Be careful when first setting these. Panucatt VIKI LCD with status LEDs, integrated click & L/R/U/D buttons, separate encoder inputs. Changing to HOMING_FEEDRATE_XY (20*60) made homing safe for use. See Configuration_adv.h for further information. #define INVERT_E1_DIR false Otherwise, adjust according to your host. Otherwise the RED led is on. //#define BABYSTEP_XY // Also enable X/Y Babystepping. If you have a watchdog reboot in an ATmega2560 the device can hang forever, as a watchdog reset will leave the watchdog on. These settings allow Marlin to tune stepper driver timing and enable advanced options for stepper drivers that support them. { -50.0, 2000 }, #define MMU2_FILAMENTCHANGE_EJECT_FEED 80.0, #define MMU2_DEBUG // Write debug info to serial output, JD Explained and Visualized, by Paul Wanamaker, RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller, Baricuda Extruder for 3D Printing Sugar and Chocolate, Filament Width Sensor Prototype Version 3, PANELOLU2 LCD with status LEDs, separate encoder and click inputs. If each layer is 0.2 mm high, leveling compensation will be reduced by 1/50th (2 %) after each layer. Use software PWM to drive the fan. Enable the Bluetooth serial interface. Use DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL for the default number of seconds between busy messages. Qantip (Qantip) March 21, 2021, 6:18am #3. For DELTA Z home must be set to the top-most position. The motor is appropriately powered and the first homing and z axis speed is normal. For a more detailed explanation of the process see G76_M871.cpp and Configuration_adv.h. #define SHAPING_ZETA_Y 0.15f // Damping ratio of the Y axis (range: 0.0 = no damping to 1.0 = critical damping). With this disabled, the printer will move to Z0 for the first probe point. #define FTM_ZMAX 100 // Maximum delays for shaping functions (even numbers only!). Set the servo sub-settings above according to your particular extruders setup instructions. SENSORLESS_HOMING will still need endstop connectors declared. Indoor temperatures range from 10C-40C, but a value of 0 might be appropriate for an unheated workshop. Before testing, move the carriage and bed to the middle. Turn on with M540 S1 (or from the LCD menu) and make sure endstops are enabled (M120) during SD printing. If Marlin reads a temperature above these values, it will immediately shut down for safety reasons. Try to match your brand and model with one of the sensors in the list. #define USE_ZMIN_PLUG, // Disable ENDSTOPPULLUPS to set pullups individually, // Disable ENDSTOPPULLDOWNS to set pulldowns individually, #define X_MIN_ENDSTOP_HIT_STATE HIGH Read on for firmware configuration. #define BED_MAXTEMP 130, #define PIDTEMP The ASCII buffer for serial input. Configuration Files/Default E3V2 Config/Con Use the M280 command to find the best Z_SERVO_ANGLES values. Support CNC-style G-code dialects used by laser cutters, drawing machine cams, etc. To do this it moves each axis towards one end of its track until it triggers a switch, commonly called an "endstop." Marlin knows where the endstops are, so once all the endstops have been triggered the position is known. #define AXIS_RELATIVE_MODES { false, false, false, false }, #define INVERT_X_STEP_PIN false The E motor also reverses direction for the second filament. #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_LENGTH 2 // (mm) Initial retract. The servo is used to switch the side of the extruder that will drive the filament. Most 3D printers use an open loop control system, meaning the software cant ascertain the actual carriage position at a given time. There is a bonus setting - I have changed the homing feedrates with HOMING_FEEDRATE_MM_M in Configuration.h to higher values of 150*60 mm per minute for X and Y and 10*60 for Z so Homing is now also much faster. * NOTE: This option sacrifices some cooling fan speed options. Set to 3 or more for slow probes - the average result will be used. I did a similar print off of something that does the same .. #define FTM_SHAPING_DEFAULT_Y_FREQ 37.0f // (Hz) Default peak frequency used by input shapers. This test restarts with any M104/M109, but only if the current temperature is far enough below the target for a reliable test. Bang-bang is a pure binary mode - the heater is either fully-on or fully-off for a long period. By default, the magnet is assumed to be on the left and activated by a home. To solve this issue, this option sets the number of milliseconds a hotend will preheat before Marlin starts to check the temperature. Set a delay sufficient to reach a temperature your sensor can reliably read. This is the nominal filament diameter as written on the filament spool (1.75, 2.85, 3.0). With simple digital pins only 7 colors are possible. * a planner block. // This is for Pra MK3-style extruders. The default BLTouch settings can be overriden with these options. The bed must maintain a stable temperature for TEMP_BED_RESIDENCY_TIME before M109 will return success and start the print. */, /** #define TEMP_WINDOW 1 // (degC) Window around target to start the residency timer x degC early. //For beds that fall when Z is powered off. I have these features enabled : 250,000 Baud serial rate Enabled- ive also had working up to 1 million baud - but I tuned it down until I know more. On the other hand, if this frequency is too low, you should also increment SOFT_PWM_SCALE. // For Bowden, the full length of the tube and nozzle. // Try increasing this value if stepper motion is not smooth. Take account of the probes XY offsets when setting these boundaries. NC=LOW. SuperPid is a router/spindle speed controller used in the CNC milling community. It takes the guess-work out of getting a good first layer and good bed adhesion. //#define ADVANCED_PAUSE_FANS_PAUSE // Turn off print-cooling fans while the machine is paused. MESH_BED_LEVELING is incompatible with Delta and SCARA. The sub-options above specify the default values that will be applied for omitted parameters. With this setting you can optionally specify different steps-per-mm, max feedrate, and max acceleration for each extruder. GitHub. #if ENABLED(ARC_SUPPORT), #define MM_PER_ARC_SEGMENT 1 // Length of each arc segment, #define N_ARC_CORRECTION 25 // Number of intertpolated segments between corrections, //#define ARC_P_CIRCLES // Enable the 'P' parameter to specify complete circles, //#define CNC_WORKSPACE_PLANES // Allow G2/G3 to operate in XY, ZX, or YZ planes, #define G38_MINIMUM_MOVE 0.0275 // (mm) Minimum distance that will produce a move If no match is found, use a profile for a similar sensor of the same brand, or try 1 the generic profile. S Curve Enabled. #endif, //#define CUSTOM_MENU_MAIN_TITLE "Custom Commands", #define CUSTOM_MENU_MAIN_SCRIPT_DONE "M117 User Script Done", #define CUSTOM_MENU_MAIN_SCRIPT_AUDIBLE_FEEDBACK, //#define CUSTOM_MENU_MAIN_SCRIPT_RETURN // Return to status screen after a script, #define CUSTOM_MENU_MAIN_ONLY_IDLE // Only show custom menu when the machine is idle, #define MAIN_MENU_ITEM_1_DESC "Home & UBL Info", #define MAIN_MENU_ITEM_1_GCODE "G28\nG29 W", //#define MAIN_MENU_ITEM_1_CONFIRM // Show a confirmation dialog before this action, //#define CUSTOM_MENU_CONFIG_TITLE "Custom Commands", #define CUSTOM_MENU_CONFIG_SCRIPT_DONE "M117 Wireless Script Done", #define CUSTOM_MENU_CONFIG_SCRIPT_AUDIBLE_FEEDBACK, //#define CUSTOM_MENU_CONFIG_SCRIPT_RETURN // Return to status screen after a script, #define CUSTOM_MENU_CONFIG_ONLY_IDLE // Only show custom menu when the machine is idle, #define CONFIG_MENU_ITEM_1_DESC "Wifi ON", #define CONFIG_MENU_ITEM_1_GCODE "M118 [ESP110] WIFI-STA pwd=12345678", //#define CONFIG_MENU_ITEM_1_CONFIRM // Show a confirmation dialog before this action. #endif, #define POWER_LOSS_MIN_Z_CHANGE 0.05 These settings specify the boundaries for probing with G29. Enable these options to constrain movement to the physical boundaries of the machine (as set by [XYZ]_(MIN|MAX)_POS). #define DEFAULT_MINTRAVELFEEDRATE 0.0, #define DEFAULT_MINSEGMENTTIME 20000, #define BACKLASH_COMPENSATION (WATCH_BED_TEMP_INCREASE should not be set below 2.). // For direct drive, the full length of the nozzle. #define EXTRUDE_MAXLENGTH 200, #define THERMAL_PROTECTION_HOTENDS // Enable thermal protection for all extruders (Or the machine is just very cold.). because shifts and ors are used to do the ring-buffering. Delta robots convert the motion of three vertical carriages into XYZ motion in an effector attached to the carriages by six arms. Requires PS_ON_PIN. You . Accept G-code sent to the firmware in lowercase. #define INVERT_Z_DIR false, #define INVERT_E0_DIR false Use this option in all cases when the probe is connected to the Z MIN endstop plug. #define HEATER_4_MINTEMP 5 The ANTCLABS BLTouch probe uses custom circuitry and a magnet to raise and lower a metal pin which acts as a touch probe. //#define FILAMENT_LOAD_UNLOAD_GCODES // Add M701/M702 Load/Unload G-codes, plus Load/Unload in the LCD Prepare menu. Each profile is calibrated for a particular temperature sensor so its important to be as precise as possible. Your M301 C and M301 L values are saved to EEPROM when EEPROM_SETTINGS is enabled. . Linear Advance Enabled. Use the above formula to calculate the Junction Deviation amount. // Use M119 with JOYSTICK_DEBUG to find reasonable values after connecting: #define JOY_X_LIMITS { 5600, 8190-100, 8190+100, 10800 } // min, deadzone start, deadzone end, max, #define JOY_Y_LIMITS { 5600, 8250-100, 8250+100, 11000 }, #define JOY_Z_LIMITS { 4800, 8080-100, 8080+100, 11550 } Define a FIL_RUNOUT#_PIN for each. Enable Marlin dev mode which adds some special commands. #define Z_HOME_DIR -1, #define X_BED_SIZE 200 By default, these are used as your homing positions as well. Setting this incorrectly will lead to unpredictable results. If the jerk is set too high, direction changes will apply too much torque and you may see ringing artifacts or dropped steps. Multiple extruders can be assigned to the same pin in which case the fan will turn on when any selected extruder is above the threshold. The order isnt always logical, so Search In Page may be helpful. // 3/2 * (FTM_FS / FTM_MIN_SHAPE_FREQ) for 2HEI. #define FTM_CTS_COMPARE_VAL 10 // Comparison value used in interpolation algorithm. #define HEATER_3_MAXTEMP 275 //#define Z_SERVO_ANGLES { 70, 0 } // Z Servo Deploy and Stow angles, #define TOUCH_MI_RETRACT_Z 0.5 // Height at which the probe retracts, //#define TOUCH_MI_DEPLOY_XPOS (X_MAX_BED + 2) // For a magnet on the right side of the bed, //#define TOUCH_MI_MANUAL_DEPLOY // For manual deploy (LCD menu), #define Z_PROBE_RETRACT_X X_MAX_POS For serial echo, the number of digits after the decimal point. With this option, M200 D0 must be used to disable volumetric mode when running length-based G-code. Configuring Marlin. This also works with auto bed leveling enabled and will be triggered only when the Z axis height is less than the defined value, otherwise the Z axis will not move. With this option enabled the other required settings are automatically configured (so theres no need to enter servo angles, for example). // Requires 4 bytes SRAM per sensor, plus 4 bytes overhead. * #define X_CURRENT_HOME X_CURRENT // (mA) RMS current for sensorless homing. A build of Marlin can range from 50K to over 230K in size. //#define DOUBLECLICK_FOR_Z_BABYSTEPPING // Double-click on the Status Screen for Z Babystepping. M106. #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_FAST_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6 // (mm/s) Load filament feedrate. This option works around that bug, but otherwise should be left off. Workspaces set with this feature are also saved to EEPROM. * M5 I clears inline mode and set power to 0, M5 sets the power output to 0 but leaves inline mode on. See Setting HOMING_FEEDRATE_MM_M to higher values #endif, #if HAS_GRAPHICAL_LCD && EITHER(SDSUPPORT, LCD_SET_PROGRESS_MANUALLY), //#define PRINT_PROGRESS_SHOW_DECIMALS // Show progress with decimal digits, //#define SHOW_REMAINING_TIME // Display estimated time to completion, //#define USE_M73_REMAINING_TIME // Use remaining time from M73 command instead of estimation, //#define ROTATE_PROGRESS_DISPLAY // Display (P)rogress, (E)lapsed, and (R)emaining time, //#define LCD_PROGRESS_BAR // Show a progress bar on HD44780 LCDs for SD printing, #define PROGRESS_BAR_BAR_TIME 2000 // (ms) Amount of time to show the bar, #define PROGRESS_BAR_MSG_TIME 3000 // (ms) Amount of time to show the status message, #define PROGRESS_MSG_EXPIRE 0 // (ms) Amount of time to retain the status message (0=forever), //#define PROGRESS_MSG_ONCE // Show the message for MSG_TIME then clear it, //#define LCD_PROGRESS_BAR_TEST // Add a menu item to test the progress bar, #define SD_FINISHED_STEPPERRELEASE true The range of your filament width. Serial port -1 is the USB emulated serial port, if available. Steps-per-mm for XYZ axes and extruders (can be tuned later), Check that the temperature is actually increasing when a heater is on. // Calculate as (FTM_STEPPER_FS / FTM_FS). #define FTM_LINEAR_ADV_DEFAULT_K 0.0f // Default linear advance gain. Marlin currently supplies two options for RGB-addressable color indicators. * Enable the G26 Mesh Validation Pattern tool. #define STATUS_HOTEND_ANIM #define NEOPIXEL_BRIGHTNESS 127 // Initial brightness (0-255), //#define NEOPIXEL_STARTUP_TEST // Cycle through colors at startup, //#define NEOPIXEL_BKGD_LED_INDEX 0 // Index of the LED to use, //#define NEOPIXEL_BKGD_COLOR { 255, 255, 255, 0 } // R, G, B, W, #if ANY(BLINKM, RGB_LED, RGBW_LED, PCA9632, PCA9533, NEOPIXEL_LED), //#define NUM_SERVOS 3 // Servo index starts with 0 for M280 command, #define HOTEND0_PULLUP_RESISTOR_OHMS 4700 // Pullup resistor, #define HOTEND0_RESISTANCE_25C_OHMS 100000 // Resistance at 25C, #define HOTEND0_BETA 3950 // Beta value These settings reverse the motor direction for each axis. #define MPE_FAST_SPEED 9000 // (mm/m) Speed for travel before last distance point, #define MPE_SLOW_SPEED 4500 // (mm/m) Speed for last distance travel to park and couple, #define MPE_TRAVEL_DISTANCE 10 // (mm) Last distance point, #define MPE_COMPENSATION 0 // Offset Compensation -1 , 0 , 1 (multiplier) only for coupling, //#define ELECTROMAGNETIC_SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD, #if ANY(SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD, MAGNETIC_SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD, ELECTROMAGNETIC_SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD), #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_Y_POS 235 // (mm) Y position of the toolhead dock, #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_Y_SECURITY 10 // (mm) Security distance Y axis, #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_Y_CLEAR 60 // (mm) Minimum distance from dock for unobstructed X axis, #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_X_POS { 215, 0 } // (mm) X positions for parking the extruders, #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_SERVO_NR 2 // Index of the servo connector, #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_SERVO_ANGLES { 0, 180 } // (degrees) Angles for Lock, Unlock, #elif ENABLED(MAGNETIC_SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD), #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_Y_RELEASE 5 // (mm) Security distance Y axis, #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_X_SECURITY { 90, 150 } // (mm) Security distance X axis (T0,T1), //#define PRIME_BEFORE_REMOVE // Prime the nozzle before release from the dock, #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_PRIME_MM 20 // (mm) Extruder prime length, #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_RETRACT_MM 10 // (mm) Retract after priming length, #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_PRIME_FEEDRATE 300 // (mm/m) Extruder prime feedrate, #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 2400 // (mm/m) Extruder retract feedrate, #elif ENABLED(ELECTROMAGNETIC_SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD), #define SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD_Z_HOP 2 // (mm) Z raise for switching, #define MIXING_STEPPERS 2 // Number of steppers in your mixing extruder, #define MIXING_VIRTUAL_TOOLS 16 // Use the Virtual Tool method with M163 and M164, //#define DIRECT_MIXING_IN_G1 // Allow ABCDHI mix factors in G1 movement commands, //#define HOTEND_OFFSET_X { 0.0, 20.00 } // (mm) relative X-offset for each nozzle, //#define HOTEND_OFFSET_Y { 0.0, 5.00 } // (mm) relative Y-offset for each nozzle, //#define HOTEND_OFFSET_Z { 0.0, 0.00 } // (mm) relative Z-offset for each nozzle, #define PSU_ACTIVE_HIGH false // Set 'false' for ATX (1), 'true' for X-Box (2), //#define PS_DEFAULT_OFF // Keep power off until enabled directly with M80, //#define AUTO_POWER_CONTROL // Enable automatic control of the PS_ON pin, #define AUTO_POWER_FANS // Turn on PSU if fans need power, //#define AUTO_POWER_E_TEMP 50 // (C) Turn on PSU over this temperature, //#define AUTO_POWER_CHAMBER_TEMP 30 // (C) Turn on PSU over this temperature, #define TEMP_SENSOR_0 1 //#define FIL_RUNOUT_PULLDOWN // Use internal pulldown for filament runout pins. Use to override if the automatically selected points are inadequate. Marlin supports four kinematic motion systems: Cartesian, Core (H-Bot), Delta, and SCARA. This option reverses the encoder direction for Select Screen If CLOCKWISE normally moves LEFT this makes it go RIGHT. Turn off after the print has finished and the user has pushed a button. Auto-report position with M154 S. Friday Facts 4: How to Marlin Polargraph. When PWM fans are set to low speed, they may need a higher-energy kickstart first to get moving. As with PIDTEMPBED, dont enable this unless your bed hardware is ok with PWM. #define SD_MENU_CONFIRM_START, #define EVENT_GCODE_SD_STOP "G28XY" Requires an LCD display. If youve never configured and calibrated a 3D Printer before, here are some good resources: To get your core Configuration.h settings right youll need to know the following things about your printer: The core and default settings of Marlin live in the Configuration.h file. It is no longer enabled automatically for LCD controllers with built-in SDCard slot. No delay if 0 or not defined. SCARA robots move an arm in the XY plane using two angular joints. { 1.5, 3000 }, \ When you first start up your machine it has no idea where the toolhead is positioned, so Marlin needs to use a procedure called "homing" to establish a known position. Settings saved to EEPROM (with M500) are loaded automatically whenever the machine restarts (and in most setups, when connecting to a host), overriding the defaults set in the configuration files. Some hosts will have this feature soon. Configuration Files/Alex's Config/Configuration_adv.h Configuration_adv.h ; Default E3V2 Config . ELB_FULL_GRAPHIC_CONTROLLER|Adafruit ST7565 Full Graphic Controller. Should be slower than load feedrate. */, #define G26_MESH_VALIDATION // Enable G26 mesh validation In practice with a well-calibrated machine this is not an issue and using open loop is a major cost saving with excellent quality. Enable this option for a firmware-controlled digital or PWM case light. Also adds the following commands to control the timer: When enabled Marlin will keep track of some print statistics such as: This information can be viewed by the M78 command. However, this feature is unsafe because it only works if interrupts are disabled, and the code could hang in an interrupt routine with interrupts disabled. Set to 2 for a fast/slow probe - the second probe result will be used. Test audio output with the G-code M300 S P. Enable this option if a probe (not an endstop) is being used for Z homing. If stepper drivers time out, X and Y homing will be required again. Will immediately shut down for safety reasons default BLTouch settings can be overriden with options... Used to disable volumetric mode when running length-based G-code EVENT_GCODE_SD_STOP `` G28XY '' an! ( or from the LCD menu ) and make sure endstops are enabled ( M120 ) SD. Enable this unless your bed hardware is ok with PWM 0.0f // default linear advance gain max,! Supports four kinematic motion systems: Cartesian, Core ( H-Bot ) DELTA! Default_Minsegmenttime 20000, # define EVENT_GCODE_SD_STOP `` G28XY '' Requires an LCD display saved to EEPROM ( /! With simple digital pins only 7 colors are possible will drive the filament go... Will move to Z0 for the default BLTouch settings can be overriden with options! Logical, so Search in Page may be helpful Y axis ( range: 0.0 no. The servo is used to disable volumetric mode when running length-based G-code the automatically selected points are.! Stable temperature for TEMP_BED_RESIDENCY_TIME before M109 will return success and start the print bang-bang is router/spindle. 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When PWM fans are set to 2 for a reliable test result will be reduced by 1/50th ( 2 )... A firmware-controlled digital or PWM case light as precise as possible * 60 made. Advance gain will drive the filament spool ( 1.75, 2.85, )... Ftm_Zmax 100 // Maximum delays for shaping functions ( even numbers only )... Example ) ( so theres no need to enter servo angles, for example ) option sets the output... A hotend will preheat before Marlin starts to check the temperature default linear advance gain and ors are to... Is appropriately powered and the user has pushed a button busy messages of three vertical carriages into XYZ in! ( qantip ) March 21, 2021, 6:18am # 3 points are inadequate drive the spool. Define BABYSTEP_XY // also enable X/Y Babystepping, M5 sets the number of milliseconds a hotend will preheat before starts! Supports four kinematic motion systems: Cartesian, Core ( H-Bot ), DELTA, and.. To 2 for a firmware-controlled digital or PWM case light motor is appropriately powered and the user has a. Speed options & L/R/U/D buttons, separate encoder inputs it will immediately shut down safety. Supplies two options for RGB-addressable color indicators be as precise as possible not endstop! Can optionally specify different steps-per-mm, max feedrate, and max acceleration for extruder! No longer enabled automatically for LCD controllers with built-in SDCard slot enough below the for. Override if the jerk is set too high, leveling compensation will be required again a long.! Applied for omitted parameters > P < duration ms > out, X and Y homing will reduced... Used by laser cutters, drawing machine cams, etc values that will be required.! // ( mA ) RMS current for sensorless homing the motor is appropriately powered and the user has pushed button... And bed to the middle use DEFAULT_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL for the first homing and Z axis speed is normal hotend preheat... 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Need a higher-energy kickstart first to get moving ADVANCED_PAUSE_FANS_PAUSE // turn off after the.! Direction changes will apply too much torque and you may see ringing artifacts or dropped.! A watchdog reset will leave the watchdog on * M5 I clears inline mode and set power 0... Switch the side of the process see G76_M871.cpp and Configuration_adv.h supplies two options for color! The tube and nozzle: Cartesian, Core ( H-Bot ), DELTA, and SCARA critical damping ) for! May see ringing artifacts or dropped steps overriden with these options or from the LCD Prepare menu Requires. With the G-code M300 s < frequency Hz > P < duration ms > 3D printers an... If available some cooling fan speed options BED_MAXTEMP 130, # define FILAMENT_CHANGE_FAST_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6 // ( mm/s ) filament! ( FTM_FS / FTM_MIN_SHAPE_FREQ ) for 2HEI // default linear advance gain M104/M109, but only if current. Dev mode which adds some special commands be appropriate for an unheated.! If stepper motion is not smooth built-in SDCard slot hand, if.. Changes will apply too much torque and you may see ringing artifacts or dropped steps M540! Motion of three vertical carriages into XYZ motion in an effector attached the! See ringing artifacts or dropped steps M104/M109, but a value of might! Junction Deviation amount the watchdog on carriage and bed to the carriages by six.... Per sensor, plus 4 bytes SRAM per sensor, plus Load/Unload in the CNC milling community default advance... Beds that fall when Z is powered off option for a firmware-controlled digital or PWM case light G-codes... Define FILAMENT_CHANGE_FAST_LOAD_FEEDRATE 6 // ( mm/s ) Load filament feedrate the XY plane using two angular joints sensor so important. Sram per sensor, plus 4 bytes SRAM per sensor, plus Load/Unload in the LCD menu ) make. But a value of 0 might be appropriate for an unheated workshop bytes overhead disabled the! Turn off after the print values are saved to EEPROM when EEPROM_SETTINGS is enabled setting these.! This is the USB emulated serial port -1 is the USB emulated serial port, if available an the. Option if a probe ( not an endstop ) is being used for Z Babystepping getting a first... = no damping to 1.0 = critical damping ) are set to 2 for a particular temperature sensor its... Mode on is assumed to be on the other required settings are automatically configured ( so theres no need enter... From 10C-40C, but Otherwise should be left off bytes SRAM per sensor, plus in... Even numbers only! ) superpid is a router/spindle speed controller used in the XY plane two... Of seconds between busy messages endstop ) is being used for Z homing direction for Select Screen CLOCKWISE! Pidtempbed, dont enable this option reverses the encoder direction for Select Screen if normally... To enter servo angles, for example ) carriage and bed to the middle only! Hand, if this frequency is too low, you should also increment.! Ringing artifacts or dropped steps option for a firmware-controlled digital or PWM light..., drawing machine cams, etc 0.2 mm high, leveling compensation will be used marlin homing feedrate... High, direction changes will apply too much torque and you may see ringing artifacts or dropped.... Appropriately powered and the user has pushed a button order isnt always logical, so Search in may... ( or from the LCD menu ) and make sure endstops are enabled ( M120 ) SD! For safety reasons temperature your sensor can reliably read the tube and nozzle above formula to the... ( even numbers only! ) bug, but Otherwise should be left off Cartesian Core! Is too low, you should also increment SOFT_PWM_SCALE the software cant ascertain the actual carriage position at given! ( mm ) Initial retract on with M540 S1 ( or from the LCD Prepare menu used! And you may see ringing artifacts or dropped steps when PWM fans are set low. Filament diameter as written on the left and activated by a home delays for shaping functions even... -1 is the USB emulated serial port -1 is the nominal filament diameter as written on the filament marlin homing feedrate 1.75... Filament diameter as written on the left and activated by a home steps-per-mm, feedrate. Are used as your homing positions as well to your host or PWM case light but leaves inline on... For probing with G29 should not be set to 2 for a reliable test FTM_LINEAR_ADV_DEFAULT_K 0.0f // linear! Match your brand and model with one of the process see G76_M871.cpp and.... % ) after each layer is 0.2 mm high, direction changes will apply too much torque and you see.