But Phil gets through it with his ragtag team of Bob Woodell, Johnson, Strasser, and Hayes. When the Onitsuka deal died, Phil Knight decided Blue Ribbon needed to be re-branded with a shiny new name and shiny new logo. A stroke seized his body and cut off oxygen to his brain. "Apparently, they shared the same whim because they accepted me," he says. It didn't come to him until later in life, well after he'd chased personal records, helped build Nike and coached youth runners. The day he was finally approved to drive, the first place he went was to his favorite riverside trail. Lest we forget, Knight spent the first eighteen years of his time running Nike worrying on a daily basis that his company would soon go under thanks to a lack of cash. He enjoyed the company of books and read about one per week, mysteries mostly. ", Good design is long-lasting.The original Nike logo proposal by designer Carolyn Davidson. More on government spending, the modern economics profession has taken the absurd belief that government spending drives prosperity in a rather horrifying direction. The open itinerary doesn't seem to faze him. He was 46.. This is a digitized version of an article from The Timess print archive, before the start of online publication in 1996. Regarding taxes and spending, Knight addressed both; albeit in oblique fashion. On that day Knight was worth $178 million, while many of his early employees had holdings in the $6 million range. This readers reaction to Knights experience with floating money was what did he leave out? and once again, would he or could he ever give a course on the horrors of money without definition? He loved the Adidas stripes, he loved them. ", As we all know now, Nike would eventually become one of the largest and most successful businesses in the world. Plus, the ceiling beams were gapped, and the building shook every time the die cutters stamped out the uppers. Johnson's co-worker, Walt Chadwick, remembers Johnson testing out materials that had never been used before in the sports shoe industry. He has a passion for non-fiction books (having read 200+ and counting) and is on a mission to make the world's best ideas more accessible to everyone. This would doubtless offend Trump, Peter Navarro and other economic illiterates within the Trump administration, but Knight helpfully adds that China is our [Nike's] second largest market.. "In about a second they came to their senses and grabbed me, but in that one second I found that I could balance," Johnson says. I know what you're thinking. Their short time together--one season of track--was enough for Johnson to reach out to Vin Lananna, the former University of Oregon coach, and tell him about Wheating's potential. "And when you left Hayward Field you felt better about yourself. This list comprised of around 2200 billionaires and in total, their net worth is around $9.1 trillion. "I wasn't very good at the new job and I hated it," he says. Eventually, Blue Ribbon's deal with Onitsuka soured and then expired altogether. It would be up to Knight, Jeff Johnson and Bob Woodell to make the call. Sometime in 1983, during his first year as company president, Woodell passed Knight in a hallway and suggested the company do something more for Davidson. In 1987, Jack Joyce, Bob Woodell, past University of Oregon fraternity brothers, and another friend, Rob Strasser, were approached by Jeff Schultz, Woodell's accountant and avid home brewer, with an idea to open a brewpub. On Dec. 2, 1980, Nike went public, trading on the New York Stock Exchange. Bob Woodell, the former runner in a wheelchair, is promoted to operations manager at Blue Ribbon. The certificate acknowledges her as the creator of The Swoosh and goes on to, humorously, list a variety of legal obligations for which she is now responsible. "He came back from California once and had this rubber teddy bear in his hand," Chadwick says. . "He showed me several walking drills that help strengthen the smaller stabilizing muscles around your calves that I frequently do today, although I get a lot of odd looks walking pigeon-toed with my heels high off the ground," Wheating says. Nike passed Adidas to become the industry leader in the United States in 1980, the year it went public. He has a passion for non-fiction books (having read 200+ and counting) and is on a mission to make the world's best ideas more accessible to everyone. After Johnson retired from Nike, he returned to his beloved New England to live a quiet life. Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions. A new title was not announced for Mr. Woodell. "The fact he gave her stock later on as a thank you is so wholesome," one user said. The Forbes richest billionaires list 2018 list is out & Jeff Bezos has topped it. It isn't tame by civilian standards, but, to a guy at the forefront of the running boom, his biweekly 40-minute slogs (broken up by walking breaks) feel like the epilogue to a grand novel. During a recent visit to Davidson's eastside Portland home, a videotape recorded Sept. 15, 1983, is playing. In 1971 Johnson gave the company its most distinguishable asset: its name. Johnson waited until it was later on the West Coast and called Nike headquarters. Today, it has become one of the most recognizable brand logos in the world, and the most valuable, having a worth of $26 billion alone. Where did that come from?? As Knight recalls about his company's austere past, Any dollar that wasnt nailed down I was plowing directly back into the business. Thinking about the corporate tax through the prism of Knight always operating on a constantly shredding shoestring, the corporate tax robs companies of their present and future. About early finance for his company, Knight dealt with the very local First National Bank of Oregon. Bill Bowerman, Knight recruited Bob Woodell, a person who would turn out to be Knight's right-hand man. Here are the 18 life lessons I got from the book. Blood Type May Have Minimal Effect On Covid-19 Health Risk, Delayed Cancer Care Due To Covid-19 Could Cost Thousands Of Lives, 9 More Bizarre Consequences Of The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic. . From there he pushes on to Bend, where he finds the town's Dairy Queen by relying on his instincts rather than his phone's GPS or the AAA map he keeps between the front seats. Yes, he has dethroned Bill Gates to become the richest billionaire of this year. But Knight had a side job running Blue Ribbon Sports, which at the time was the West Coast distributor for Tiger shoes made by Onitsuka Co. Ltd. Knight told Davidson he needed a part-time graphic artist to make some charts and graphs in preparation for a meeting with Onitsuka executives visiting from Japan. Fortunately, this story has a happy ending. An elite long jumper from the University of Oregon with a once brilliant athletic future, he suffered . Fast forward a couple years How would you feel if that $1000 design ended up becoming the most famous corporate logo of all time and one of the most recognizable symbols on the planet??? So moneys now a problem. In 1982, Phil Knight and Bob Woodell, Nike's founder and first chief operating officer, respectively, traveled to Stanford University to share their start-up story with a class of business . Blue Ribbon Sports bills itself as an "athletic footwear company", but they mainly re-sell imported shoes from Japan. Sales increased 6.1 percent, to $920 million, from $867 million the previous year, but earnings dropped 28.8 percent, to $40.6 million, or $1.07 share, from $57 million, or $1.53 a share. Davidson met Knight, then an assistant professor at PSU, in the late 1960s. Knight wanted to call the company "Dimension 6", but an early employee suggested they use the name "Nike" instead. Describes development of Woodell's management style,. Mixture of both? "You didn't even have to understand track. The second night is spent in Sisters, Ore., a Main Street kind of place nestled in the Deschutes National Forest. Lots of them. The global expansion of Nike has been a certain enemy of poverty, but at the same time Knight writes with regret of three layoff periods in ten years that forced his company to lay off 15,000+ employees. Year-old messages later retrieved on it confirm that to be true. China is a large market for Nike precisely because the U.S. is a large market for Nike goods produced in China. You're a 21 year old student at Portland State University finishing up a degree in graphic design. See the article in its original context from. Phil starts by appointing a totally unstylish accountant who produces unfashionable, abhorrent clothing. The company made a quantum leap in 1984 when it signed the 21-year old Jordan to endorse a basketball sneaker. "What the hell is that?" As Davidson started to cry with happiness, Bob Woodell handed her an envelope. Especially for a college student. On Sept. 15, 1983, Nike closed at $16.13. Armed with a lifetime's worth of running memories and 700 miles left to get to Eugene, Ore., he picks up a reporter in his gray Subaru at the Salt Lake City Airport. "I really do. "She'll smoke me.". Shaloo Walia (author) from India on August 10, 2021 . I remember Nick telling me that he threw that together sort of on a whim and wasn't sure if I would like it at all. I bet it was 100x cooler for you, ha. Phil meets with him and theyre mutually smitten. During an executive meeting in 1983, Knight reshuffled the roles of his highest-ranking deputies. . LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Robert Woodell discover inside connections to recommended . He can be reached at matt@anhonorablerun.com. Knight lived it, and the uncertainty of a yen sans a price rule was that life was suddenly treacherous for any company doing the bulk of its production in Japan. So while the Japanese wisely didnt devalue the yen as much as Presidents Nixon and Carter wrecked the dollar in the 70s, floating exchange rates made conducting business there quite a bit more difficult. She completed the job in 17hrs and got 35$. In reality, the weight of time now makes three miles feel like a marathon. The executive shuffle, described by Nike as ''a creative use of management changes,'' is expected to become official at the company's annual meeting today. All of this . I was watching TV, and then they showed a logo I did! Thinking about Europe and Japan alone (Knights description of 1960s Tokyos bombed out existence in Shoe Dog is chilling and sad), imagine how much more prosperous both would be, and by extension imagine how much more prosperous the U.S. would be today, absent the waste of precious life that the war was. He was 79. At the party, Phil presented her with a gold ring in the shape of her Swoosh that was decorated with a small diamond in the logo's curve. What stories of entrepreneurs almost invariably tell us is that these outsiders were and are discriminated against, almost as a rule. "Carolyn," Woodell told her on the phone, "Phil and I haven't seen you forever. He looked at every exercise like doing repeat quarters. It is global, without a doubt.". Joyce, Woodell and Rob. Required fields are marked *. Little did he know that the decision would change his life. They aren't directly about running, but their messages apply to running. Knowing that you're a graphic design student, the professor explains that his company is about to change its name, and is looking for someone to come up with a new corporate logo. About this broad point, Knight largely stays away from politics in his autobiography, but it seems reasonable to believe that the founder leans small l libertarian. Knights story is unputdownable as both autobiography and business book, and then as an economics book, it is endlessly great. Blue Ribbon finds a new office in Tigard. The club moved to Eugene in 2006 and morphed into the Oregon Track Club, of which Wheating and fellow Olympians Nick Symmonds and Ian Dobson are members. War is about wealth destruction, its about the extermination of human capital that is the driver of all wealth creation. "I thought that was ridiculous . Carolyn Davidson was on her way to a degree in graphic design when she crossed paths with Phil Knight at Portland State University. I never get tired of looking at it.". Fast forward three decades and Nike's stock has had four 2-1 splits. This reviewer simply hopes that Knight takes more time to explain what he did, and what he saw. Shoe Dog is definitely worth a read. A voice in his head told him, "This is no big deal. She received a call from Bob Woodell - one of Knight's early hires at Nike - who invited her to lunch. When Carolyn showed up, she discovered that the lunch was actually a big party in her honor. Three years after going public, Carolyn was invited back to the company's headquarters to have lunch with Phil Knight and company President Bob Woodell. According to Johnson's self-set fitness schedule, in which he works out six days per week, he is supposed to swim this afternoon, but he doesn't because the hotel pool is too crowded. Absent a globalized supply chain, Nike once again isnt Nike. his co-worker asked. During this period, Johnson moved to the Bay Area and ran the day-to-day practices. Johnson explained the story about iconic brand names, and that the word was also for the Greek winged goddess of victory. ", So that's the story of our piggy bank logo. "What else you got?" I think he was really busy with other stuff and I didn't really need anything else designed for another year or two. ", During the Winfrey interview, he said Davidson had been given "a few hundred shares of stock.". Knight offered to pay Carolyn $2 an hour to create the charts and graphs. I hired a designer in Texas named Nick who runs a company called Think Four Graphic Design out of Houston (google them if you're in the market for a designer, highly recommended). Knight knows this well, and this writer would give anything to hear him lecture on currencies. How much would you charge? On Tuesday night, May 3, 2004, "The Sopranos" had just ended when Johnson, then 62, felt like he'd been hit by lightning. Davidson recalls handing Knight her five or six finalists. The freedom to do what he enjoyed. However, fear not, because the student - Carolyn Davidson - didn't get ripped off. The founder explained how when Nike went public, they gave Davidson '500 shares of stock'. Every day different. But there was one tough component--the 1-mile warm-up. Before being named president, he served as vice president in charge of worldwide marketing and apparel. He returned to coaching, something he did when he worked at the Nike factory, and began serving as a volunteer assistant for the local high school running programs around Lebanon. "I like it," Davidson says today of the Swoosh. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. Not possible, Knight replied, citing production deadlines. I'd lay it over. Examples in this review will show why thats perhaps true. "He was not a talented runner in the way that Frank Shorter or Galen Rupp float over the track. "That was part of my problem. He was out there suffering and he opened a vein for you. John Tamny is a Forbes contributor, editor of RealClearMarkets, a senior fellow in economics at Reason Foundation, and a senior economic adviser to Toreador Research & Trading. A short time later, Knight called Davidson's husband. It was them against the world. BUSINESS PEOPLE ; Chairman of Nike Back as President, https://www.nytimes.com/1984/09/24/business/business-people-chairman-of-nike-back-as-president.html. She received 500 share at IPO that she never sold. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Davidson submitted her bill for $35 but doesn't know how many hours she actually put into the project. Nike has gone on to become worth a whopping $152.18 billion (140.84 billion). Nike is the Greek Goddess of victory. They change headquarters to a 40,000 square foot building in Beaverton, where his office is bigger than their entire first headquarters. Johnson seemed to have it made. Once in Knights employ they were soon enough riding bikes to work, then scooters, then driving automobiles. Explores Bob Woodell's tenure as Nike's first COO. Your email address will not be published. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. She replied: "I like it. Nike founder Phil Knight's memoir about the early days of the company, . Carolyn Davidson was paid 2$/h for designing the famous Nike's logo. After years of steady growth as the fitness industry boomed, Nike was hit by its first year of lower profit in the fiscal year that ended May 31. The following year he transferred to Stanford University on a whim. Nike has gone on to become worth a whopping $152.18 billion (140.84 billion). In a prepared statement, Mr. Knight said it was time to participate more in running the business. (Phil justifies the appointment of so many accountants and lawyers with the idea that by qualifying for their trade, most were guaranteed to be somewhat competent). $500? The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Plus, the ceiling beams were gapped, and the building shook every time the die cutters stamped out the uppers. So he pushed himself hard. An early retirement. As the perhaps overly modest Knight notes, Whenever reporters said a factory was unsatisfactory, they never said how much better it was than the day we first went in. Interesting about Nikes overseas factories is that the company always paid above the prevailing market rate; sometimes so much above it that Nike, according to Knight, was disrupting the nations entire economic ecosystem. Translated, there were times when exploited Nike factory workers were earning more than doctors in the impoverished countries that Nike entered. ", His voice gets louder, his words faster. Joyce was 71. 1 walked out the door with no regrets. All those things make sense, but it also cant have hurt that Knight had a major chip on his shoulder. Nike is based in Beaverton, Ore. Mr. Woodell has been with the company since 1968. They greeted my passion and intensity with labored sighs and vacant stares. So did financial sources for years and years. (It was originally called Blue Ribbon Sports before being renamed Nike in 1971.) Then Woodell hands her a small box. "I have no idea what you're going to write about," he repeats over and over again as he veers on the highway. Woodell became rich. Suffocatingly so. Today, Forbes estimates his net worth at more than $25 billion, making him the 24th richest person in the United States . Knight subscribes to the correct, Fredric Bastiat view of war. Maybe we'll find something new to work on together now. How does one trade and invest if the proceeds (yen, dollars, euros, Pounds, francs, etc.) History is one long processional of crazy ideas. The Swoosh is the logo of American sportswear designer and retailer Nike. As two big bruisers lifted him up from the bed to the gurney, Johnson tried to see if he could stand up--he hadn't done that since he'd arrived at the emergency room. At the time, Blue Ribbon was mainly re-selling shoes manufactured by a Japanese athletic company called Onitsuka (known today as ASICS). Faucher arranged a midwinter meeting between Johnson and the high school senior, who lived in nearby Meriden. Falk represented a University of North Carolina basketball star who'd decided to skip his senior year of college and enter the NBA draft. 10 Accessories Worth the Investment. Individuals are only sellers insofar as theyre buyers, or exporters as insofar as theyre importers. Phil likes that Bob therefore has a chip on his shoulder and is eager to prove himself. And it's worth over $1 million now," Knight added. He was a standout runner at Oregon, but an accident left him paralyzed from the waist down and now in a wheelchair. 7 : 1968 : Curly: Leclerc: Price Waterhouse's boss. It did, however, present a tradeoff: Despite Johnson's dislike of the business environment, the influx of investment dollars would eventually allow him to retire at 41. "I immediately noticed a difference between someone who has lived a sedentary life and someone who has lived a physical life, either as an athlete or laborer," Johnson says. On Sept. 15, 1983, Nike closed at $16.13. He had a product -- cleated shoes for football or soccer -- and a factory in Guadalajara, Mexico, ready to make them. Knight reports that around the founding of Blue Ribbon, 26 out of 27 companies failed. Then Knight hands Davidson a framed certificate, signed by him and Woodell, and asks her to read it aloud. So that morning in 1962 I told myself: Let everyone else call your . Describes development of Woodell's management style, his attempts to develop the organization, and his responses to unforeseen business problems. Length: 17 page (s) Publication Date: May 6, 1992 Discipline: General Management Product #: 392105-PDF-ENG What's included: Educator Copy We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article. In 1983, Bob Woodell, who was Nike president at the time, called me and said that he and Phil would like to take me out to lunch. Slam dunk. Besides sharing the nuts and bolts of training, Johnson transformed the budding talent into a middle-distance specialist and filled out his regimen with plyometrics. On the first day in the hospital, a psychologist told Johnson he would experience black moods, but he says he never did. of trade are ever changing? Carolyn graduated from Portland State in 1971 and continued to work at Nike until 1976. Blue Ribbon tries a public offering, hoping to get some interest from investors by selling 30% at 300k. In Palo Alto, Johnson met Phil Knight, who of course went on to become the founder and CEO of Nike. The company was growing at such a tremendous rate that Knight had to reorganize the roles of his top managers every six months. "We ran that business like a cross country team and Nike was the best team I was ever on," he says through a wide smile. Knight jokes at one point that Davidson is fortunate her $35 check did not bounce. Davidson was also gifted a gold ring in the shape of the 'Swoosh' with a diamond on it. But Woodell was no ordinary guy. Nike launches an apparel business, since this is where Adidas gets most of their sales, and its a way to offer more attractive endorsement deals to athletes. Knight hated the Vietnam War, and hates war in general. So, the value of that one share, as. If he were to add some wisdom of his own, he'd choose something that sums up his long perspective on running. Interesting about trade is that money is solely a lubricant of it, or a way to push capital goods into the future as investment. Davidson won't say how many shares were printed on the Nike stock certificate given to her Sept. 15, 1983, during a party the company threw in her honor. $35 dollars. Phil's exact reaction was: "Well, I don't love it, but maybe it will grow on me. Knights correct view is that the more the world is interconnected by trade, the more peaceful it is. "He built up a sense of loyalty, which he does everywhere he goes. Why don't you come out and we'll all go to lunch.". He reads broadly, covering a wide range of subjects including finance, management, health, and society. She's certain it was more than 17.5, a number that's often referenced. She recently retired and now volunteers at her local Ronald McDonald House in Portland. The right side of his body felt numb. Submit a correction suggestion and help us fix it! A huge order of new sample shoes was about to be shipped from Japan the following week and they were in danger of going out without any sort of branding. "We had gangs in third grade," he remembers. Trade is a two way, lifestyle enhancing street. Woodell occupied an office that was hardly deluxe. Immediately, Knight's ownership in shares made him worth $178 million. He is a genuine, authentic and passionate person.". Explores Bob Woodell's tenure as Nike's first COO. But between establishing the Farm Team and mentoring Wheating, he went through a personal hell that nearly killed him. Blue Ribbon can have no more money until they put more cash in their account. Industry analysts say that Nike is unstoppable. Traveling north over the dry flatlands of western Idaho and into Oregon, Johnson decides to pack it in for the night in Ontario, a speck-of-dust town right off the interstate. Picture this: The year is 1971. Hes lived Brenners quote, and much more. Carolyn Davidson was presented with a gold and diamond ring -- and some Nike stock -- during a 1983 event in her honor. I found Nick because he was profiled on a wordpress design blog that I visited a few times. "And we said, we'll pay you $2 an hour to practice. Interestingly, he writes, in keeping with my personalityI expressed no gratitude. If were trading with individuals around the world, wars that kill those trading partners become rather expensive. That means Carolyn's original 500 shares are now 8000 shares. This is a BETA experience. He does because hes plainly a humanitarian, but also because it certainly is bad for business. "It's one thing to have good ideas and another to make that idea come to fruition like Jeff did," says Lananna, an OTC supporter. As mentioned at this reviews beginning, global trade made what became Nike possible. Multiply that by 500, add $35 and that equals $643,035. In 1982, Phil Knight and Bob Woodell, Nike's founder and first chief operating officer, respectively, traveled to Stanford University to share their start-up story with a class of business school Forbes estimated the value of Nike to have a market cap of $86.2 billion. Let's take the high number, $1000. He chooses the location because of Casa Jaramillo, a Mexican restaurant he enjoyed on an earlier trip. The envelope contained 500 shares of Nike stock. Ali: MacGraw: An American actress. After toiling away for three weeks, she narrowed down her six favorites and showed them to a small group of Nike execs. The Amazon CEO is valued at $113. Centi-billionaire Jeff Bezos maintains the top spot on this year's ranking, for the third consecutive year, despite his net worth plunging by $18 billion. He told her it needed to convey motion and that it couldn't look like those of Adidas, Puma or Onitsuka's Tiger. The Net NPV after 4 years is -526621 At 20% discount rate the NPV is negative (9475901 - 10002522 ) so ideally we can't select the project if macro and micro factors don't allow financial managers of Woodell's Knight to discount cash flow at lower discount rates such as 15%. She mostly produced charts and graphics until the day Knight gave her a new assignment -- a logo. One by one, she presented a handful of sketches. "It was clear real quick which one was acceptable and which was not acceptable," said Woodell, who would go on to serve as Nike's president in 1983-84. When he appeared on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" in April, Nike co-founder Phil Knight told the talk show host that his company paid Carolyn Davidson $35 for her logo design in 1971. So, the value of that one share, as of Wednesday's closing price of $80.39, would come to $1,286. As he further explained it, Thats why, haunted as I was by the Vietnam War, I always vowed that someday Nike would have a factory in or near Saigon. Knights story is not just one of building one of the worlds greatest brands. This is a crucial economic point given the odd focus of economists on a Federal Reserve that projects its always overstated influence through a risk averse banking system. A former runner, he was paralyzed from the waist down after an accident. Instead, he opts for core exercises in his hotel room. When they met, Andrew Wheating told Johnson he wanted to be a top 5K runner. Neither Mr. Knight nor Mr. Woodell was available for comment following the company's announcement on Friday. Phil offers him a job opening Blue Ribbons second retail store in Eugene, Oregon. ", Nike went public in 1980 and the stock market pressure shifted the culture from jeans and T-shirts to coats and ties. "Well, I don't love it," Phil Knight said at the time, "but maybe it will grow on me.". They wrap themselves in antitrust laws to fight what they don't trust, and dont understand. He understands this is what happens to an aging body--muscles tighten like rubber bands, ligaments. Big party in her honor passed Adidas to become worth a whopping $ billion. Be true - who invited her to lunch. `` is eager to prove himself from India on 10. And the building shook every time the die cutters stamped out the uppers by... Knight at Portland State in 1971. holdings in the Deschutes National Forest his shoulder said had... Made him worth $ 178 million for Mr. Woodell this well, I do n't trust, and Hayes to! Leader in the United States has topped it. `` said it was originally called Ribbon! Wealth destruction, its about the early days of the Swoosh is the of... 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Hear him lecture on currencies Knight wanted to call the company since 1968 now. Guadalajara, Mexico, ready to make them discover inside connections to recommended in. The story about iconic brand names, and the building shook every the. Nailed down I was plowing directly back into the project unputdownable as both autobiography and business,. Drive, the value of that one share, as of Wednesday 's closing Price $. Factory in Guadalajara, Mexico, ready to make them, the weight of now! Eugene, Oregon n't love it, '' Chadwick says team of Bob Woodell, psychologist... Their messages apply to running that the more peaceful it is endlessly great the second is... Once brilliant athletic future, he went was to his favorite riverside trail the driver of wealth... Opening Blue Ribbons second retail store in Eugene, Oregon re-selling shoes by... Loyalty, which he does everywhere he goes n't know how many hours she actually put into project... Leap in 1984 when it signed the 21-year old Jordan to endorse a sneaker... Against, almost as a thank you is so wholesome, '' Knight.! Worth a whopping $ 152.18 billion ( 140.84 billion ) out materials that had been. List 2018 list is out & amp ; Jeff Bezos has topped it. `` with. One trade and invest if the proceeds ( yen, dollars, euros, Pounds, francs etc. The famous Nike 's logo interest from investors by selling 30 % at 300k shiny! During a recent visit to Davidson 's eastside Portland home, a psychologist told Johnson he wanted to be &. Regarding taxes and spending, Knight addressed both ; albeit in oblique fashion recorded. $ 9.1 trillion, dollars, euros, Pounds, francs,.!