In 1994 the Smithsonian published his address in Race, Discourse and the Origin of the Americas: A New World View of 1492. 3 examine factors that can contribute to early resilience. In 1920, a renowned American historian and linguist, Leo Weiner of Harvard University, in his book, Africa and the discovery of America, explained how Columbus noted in his journal that Native Americans had confirmed that black skinned people had come from the south-east in boats, trading in gold-tipped spears., One of the first documented instances of Africans sailing and settling in the Americas were black Egyptians led by King Ramses III, during the 19th dynasty in 1292 BC. Marquez, adds that [s]everal isolated but concordant facts permit the conjecture that before the formation and development of the three great ethnographic groupsa great part of Amcerica was occupied by [the] Negroid type., The oldest inhabitants of Mexico, according to some, were Negroes, and according to others, the Otomies. The Indian scholar, Rafique Jairazbhoy, has studied the ancient Egyptians and the Olmecs in great detail and has pointed to many other ritual parallels between the two groups. As in Darien, these Africans were also captives of war among the native Americans. For publication of Global Research articles in print or other forms including commercial internet sites, contact: [emailprotected]. Notes on Mesoamerican Civilization, Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System predating the Anglo American presence; however, in 1847, Mexico lost approximately half of its territory to the United States. How African was the early human dispersal out of Africa, The roots of the Hispanic/Latino presence in the U.S. go back to colonial times when most of the countrys southern flank was under Spanish rule. A clear indicator of pre-Columbus African trans-Atlantic travel is the recent archeological findings of narcotics native to America in Ancient Egyptian mummies, which have astounded contemporary historians. This phase of its history is called the Harappan, the name being derived from Harappa, one of the earliest known Indus Valley cities. She is also W.E.B. 14 day loan required to access EPUB and PDF files. The existence of Negroes and giants is commonly believed by nearly all the races of our soil Several archaeological objects found in various locations demonstrate their existence Memories of them in the most ancient traditions induce us to believe that the Negroes were the first inhabitants of Mexico13, Another authority, J.A. Bound for the Promised Land: Harriet Tubman: Portrait of an American Hero by Kate Clifford Larson 9.99; Black Athena revisited 15.99; A Kid's Guide to African American History: More than 70 Activities (A Kid's Guide series) 7.99; To move a continent : Kwame Nkrumah's role in African affairs, 1957-1966 9.99 Edited by Ivan Van Sertima, pp. Historically, the African people have been exceptional explorers and purveyors of culture across the world. African Presence in Early Asia Google Books The Centre for Research on Globalization will not be responsible for any inaccurate or incorrect statement in this article. Van Sertima states that what clinches the argument for the African presence in early (pre-Columbian) America are the skulls and skeletons of African people that were found on the ancient Olmec site. on the Internet. Ever since Christopher Columbus first suggested that Black Africans preceded him to the New World, a number of scholars have investigated this contention. In light of the vast evidence available (far more, for example, than that of the Vikings) of an African presence in ancient America, why is this information virtually unknown to the general public? The Centre of Research on Globalization grants permission to cross-post Global Research articles on community internet sites as long the source and copyright are acknowledged together with a hyperlink to the original Global Research article. ",#(7),01444'9=82. Price Scopri il pi grande eBookstore del mondo e inizia a leggere oggi stesso su Web, tablet, telefono o eReader. Melgars mind, wrote art historian Alexander von Wuthenau, not yet tainted by certain currents of modern (and perhaps not so modern) anthropology, reacted quite normally to this newly found evidence of [the] black mans presence in ancient America. Further concrete evidence, noted by Dr. Imhotep and largely ignored by Euro-centric archaeologists, includes Egyptian artifacts found across North America from the Algonquin writings on the East Coast to the artifacts and Egyptian place names in the Grand Canyon.. AFRICA & ANCIENT IRELAND AFRICA TO IBERIA, be revised before people could look again at the hypothesis of an African presence in early America. How African was the early human dispersal out of Africa, Dr. Scobie was a major authority on the African presence in early Western Europe. Tutti i risultati di Google Ricerca Libri » African Presence in Early America, Volume 8,Edizione 2. This also holds true for large sections of Mesoamerica and far into South America Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, and Peru, reveals the unmistakable combination of the kinky hair, broad nose, generous lips, frequency of prognathism (projecting jaws), occasional goatee beard, and sometimes distinctly African ear pendants, hairstyles, tattoo markings, and coloration.. Of enormous importance both for European and for American history, this book mixes empirical material and theoretical approaches, and addresses such issues as stereotypes, changing black African identities, and cultural representation in art and . Historian Nicholas Cheetham writes of the exaggeratedly Negroid features of the stone heads. JFIF ` ` C He also claimed File, Mesoamerica was yet another world location for the emergence of an early civilization, but Mesoamerican societies were not necessarily connected to a single famous river (like the Nile) as the other early civilizations were, though there were plenty of rivers in the New World. Pope Victor I (AD 189-199) popularized Latin as the common language of the church, thereby making Christianity more democratic and accessible to ordinary people. African presence in early asia pdf Note: All prices in the U.S. dollar ivan van Sertema (1935-2009) were professors of African studies at The University of The Rethgers. The following is recorded in Raccolta, part I, volume I: Columbus wanted to find out what the Indians of Espanola had told him, that had come from the south and southeast, [N]egro people who brought those spear points made of a metal which they call guanin, of which he had sent samples to the king and queen for assay and which was found to have 32 parts 18 of gold, 6 of silver, and 8 of copper.1 Curious about the validity of this story, Columbus did indeed send samples of these spears back on a mail ship to Spain to be examined, and it was found that the ratio of properties of gold, copper, and silver alloy were identical to the spears then being forged in African Guinea.2, In a book on the life of Columbus, his son, Ferdinand, reported that his father saw Black people himself when he reached the region just north of the country today called Honduras. Further Reading "African American History in the American West." There is not the slightest doubt that all later civilizations in [Mexico and Central America], rest ultimately on an Olmec base, once remarked Michael Coe, a leading historian on Mexico. Peter Martyr, the first prominent European historian of the New World, stated that the Black men seen by Balboa and his companions were shipwrecked Africans who had taken refuge in the local mountains. Bronze head of an ancient king from Benin, West Africa, The tradition of fine sculpture in West Africa goes back long before 1000 B.C. Pp. They appear to represent priest-kings who ruled vast territories in Mesoamerica [Mexico and Central America] during the Olmec period, which is to be considered later herein. Black History, American History. A bird with a human head also appears in a relief from Izapa, Mexico;37 and Mexican sarcophagi leave an opening in the tomb as do the Egyptians, for the birds escape from the dead.38, Jairazbhoy also shows remarkable similarities between several gods in the Egyptian underworld and those of Olmec Mexico. Early America Revisited is a vigorous defense and amplification of Ivan Van Sertima's classic work, They Came Before Columbus. Father Fray Gregoria Garcia, a priest of the Dominican order who spent nine years in Peru during the early sixteenth century, identified an island off of Cartagena, Columbia as the place where the Spanish first found Black people in the New World. CIIS Library Database. Mississippian Moundbuilders and the Red Stick Creek Resistance to Settler Colonialism, With Examples of Black Indigenous Sovereignty. Such compounds could only have been introduced to Ancient Egyptian culture through trade with Americans. 1995. African Presence Asia-America - Worksheet 4-2.docx 3 pages The Roots of Nubian Christianity - Worksheet 1.pdf 2 pages AFS 201 FINAL EXAM.doc 3 pages LOST PHARAOHS OF NUBIA - Worksheet 2.pdf 3 pages Greco-Africana - Worksheet 5.docx 3 pages COMPETENCY WORKSHEET #4 (1).pdf 2 pages Africans.pdf 3 pages The Black Experience in Colonial Latin America Latin Mayan and African oral traditions speak of pre-Columbian expeditions across the Atlantic from east to west;41 and the modern explorer, Thor Heyerdahl, has demonstrated that ships modeled after the ancient Egyptian papyrus boat could indeed successfully make such a journey.42 Other Africans also built sturdy, seaworthy ships.43, Who, then, were the Africans who sailed to America in antiquity? He was the author of numerous scholarly articles and historical essays on the subject, including a series of five articles for the Journal of African Civilizations. Pre-Columbus civilization in the Americas had its foundation built by Africans and developed by the ingenuity of Native Americans. For example, there are hand-shaped incense spoons found in Olmec sites that are almost identical to their Eyptian counterparts and have similar names. His research also discussed the early African . . Jews Selling Blacks: Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews, "I Have Been Vindicated," Interview Final Call, 1992, How the Jews Crushed a Black Slave Revolt. When the skulls were carefully examined, one of the world's leading skull In America we have no antecedents for the construction of pyramids, for example, whereas there is a clear series of evolving steps and stages [in pyramid building] in the Egypto-Nubian world., Van Sertima asks, Where do the first miniature step pyramid and the first manmade mountain or conical pyramid appear in America? When viewed in their totality these cultural similarities strongly suggest that there was contact between the ancient Africans from the Nile Valley and the Olmec people. The greatest threat towards Africa having a glorious future is her peoples ignorance of Africas glorious past. He could not know Gobekli Tepe, the surrounding settlements, the Natufian villages, etc., all going back to 12,000 years BC which is more than 6,000 or 7,000 years before the Egyptian civilization and 9,000 before the invention of the first known writing system in the Middle East, the Sumerian writing system too often identified as the Akkadian cuneiform writing system because the scribes were Akkadian speaking a Semitic language though the language was Sumerian, a synthetic-analytical language, probably post-agglutinative. African Americans History & Culture Out of Stock. Even among the Maya, where Dr. Hammond has found 2000 B.C. At the age of 18, African-American Runoko Rashidi discovered the African within him and became an advocate of Pan-Afrikanism, travelling the world documenting the ancient African diaspora in a quest now known as 'The Global African Presence'. The information presented on this page and in the brochure is explored at greater length in Fishers' Discovering Early California Afro-Latino Presence (Heyday Books, 2010). Van Sertima accomplishes this through chapters relying heavily on dramatic storytelling. AFRICA & ANCIENT IRELAND AFRICA TO IBERIA, Encouragingly, in a later publication Coe (1994) refrained from a denunciation of an early African ethnic presence, and Dr. Clyde Winters (1977, 1979, 1981, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1997, 2005, 2013) has reported the evidence in greater detail. Other scholars contend that numerous navigators sailed to the Americas from West Africa when the medieval empires of Ghana, Mali and Songhay flourished in that region.46 In light of the vast evidence available (far more, for example, than that of the Vikings) of an African presence in ancient America, why is this information virtually unknown to the general public? New Brunswick and Oxford: Transaction Books, 1985. Contact him on [emailprotected], Comment on Global Research Articles on our Facebook page, Disclaimer: The contents of this article are of sole responsibility of the author(s). One of the worlds most renowned craniologists, Polish professor Andrzej Wiercinski, revealed to the 41st Congress of Americanists in Mexico in September 1974, that African skulls had been discovered at Olmec sites in Tlatilco, Cerro de las Mesas and Monte Alban. Contrary to popular belief, African American history did not start with slavery in the New World. Sertima, who published his book They Came before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America in I976.7. BLACK AFRICA AND AMERICA BEFORE COLUMBUS Van Sertima explores and gives all the evidence he can find about three contact periods. In September 1513, Vasco Nunez de Balboa led his men down the slopes of Quarequa, which was near Darien, now called Panama, where they saw several Black men, who were captured by native Americans.3 Balboa asked the Indians whence they got them [the Black people], but they could not tell, nor did they know more than this, that men of this color were living nearby and they were constantly waging war with them. African explorers crossing the vast Atlantic waters in primitive boats may seem unlikely, or perhaps, far fetched to some. In a very ancient epoch, wrote historian Riva Palacio, or before the existence of the Otomies [native Americans] or better yet invading them, the Black race occupied our territory This race brought its religious ideas and its own cult.11, Author C.C. Visions for Black Men Nashville: Winston-Derek, 1991. As Columbus Day (October 12) approaches and as we celebrate the 40th anniversary of the publication of They Came Before Columbus by the late Rutgers University professor, Ivan Van Sertima, we must reveal to the world the grandeur of Africa by highlighting the achievements of some of its great navigators and rulers. Part I. Although eyewitness accounts of early European explorers may be the best evidence of an African presence in the New World that preceded Columbus, it is certainly not the only evidence. The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. Examining navigation and shipbuilding; cultural analogies between Native Americans and Africans; the . The best known artifacts are the giant stone heads, which phenotypically resemble modern day Africans. In truth, Africans began coming to the Americas thousands of years before Columbus; and the evidence of their presence, though systematically ignored by mainstream scholars, is overwhelming and undeniable. 4 0 obj or Were the ancient Turks, Akkads (Sumerians) and Dravidians (Tamils) the parents of Mexico and Meso-America, Magicians of the Gods by Graham Hancock (2015), Robbing Native American Cultures: Van Sertima's Afrocentricity and the Olmecs, ANCIENT INDIAN RELIGION CHAPTER 4 PART 4 ANCIENT INDIA APN, The Dragon and the Serpent: Quetzalcoatl, the Lng of China and the Serpent of Wisdom, Extended-Plasma-Electromagnetic Cosmology (EPEMC, Afrocentric World Black Greeks Ancient Libyco-Berber Writing More Information on the Afrocentric World, Olmec (Mande) Loan Words in the Mayan, Mixe-Zoque and Taino Languages. In his Journal of the Second Voyage, Columbus wrote that when he reached Haiti, then labeled Espanola, the native people told him that black skinned people had come from the south and southeast in ships trading in gold tipped metal spears. Van Sertima also discussed many of these topics in his several published books including Blacks in Science: Ancient and Modern (1983), Black Women in Antiquity (1984), The African Presence in Early Asia (1985), Great Black Leaders, Ancient and Modern (1988), and Egypt: The Child of Africa (1994). It insists on the leading role it played in some periods and it tries to find out in what periods there existed contact between Black Africa and the Americas. To acknowledge the Olmecs and their civilization as the Mother Civilization of Mesoamerica means to acknowledge that they preceded that of the Mayans and Aztecs, whose heritage the Spaniards tried to eradicate and Mexicans today are proud of.47, In a world accustomed to suppressing, distorting, ignoring or denying the achievements of Black Africans it is difficult to accept the historical paradigm shift mandated by the evidence presented here. On the strength of the colossal Olmec heads and other evidence, several early Mexican scholars concurred with Melgars contention that Black people settled the New World, particularly Mexico, in antiquity. Despite its great size, the workmanship is delicate and sure, its proportions perfect The features are bold and amazingly negroid in character.16, Another authority, Selden Rodman speaks of the colossal Negroid heads17 European journalist and Olmec specialist, Walter Hanf, describes carved colossal heads with Negroid features, deformed and close-shaven skulls, blunt noses, and protruding lips.18 Author and anthropologist Sharon McKern states that the colossal heads are inescapably Negroid.19. Stone carving of Negroid person found in area close to Washitaw Territories, Southern U.S. On Monday [October 13 2014], Americas government offices, businesses, and banks all grind to a halt in order to commemorate Columbus Day. Some of the Olmec sculptures depicting human beings are so decidedly Negroid that many scholars long thought that the indigenous Olmec culture itself was of Black origin. According to the toltec and aztec legends they both came by sea. African Muslims were an integral part of creating America from mapping its borders to fighting against British rule. However, at La Venta in Mexico, the Olmecs made a fully finished pyramid, with no signs of progressive learning. New York: Touchstone Books. uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. The case for African contacts with pre-Columbian America, in spite of a number of understandable gaps and a few minor elements of contestable data, is no longer based on the fanciful conjecture and speculation of romantics. The growing body of evidence is now becoming simply too loud to ignore. The notion that black Africans braved the roaring waters of the Atlantic Ocean and beat Europeans to the New World threatens a historically white sense of ownership over the seas. He was visiting professor at Princeton University and lectured at more than one hundred colleges and universities. In fact, in 445 BC, the Greek historian Herodotus wrote of the Ancient Egyptian pharaohs great seafaring and navigational skills. Such incredible nautical achievements are not as daunting as they seem, given that "A landmark . I have never claimed, writes Van Sertima, that Africans created or founded the Olmec civilizationThey left a significant influence upon itand that is more than can be said of any other Old World group visiting the native American or emigrating to the continent before Columbus., A study of the Olmec civilization reveals elements that are remarkably similar to the ritual traits and techniques in the Egypto-Nubian world of the same period. Download full-text PDF Download full-text PDF Read full-text. Collossol Afro-Olmec head of basalt wearing Nubian type war helmet, circa 1100 B.C. The book is divided into six parts: The First Europeans: African Presence in the Ancient Mediterranean Isles and Mainland Greece; Africans in the European Religious Hierarchy (madonnas, saints and popes); African Presence in Western Europe; African Presence in Northern Europe; African Presence in Eastern Europe. Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. Unearthing the African Presence in Colonial New York (for the general audience) Report [PDF - 13 MB] Credits, Acknowledgments, and Table of Contents [PDF - 2 MB] Volume I The Secular Use of Lower Manhattan's African Burial Ground. In the following account the authors Anthony D. Hill, associate professor of drama at The Ohio State University, and Douglas Q. Barnett, director, producer, and founder of Black Arts/West in Seattle, discuss why they created the Historical Dictionary of African American Theater, the first comprehensive Read MoreThe Black Presence in Theater through the Centuries in the Historical . How central the role was that African Americans played has never been completely told and, unfortunately, a pivotal part of that history has been excluded from this exhibit. Understand evolution from watch groups to formalized police agencies. Ancient sea-going vessel used by the Egyptians and Nubians in ancient times. - Volume 28 Issue 3 Van Sertima, Evidence For An African Presence in Pre-Columbian America, op. Culture through trade with Americans American History did not start with slavery in the New.. Historian Herodotus wrote of the Americas had its foundation built by Africans and developed by the Egyptians Nubians... Sites, contact: [ emailprotected ] address in Race, Discourse and the Origin of the Ancient culture! Formalized police agencies print or other forms including commercial internet sites, contact: emailprotected. There are hand-shaped incense spoons found in Olmec sites that are almost identical to their counterparts... 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