More Great Info Visit the Articles page for a more in-depth look at the succulent plant families! Due to its trailing leafy stems and scented white flowers, the succulent is ideal as a hanging basket plant indoors. These versatile plants can tolerate growing both indoors and outdoors, although most are not frost-tolerant. Small variety of Aeonium, this is a delightful small headed, freely branching, shrub-like succulent plant. With indoor succulents, you also need to wipe the dust off the leaves with a damp cloth. Take a good photo of the succulent you want to identify. One of the best things with the Pigs Ear succulent is when it blooms. conophytum auriflorum velutinum. The jade plant (Crassula ovata) is a classic favorite for a reason: It's a cinch to grow! Succulent identification: Purslane is identified by its glossy green, red-tinged oblong leaves, yellow flowers, and reddish stems. Although it doesnt look like a typical succulent, the queen of the night has succulent fleshy leaves where it stores moisture. You can grow kalanchoe plants outdoors if you live in USDA zones 10 and 11. {Please note, some links in this post may beaffiliate linksto sites that pay me a small commission if you click on the link and make a purchase. Native to parts of Central America, South America, and Mexico, echeveria are succulents and members of the Crassulaceae family. Look at the information included with your seeds to determine when you can expect to see signs of growth. They tend to be water sensitive and leaves can fall of easily. The drought-tolerant mangaves look like agave plants with stiff colorful and patterned succulent leaves, but they lack the spines of agave plants. Succulent identification: The Cobweb Hens and Chicks is easy to identify due to the cobweb-like growths covering the tight evergreen rosettes. Here are beautiful types of flowering succulents to help brighten your garden. This beautiful plant also grows well in containers and makes for attractive hanging baskets. Aloe vera is one of the most well-known types of succulents. One of the most striking succulents to grow in your garden is the Aeonium Zwartkop. Burros Tail is flowering perennial succulent that is great for hanging baskets. So, if you are growing the plant outdoors, its best to grow it in a container. Look also for the leaf thickness. The snake plant has ornamental green and yellow long leaves and requires little care read about other types of snake plants (Sansevieria Varieties). The pebble-like succulents have an identifiable split stem that divides when a new stem grows. The succulent has offshoots from the main stem that turn upward, giving the tall succulent a classic cactus look. Indoor Plants. However, the living stones are hard to classify as they come in various colors and shapes. One of the spectacular features of the airplane plant is its dense clusters of tiny bright red flowers. Mangave Mission to Mars and Inca Warrior: These brown-red perennial evergreen succulents have thick lance-shaped burgundy-red leaves with faint green speckles. Graptoveria is a small succulent plant with attractive fleshy rosettes growing on short stems. You can distinguish between Flaming Katy and Calandiva plants by their flowers: Flaming Katy has single-petaled flowers whereas Calandiva has showy flowers with double petals like a rose. Snake Plant. Further reading: Hindu Rope Plant (Hoya Carnosa Compacta): Ultimate Care Guide. The leaves of flaming Katy are ovate in shape and have a serrated edge. But theres one problem sometimes plants are just labeled succulent varieties at the store, or you get some cuttings from a friend who doesnt know their name. Pincushion cactus is hardy in USDA zones 9-11. One of the prettiest hanging succulents is the String of Pearls. At maturity, the euphorbia plant reaches up to 6 ft. (1.8 m) in height. Acanthocalycium glaucum Common Name: Acanthocalycium glaucum Scientific Name: Acanthocalycium glaucum Type: Cactus/Succulent Water: Dry Soil PH: 6.1-7.8 Flower Color: Red, orange, gold Special Characteristics: Container, showy flowers Hardiness Zone (s): 10-11 Height At Maturity: 1-6" Sun: As a spreading succulent, the stems start to spill over the edge of its container. Succulent identification: The identifying features of devils backbone are its pointed red flowers growing in terminal clusters, leaves with a tapering apex, and tiny ovoid seed pods. Read the ultimate guide to caring for succulents and keeping them alive. Succulents are great outdoor plants for planting in south-facing rock gardens in warm and dry climates. Its thick fleshy leaves grow haphazardly on the stems, giving the succulent a bushy appearance. In spring, attractive sprays of yellow flowers appear. Echeveria 'Perle Von Nurnberg' Care And Propagation. Although these beautiful succulents only grow for about 3 years, the number of chicks they produce means that they seem to live forever. Database of Plants. The trailing wax plant can grow outdoors in warm temperatures. Its trailing vines grow up to 20 (50 cm) long. These succulents have an identity, thanks to many readers, and a bit of detective work. Join my Facebook community dedicated to succulents and succulent lovers. Cool Plants. Succulent identification: Hens and chicks are small succulents with rounded or pointed leaves growing in a rosette pattern. Usually, regular cactus potting soil is perfect for growing succulents at home. Mushroom Identification. The firestick plant is an easy succulent to grow and is hardy in USDA zones 10 12. New leaves and flowers emerge from between the two leaves, causing them to split apart. The green rosettes are covered by a white, hairy, webbed covering resembling messy cobwebs. The attractive feature of this succulent is several pale whitish-pink leaves contrasting with the blue-green foliage. Even though succulents are low maintenance plants, being able to identify different types of succulents still help you take better care of them. However, because they produce abundant offsets, the plant continues to grow and spread. In todays high tech world, consulting other gardeners is still the best way to learn. While millions of organisms live in soil, this guide will focus on the bugs we find while digging or gardening. However, growing conditions throughout the year should be ideal for the plant to bloom. The compact, shade-loving succulent grows 12 to 18 (30 45 cm) tall and wide. Fenestraria rhopalophylla subsp. This sturdy South African native grows stocky, branched stems with thick, glossy green leaves . Purple spurge is ideal for planting at the front of borders to add contrasting dark purple and bright green colors. These serve as water storage organs to insure survival under arid conditions. The plants grow up to 3 inches tall. Haworthia cooperi is hardy succulent in USDA zones 10 and 11. The little pickles plant is a trailing succulent with purple woody stems, slender finger-like leaves, and yellow daisy-like flowers. Some well-known succulent genera include aloe and agave from the order Asparagales and echeverias, as well as jade plants and kalanchoes from the order Saxifragales. Leaves can be up to 1.4 (4 cm) wide and 3.5 (9 cm) long. with the featured appearance that you can use to identify your succulent quickly. The Flaming Katy is a cool flowering succulent variety that has shiny dark green leaves and beautiful flowers in the fall. With some varieties of succulents, you may notice tiny babies growing along the leaf edges. Mangave plants usually grow up to 24 (60 cm) high, although some cultivars grow larger. The cocoon plant is a slow-growing succulent with gray-green leaves growing in a rosette pattern. The shape of lithops comes from 2 plump succulent leaves that are almost fused together. The succulent leaves are grayish-green on the upper side and purple on the underside. The tall-growing Euphorbia succulent is easy to grow indoors as well. Chinese jade succulent is identified by its clumps of rosette-shaped fleshy leaves. Kalanchoe succulent flowers come in a wide array of colors and include single flower (pink and red flowers in the picture) and double blooms (the yellow kalanchoe blossfeldiana Calandiva cultivar). Their fascinating shapes, textures, and colors look beautiful in any room. The common names for the plant come from the fact that its leaves resemble small furry cocoons. This can cause infection and rot which can lead to plant death. This is organized by Family, Genus then species alphabetically. Many succulents, such as cacti, normally grow in shade. Succulent identification: The jade plant succulent is identified by its rounded, leathery leaves that develop red blushing in full sun. Learn how to care for hoya kerrii (sweetheart plant / valentine hoya) and find other beautiful hoya varieties. Haworthias - Super Succulents for Small Spaces. Kalanchoe thyrsiflora has green leaves with red margins that are enhanced when the plant is exposed to sun. Thanks! Succulent identification: The red velvet plush plant succulent has pointed leaves characteristic of Echeveria plants. Growing outdoors, Haworthiopsis fasciata Zebra Plant grows in USDA zones 9 to 11. Succulent identification: The identifying features of Chinese Jade are its tiny fuzzy dark green leaves that turn black and small white flowers that bloom in summer and fall. Cacti And Succulents. Burros Tail is a species of perennial succulent that flowers. More information can be obtained by following the linked Genus or Family headers. The Hoya carnosa Compacta or Krinkle Kurl has twisted green leaves. The colorful moon cactus gives a stunning look to any home. Each star-shaped yellowish-green and brown-speckled flower measures 3.2 (8 cm) across. Manfreda undulata Cherry Chocolate Chip. For many people, lithops are some of the coolest succulents you can grow indoors. Another attractive growth feature of the succulent is how the branches droop as they grow taller. Queen of the night (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) is classified as an orchid cactus. Bunny succulents are a group of low-growing, clump-forming succulents with slender barrel-shaped fleshy leaves. Paddle plants only grow outside in USDA zones 10 through 12. The flowering bunny succulent can be recognized by its cylindrical leaves that are fused in their base. But just as you know your own child, even when theyre in a sea of other kids Or you know your own cat, separate from all others Recognizing small distinctions is a talent we all share. The Artichoke Agave is a perennial succulent with triangular leaves in a large rosette shape. aloe juvenna. Keep these unique and unusual indoor plants in a temperature range of 65F to 80F (18C 27C) and medium humidity. The white and yellow succulent flowers grow singularly or in groups of three. Most types of succulents require similar care to help them keep their color and grow properly. Click the image to go to a detailed post all about growing that type of succulent: I hope this post will help you with your succulent identification hunt! What Is a Succulent? Were all learning, and some responses will be incorrect. Do you see the many, tiny hairs all along the leaf margin of the sempervivum? Plants can grow up to 1.85 m tall (6 feet). Besides cacti, they include many familiar plants: jade plant ( Crassula arborescens) Purslane is a yellow flowering annual succulent but is tropical perennial in USDA zones 1011. Aurantiaca: This yellow-flowering succulent blooms with golden-yellow blossoms consisting of spindly petals growing at the end of thin stems. The common species (Aeonium Arboreum) are also called Irish rose and treehouse leek.. String of pearls succulent is hardy in USDA zones 9-12. For example, the Plush plant (Echeveria pulvinata) has lime green leaves with pink edges. 1. Succulent identification: Bean lampranthus is identified by its grayish-green boat-shaped leaves and pink and yellow daisy-like flowers. In a landscape in USDA zones 9 through 11, you can grow the low-growing succulent as ground cover or brighten up a succulent garden. However, some succulents are toxic to pets and children. The eye-catching flowers have five triangular leaves surrounding a round center. How to Care For African Milk Tree (Euphorbia Cactus / Candelabra Cactus). Succulent identification: Easy to identify, the little pickles succulent has fleshy succulent leaves that look like small green or red-tinged pickles dangling from trailing stems. Suggested: If you're having problems identifying your succulent, check out our houseplant identification tool! The heart shaped leaves of this type of succulent are the reason why its also named love heart plant. Zones 9-11 Bright light Can handle temperatures as low as 25 degrees. Some people instantly distinguish between a Cabernet of different vintages or identify bird species by their calls. Succulents in the echeveria genus are also some of the most colorful varieties. aloe distans. It is a private group, but free to join and participate in. Succulent Plant Identification Part 1. For example, pictures of an echeveria and sempervivum may look remarkably similar. In summer, red-colored flowering stalks emerge from the plants and have star-shaped reddish-pink flowers. Succulent identification: The torch plant succulent is with triangular green leaves with a rosette growth habit. For more great succulent information, please subscribe to The Succulent Eclectic and youre get my FREE e-course 7 Steps to Succulent Success! Knowing how to identify the different succulent species can help to know how best to care for them. These succulents are also named living stones or pebble plants due to their stony appearance. I only recommend products and companies that I have worked with and truly love! As I have argued before, proper succulent identification can literally be the difference between life and death! This is a flowering succulent that may produce yellow flowers in late fall or early winter. When you love succulents, there comes a point when its important to know them by name. Fine hairs on the succulent leaves give the plant a slightly fuzzy feel and appearance. The string of buttons is a shrub-like succulent with thick fleshy stems and leaves that look like theyre stacked on the stems. #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; }
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We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. Here are some attractive cultivars of mangaves: Mangave Kaleidoscope: This spectacular succulent has long, arching, lance-shaped dark green leaves with vibrantly colored bright red margins. Echeveria and Sempervivum are two genera that are often confused for one another. Aloe vera is just one of over 500 types of aloe plants in the genus Aloe. Many varieties look wildly different from one another. 148 likes, 0 comments - PlantSnap (@plantsnap) on Instagram: " " Euphorbia susanne is a sm." The trailing wax plant flowers form a ball of white, star-shaped flowers. The red velvet plush plant has attractive green leaves with red margins. The cylindrical bird-shaped flower-like bracts grow at the end of tall stems. Stop those untimely trips to the trash and create a garden you can be proud of. Indoor Bonsai Tree. Feel free to use this as a cactus identification chart. Snake plant is the common name for Sansevieria trifasciata and it belongs to the family Asparagaceae. The colorful leaves of calico kitten add decorative touch to a hanging basket or as a ground cover. Another spectacular feature is the four-angled toothed stems that are mottled green and purple-brown. Read more on How to Care For African Milk Tree (Euphorbia Cactus / Candelabra Cactus). The term succulent refers to a broad, loose category of plants, including cacti, which have developed thick fleshy leaves or stems. The Cotyledon succulent plant can grow to about 4 ft. (1.3 m) tall, which looks stunning in a succulent garden. Its a warm and welcoming group that wouldloveto meet you! The hoya plant has compact growth and looks stunning growing in pots or hanging baskets. These plants dont produce chlorophyll, so grafting allows the colorful top to grow on any type of cactus. Join us, and become inspired! Further reading: Mother of Thousands Plant Care. This succulent is also called mother-in-laws tongue, St. The pebble-like succulents have an identifiable split stem that divides when a new stem grows. As I have argued before, proper succulent identification can literally be the difference between life and death! " Euphorbia susanne is a small clustering succulent that grows up to 4in tall and 12in in diameter, forming dome-like Aloe vera plants also flower in the summertime. That's where PlantSnap comes in. The succulent leaves are a deep copper that sings in the summer sunshine. Aloe vera can be grown outdoors in USDA zones 10 11 and in a protected area in the garden in zone 9. Unlike other species of Echeveria succulents, the red velvet plush plant leaves grow alternately on upright stems. Some types of succulents such as agaves are also good for growing outdoors as they tend to be large plants. Learn growing tips, plant classification, and more! palmense Aeonium canariense var. Bears paw succulent is hardy in USDA zones 9-11. Due to its low growth, purslane is a perfect spreading succulent for full sun or partial shade ground cover. It has dark green triangular leaves with white stripes. If so, investigate further to learn the details that help to determine the exact name. It doesnt grow taller than 6 (15 cm) and you will also get vibrant pink flowers when it blooms. Although the lucky-heart plant is a trailing or climbing plant, you will most commonly see the single leaves for sale in a pot. Queen of the Night Cactus: Plant Care and Growing Guide, Vining or Trailing Succulents for Hanging Baskets, Hindu Rope Plant (Hoya Carnosa Compacta): Ultimate Care Guide, Hoya Plant Care: How to Grow Hoya Varieties (Wax Plant), guide to caring for succulents and keeping them alive, The Best Potting Soil Mix for Succulent Plants. Related: Echeveria Types and How to Care for Echeveria Succulents, Plush plant is a small succulent that can be grown both indoors and outdoors. Send me an email, or reach out to The Succulent Eclectic on Facebook and include a photo and description of your succulent. Sometimes, in the world of gardening, terminology can be a little messy. The starfish plant grows 10 (25 cm) tall and up to 3 ft. (1 m) wide. The plant leaves are shaped in a rosette form and have slightly serrated edges. The best place to grow a pussy ears plant is in a sunny spot on a south-facing windowsill. Succulent identification: The Hoya kerrii is easy to recognize due to its succulent leaves in a heart shape. Succulent Identification. The propeller plant grows up to 2 ft. (0.6 m) tall at its mature height. Succulent identification: Snake plant succulents are easy to identify due to their long, pointed clumps of dark green and yellow fibrous leaves that grow upright. You can find moon cacti with multi-colored ball-like tops. Jade plant is a popular indoor succulent that symbolizes good luck. The starfish plant is an unusual succulent with large flowers that look like a spotted starfish. Their potting mix should be allowed to dry out between waterings, but do not underwater. 2. If you live in USDA zones 9 to 11, you can grow calico kitten plants in a rock garden as colorful ground cover for full sun. Mangaves can grow in full sun but prefer shaded areas. This low-growing sun-loving clump of succulent foliage grows up to 6 (15 cm) tall and spreads up to 12 (30 cm) wide. The lanceolate succulent leaves have identifiable white-toothed margins and white bumps. Due to its dark-colored leaves and rosette shape, the Aeonium Zwartkop cultivar is also called the black rose. What is even more stunning is when the dark purple succulent produces bright yellow flowers. Often, a plant will look totally different in a different set of growing conditions. Because of its impressive growth and predominantly red colors, firestick plant bushes resemble sea coral. They collect dew for the plant in its arid habitat. Other names for the paddle plant include desert cabbage, white lady, and red pancakes. The showy scarlet red blooms emerge in mid-summer, and the airplane plant blooms for up to four weeks. Like many succulents in the Crassulaceae family, this color of the succulent intensifies in bright sunlight. The Hoya kerrii (sweetheart plant or lucky-heart plant) is a cool-looking type of succulent that is grown indoors. A beautiful cultivar of Flaming Katy is called Calandiva plant (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana Calandiva). The common varieties of the subtropical Aeonium arboreum succulent have light lime-green leaves and grow as a small shrubby bush. Bergerocactus emoryi (golden cereus, golden-spined cereus, golden snake cactus) is a species of cactus. These exotic succulents are native to South America. Georges sword, and vipers browsing hemp.. Yellow flowers bloom on the plant and feature four or five notched golden petals. 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