"The German federal election of 2013: Merkel's triumph, the disappearance of the liberal party, and yet another grand coalition. Annette Schavan (pronounced [ant avan] (); born 10 June 1955) is a German politician of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). [52][67] Neither the SPD-Green coalition nor the CDU/CSU and its preferred coalition partners, the Free Democratic Party, held enough seats to form a majority in the Bundestag. [49] Party Leader Wolfgang Schnur appointed her as press spokeswoman of the party in February 1990. In 2014, she became the longest-serving incumbent head of government in the EU. On 6 April 2020, Merkel stated: "In my view the European Union is facing the biggest test since its foundation and member states must show greater solidarity so that the bloc can emerge stronger from the economic crisis unleashed by the pandemic". [53], After the Kohl Government was defeated at the 1998 election, Merkel was appointed Secretary-General of the CDU,[52] a key position as the party was no longer part of the federal government. [163][164][165][166][167] On 26 March 2014, Merkel became the longest-serving incumbent head of government in the European Union. He said giving Mr Westergaard the prize in a "highly charged and heated time" was "highly problematic". [58], Merkel argued that Germany should phase out nuclear power less quickly than the Schrder administration had planned. Such an initiative was unprecedented in the GDR of that period, and initially resisted by the university. Merkel was the first woman to be elected as Chancellor, and the first Chancellor since reunification to have been raised in the former East Germany. [48], The fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 served as the catalyst for Merkel's political career. [110] Seehofer criticised Merkel's decision to allow in migrants, saying that "[they were] in a state of mind without rules, without system and without order because of a German decision. Angela Merkel Phd Thesis Pdf, When To Use Dash In An Essay, Primary School Report, Essay On Right To Education An Opportunity And A Challenge, Top Scholarship Essay Proofreading Sites For School, Should I Nap Or Do Homework, University Of Essex Dissertation Create new Account amlaformulatorsschool 4.6stars -1452reviews [138][139], Upon the election of Donald Trump, Merkel said that "Germany and America are tied by values of democracy, freedom and respect for the law and human dignity, independent of origin, skin colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation or political views. In 2015, with the absence of Stephen Harper, Merkel became the only leader to have attended every G20 meeting since the first in 2008, having been present at a record fifteen summits as of 2021. "[273] Others have praised Merkel and called it a brave and bold move for the cause of freedom of speech. In response, Susan Rice pledged that the US would desist from spying on her personally, but said there would not be a no-espionage agreement between the two countries. Stoiber voted for Merkel. In October 2010, Merkel told a meeting of younger members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party at Potsdam that attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany had "utterly failed,"[99] stating that: "The concept that we are now living side by side and are happy about it" does not work[100] and "we feel attached to the Christian concept of mankind, that is what defines us. [82] Half of Germans did not want her to serve a fourth term in office compared to 42% in favor. I believe in God and religion is also my constant companion, and has been for the whole of my life. for her thesis on quantum chemistry in 1986,[46] she worked as a researcher and published several papers. She and her governments have been closely associated with the Wandel durch Handel policy. [40], Merkel continued her education at Karl Marx University, Leipzig, where she studied physics from 1973 to 1978. Chancellor Merkel insisted on Monday that she. [274], The term alternativlos (German for "without an alternative"), which was frequently used by Angela Merkel to describe her measures addressing the European sovereign-debt crisis, was named the Un-word of the Year 2010 by a jury of linguistic scholars. [79] However, she scored well on her handling of the recent euro crisis (69% rated her performance as good rather than poor), and her approval rating reached an all-time high of 77% in February 2012 and again in July 2014. Kauder widerspricht Merkel", "Kauder: 'Der Islam gehrt nicht zu Deutschland', "Trump Goes His Own Way as G-7 Cobbles Together an Awkward Truce", "Germany's reluctance to speak out against China", "Merkel is under pressure to cut Germany's ties with China as the Hong Kong crisis triggers a European backlash against Beijing", "China Is Merkel's Biggest Failure in Office", "China, Germany tight ties will face post-Merkel test", "The Green Brief: Merkel's climate 'realpolitik' legacy", "Germany Flirts With Power Crunch in Nuclear and Coal Exit", "European Energy Crisis Fuels Carbon Trading Expansion Concerns", "Climate Policy Meets Cold Reality in Europe", "Angela Merkel doesn't deserve a quiet retirement", "With Putin's war in Europe, the legacy of Germany's Merkel is now being seen in a very different light", "Clouds Over Merkel's Legacy as Russian Invasion Lays Flaws Bare", "Pressure mounts on German ministers to embargo Russian energy", "Merkel 'stands by' past Ukraine NATO decision after Zelenskyy criticism", "The many faces of Angela Merkel: 26 years of photographing the German chancellor", "Decades of yearly portraits show how power has transformed Angela Merkel", "See the Best of Kate McKinnon's Hilarious Angela Merkel Impression", "True total hottie Frau": Die bislang beste Merkel Parodie kommt von der BBC, "Angela Merkel: The Unexpected Angela Merkel Die Unerwartete (2016) (In Dutch)", Official Website of The Federal Chancellor, "Angela Merkel collected news and commentary", Deutsche Welle documentary about Merkel's term in office, General Secretary of the Christian Democratic Union, Chair of the CDU/CSU Bundestag Parliamentary Group, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Angela_Merkel&oldid=1150458076. On 1 July 2018, Seehofer rejected the agreement Merkel had obtained with EU countries as too little and declared his resignation during a meeting of his party's executive, but they refused to accept it. 7 minutes read. Unemployment sank below the mark of 3 million unemployed people. [302][303], Merkel was portrayed by Swiss actress Anna Katarina in the 2012 political satire film The Dictator. ", Saalfeld, Thomas. Min Garages. [149], In June 2017, Merkel criticized the draft of new US sanctions against Russia that target EURussia energy projects, including Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. [156] However, two days later, on 6 October 2008, it emerged that the pledge was simply a political move that would not be backed by legislation. In 1930, they Germanized the Polish name Kamierczak to Kasner. [115] There appeared to be a consensus among officials, with the exception of Merkel, that a higher level of scrutiny was needed in vetting migrants with respect to their mission in Germany. As early as February 2001 her rival Friedrich Merz had made clear he intended to become Chancellor Gerhard Schrder's main challenger in the 2002 election. [30], Religion played a key role in the Kasner family's migration from West Germany to East Germany. [26][27][28][29] Merkel's maternal grandparents were the Danzig politician Willi Jentzsch, and Gertrud Alma (ne Drange), a daughter of the city clerk of Elbing (now Elblg, Poland) Emil Drange. [168] In 2018, Merkel was named the most powerful woman in the world for a record fourteenth time by Forbes. News that this Wunderfrau aka German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen could become the Commission's next president left European capitals . ", Faas, Thorsten. It was true that the right to freedom of expression also applies to cartoons, she said. She rarely spoke English in public, but delivered a small section of an address to the British parliament in English in 2014. ID 8212. Seehofer was criticised for almost bringing the government down while the monthly number of migrants targeted by that policy was in single figures. "Domestic Constraints, German Foreign Policy and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding. We value democratic peace and support Ukraine in its fight for freedom and democratic development. Merkel originally studied physics at the University of Leipzig from 1973 to 1978 before completing her doctoral thesis on the reactions of hydrocarbons in 1986. ", Ferree, Myra Marx. nat.) "[287], Merkel has faced criticism for failing to take a tough line on the People's Republic of China. Making a thesis is a stressful process. [205] Vladimir Putin brought in his Labrador Retriever during a press conference in 2007. On 31 October 2005, after the defeat of his favoured candidate for the position of Secretary General of the SPD, Franz Mntefering indicated that he would resign as party chairman, which he did in November. "[15][179], On 29 October 2018, Merkel announced that she would not seek reelection as leader of CDU at their party conference in December 2018, but intended to remain as chancellor until the 2021 German federal election was held. The same year, in March, China's President Xi Jinping visited Germany. [171][172][173][174] Specifically, Politico called Merkel the "leader of the free world" when reporting on her meeting with President Trump. According to Merkel, the discussions were difficult and marred by dissent. [267] At the same time she condemned a planned burning of Qurans by a fundamental pastor in Florida. [95], In September 2021, she referred to her party after she leaves the chancellery, and said that "after 16 years one does not automatically return to the chancellery, that was clear to everyone in the CDU and CSU", describing the close opinion polls about the upcoming election. Junior coalition partner, Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel said that Germany could take in 500,000 refugees annually for the next several years. July 2, 2019 11:29 pm CET. "[190], On 7 June 2022 Merkel made her first public comments. Merkel's position towards the negative statements by Thilo Sarrazin with regard to the integration problems with Arab and Turkish people in Germany has been critical throughout. ", Schoen, Harald, and Robert Greszki. [160] She produces graphs of unit labour costs at EU meetings in much the same way that the late Margaret Thatcher used to pull passages from Friedrich Hayek's Road to Serfdom from her handbag. ", "Hillary is America's Merkel, but not in the way Trump thinks", "Merkel honours Mohammad cartoonist at press award", "The Sarrazin Debate: Germany Is Becoming Islamophobic", "Merkel defends 'Muhammad' cartoonist, condemns Koran-burning", "Merkel honours Danish Muhammad cartoonist Westergaard", "Award for Danish Muhammad Cartoonist: Merkel Defends Press Freedom, Condemns Koran-Burning", "Ehrung des Mohammed-Karikaturisten: Angela Merkels Risiko", "Sprachkritik: "Alternativlos" ist das Unwort des Jahres", "German Chancellor Merkel Defends Work of Intelligence Agencies", "Germany's Merkel rejects NSA-Stasi comparison", "Angela Merkel refers to internet as 'virgin territory', "Merkel beim Besuch von Obama: Das Netz lacht ber Merkels "Internet-Neuland", "Merkel compared NSA to Stasi in heated encounter with Obama", "Sensible talks urged by Merkel to restore trust with US", "Gehrt der Islam zu Deutschland? [206][207][208] After one such occasion she attributed the shaking to dehydration, saying that she felt better after a drink of water. [43] At the Academy of Sciences, she became a member of its FDJ secretariat. Thoroughly researched, expertly written, and styled accordingly. BERLIN (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel's defence minister was stripped of his doctorate on Wednesday by the German university that awarded the title, after he admitted to flaws in a. In the order page to write an essay for me, once you have filled up the form and submitted it, you will be automatically redirected to the payment gateway page. Hers was a leadership style characterized by reliability, steadiness, and decency when it came to Germany's foreign and security policies and the country's place on the world stage. Any. [177] She was named as Harvard University's commencement speaker in 2019; Harvard University President Larry Bacow described her as "one of the most widely admired and broadly influential statespeople of our time". At the 2009 federal election, the CDU obtained the largest share of the vote, and Merkel was able to form a coalition government with the Free Democratic Party (FDP). [282], Her statement "Islam is part of Germany" during a state visit of the Turkish prime minister Ahmet Davutolu in January 2015[283] induced criticism within her party. Instead, she was confirmed. Although she did not participate in the crowd celebrations the night the wall came down, one month later Merkel became involved in the growing democracy movement, joining the new party Demokratischer Aufbruch (DA, or in English "Democratic Beginning"). [10] During her tenure as Chancellor, Merkel was frequently referred to as the de facto leader of the European Union (EU), the most powerful woman in the world, and since 2016 the leader of the free world.[11][12][13][14][15]. Angela Merkel, the German . Both CDU/CSU and SPD received a significantly lower proportion of the vote than they did in 2013, and attempted to form a coalition with the FDP and Greens. This happened at a time of fierce emotional debate in Germany over a book by the former Deutsche Bundesbank executive and finance senator of Berlin Thilo Sarrazin, which was critical of the Muslim immigration. [310], "Merkel" redirects here. [110], In November 2015, there were talks inside the governing coalition to stop family unification for migrants for two years, and to establish "Transit Zones" on the border and for migrants with low chances to get asylum approved to be housed there until their application is approved. Merkel's own ambition to become Chancellor was well-known, but she lacked the support of most Minister-presidents and other grandees within her own party. [41], Near the end of her studies, Merkel sought an assistant professorship at an engineering school. [81] According to a poll conducted after terror attacks in Germany Merkel's approval rating dropped to 47% (August 2016). ", Schoen, Harald. "[291], Merkel's government decided to phase out both nuclear power and coal plants and supported the European Commission's Green Deal plans. Angela Merkel Phd Thesis Title, The Black Death An Essay On Dramatic Change, Exercise Writing Paper For Primary School, Scholarship Writer Sites Online, How To Write Results In A Research Paper Sample, Apa Style Of Research Proposal, Case Study 264 fpea-org 4.6stars -1473reviews [160], The Financial Times commented: "Although Ms Merkel stopped short of suggesting that a ceiling on social spending might be one yardstick for measuring competitiveness, she hinted as much in the light of soaring social spending in the face of an ageing population. According to her personal statements, Sarrazin's approach is "totally unacceptable" and counterproductive to the ongoing problems of integration. [142] At an electoral rally in Munich, she said that "We have to know that we must fight for our future on our own, for our destiny as Europeans",[143] which has been interpreted as an unprecedented shift in the German-American transatlantic relationship. As one of Kohl's protges and his youngest Cabinet Minister, she was frequently referred to by Kohl as mein Mdchen ("my girl"). [129][16], During the German presidency of the European Council Merkel not only changed her mind, but spearheaded negotiating a reconstruction package for the time after the pandemic.[130]. [64] This was compounded by Merkel's proposal to increase VAT[65] to reduce Germany's deficit and fill the gap in revenue from a flat tax. The marriage ended in divorce in 1982. ", This page was last edited on 18 April 2023, at 09:17. [54] Her election surprised many observers, as her personality offered a contrast to the party she had been elected to lead; Merkel is a centrist Protestant originating from predominantly Protestant northern Germany, while the CDU is a male-dominated, socially conservative party with strongholds in western and southern Germany, and its Bavarian sister party, the CSU, has deep Catholic roots. [91], The Fourth Merkel cabinet was sworn in on 14 March 2018. In 2012, Merkel said, regarding her faith: "I am a member of the evangelical church. In January 2019, Merkel received the 2018 Fulbright Prize for International Understanding from the, Crossley-Frolick, Katy A. She was the Federal Minister of Education and Research in the government of Chancellor Angela Merkel from 2005 to 2013, when she resigned following the revocation of her doctorate due to plagiarism. : The Life, Political Career, and Future of the New German Chancellor", "Angela Merkel, the girl who never wanted to stand out, to win big again", "Angela Merkel's journey from Communist East Germany to Chancellor", "Angela Merkel Biography, Political Career & Facts", "5 Things to Know About Germany's Angela Merkel", "Life in Communist East Germany was 'almost comfortable' at times, Merkel says", "Angela Merkel's Years in East Germany Shaped Her Crisis Politics", "I Was a Squatter, Reveals German Chancellor Merkel", "How Close Was Merkel to the Communist System? [150], Merkel favors the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union; but stated in December 2012 that its implementation depends on reforms in Ukraine. 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