsAdvocate-- Since the keeping of certain animals like dogs and cats enjoys near universal acceptance by all but the most radical and estranged animal rights followers, my goal is to not discuss the ethics of keeping pets in general, but to challenge the notion that keeping a dog is ethical and keeping an exotic pet is not. Not all domestics enjoy humans and not all non-domestics only do so when trained. All of these animals have instincts, some can be skittish, some don't even like humans, not unlike other 'exotic' animals like lemurs, foxes, and kangaroos. Why is the exotic pet trade singled out when it is far from the only offender, and critics of the exotic pet trade benefit from activities that ALSO contribute to invasive exotic species, including domesticated animal keeping. I've never heard of a wild animal catching Herpes B virus from a monkey (there are wild macaque colonies restricted to parts of Florida). We avoid salmonella at all costs by cooking chicken thoroughly. A pet jaguar in Belize escaped in 2010 and killed the neighbor of the owner. Thats more than. } Some say that the difference between "wild" pets and domesticated pets is that the former are inherently dangerous. You are saying two wrongs make a right. (At the time I had a Female ferret name Jezzabell who was 8 years old at the time) And wanted to go on a cross country road trip. I know I am some random person on the internet, and this may all be annoying to read since your views are different, but please understand I care for the animals. Owners may have to shop for a custom-made cage and invest in a high vegetarian diet. What kind of heavily concerning zoonotic diseases do captive born genets, wallabies, servals, sugar gliders, capybara, bobcats, toucans, zebras, coatimundis, and wolves have? } It must be comfortable and allowed to meet 'humans' if it wants too and both parties must feel safe. .content-container.responsive-grid, #views-exposed-form-tagged-content-person-block-2 { It is estimated that 4.5 million dog bites occur in the U.S. each year (!) I know you might not be able to give your animals up so they can live in the wild because they can't hunt, but I hope your views may change in the future. The exotic pets market is growing. In 2016, 13.3% of households were estimated to have specialty or exotic pets, a 25.5% increase from 2011. The Act states that the exemption list is set by regulation, rather than being included in . Someone is saying an animal makes a good pet doesnt make that information credible.. Whether it is a dog, cat, flamingo, genet, or wallaby, they are all pets that fall under the same ethical quandary. This article reads more like anti domesticated pets than it does pro exotic pets. Also, what do you keep exactly? they will eat and kill anything smaller than them. Servals aren't typically aggressive, but they can be difficult to own as they are still considered "wild." A tiger lounges in an enclosure owned by Zuzana Kukol in Pahrump, Nev. Kukol, who runs a group called Responsible Exotic Animal Ownership, takes care of 10 tigers, as well as lions, cougars and . Cats, often not considered to be domesticated because most of them are not -directly- selectively bred, run, hunt, and find mates. margin-left: 0; And Im not one of those people who say Chihuahuas bite more than pit bulls!failing to realize that a pit bull bite is far more severe than a little dogs. The sheriff had no choice but to, Exotic pet injury statistics remind us of a case in 2009 where a pet chimp attacked and brutally mauled a family friend trying to return the pet to its cage. Why do people tend to overlook this strikingly obvious fact about the nature of all pets? This is why if we should be banning anything, it should be outdoor cats! Accessibility | No one intends to harm animals by keeping them as pets even though this can unintentionally occur. margin-left: calc(50% - 580px); It is rather astounding that owners of bonafide invasive species would become enraged that some exotic pets have also become invasive. With owning a domestic animal like a dog or cat, it is different and the same. Mas Agung Wilis/NurPhoto via Getty Images. The presence of wild-looking spots still unnerves most people more than rowdy dogs kept loosely confined in backyards. How many times have you heard of an animal, lets say an exotic cat or monkey, biting someone in the news? Also, 70% of Cheetah cubs die when being taken and usually the mother is killed (other mothers in others species are killed too). No one can give you a, Many HempMy Pet reviews recommend this companys CBD oils and treats. We then continue to build more of these structures for frivolous pleasures: nail salons, restaurants, Build-a-bear workshopsyou name ita resource-consuming structure will be built for it. "Exotic" often refers to a species which is not native or indigenous to the owner's locale, and "pet" is a companion animal living with people.