There are three other groups -ghulat, nawasib, and khawarij- who are also considered kafir and najis by the Shi'ah fiqh, in spite of the fact that these groups were off shoots of Muslims during the early stage of the Islamic history. However, if castration prevents inevitable mischief and harm, then it is permissible. While discussing the ritual purity or impurity of the non-Muslims, the mujtahids divide all the kuffar--dhimmi, harbi, murtad fitri and milli-into two distinct groups: mushrik and ahlu '1-kitab. Is taking a commission from suppliers allowed as long as the company doesnt suffer a loss? Is there a way to use any communication without a CPU? Remember this advice, and carry Istibra', in this context, means keeping these animal away from eating human refuse for a specified number of days. End By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. What does Islam say about animal welfare? Ibn Hajar narrated in al-Talkhis that al-Bukhari classed it as sahih). This condition is easily taken care of in normal toilets, but one must be careful while on the call of nature in an open area, e.g., during a picnic or while travelling, etc. The Imam said, If you know that it is from an un-Islamically slaughtered animal, then do not pray in it. 2224, An interesting incident is narrated by Mu'awiyah bin `Amman, one the famous companions of the sixth Imam. Question: We recently adopted a a cat and I have a few questions in regards to the purity of a house cat. Cat Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI in Cats). A pot that has become najis by intoxicating liquid must be washed three times with Kathir or qalil water; however, it is better to wash it seven times. He became well known by this name and people forgot his real name, until the scholars disputed concerning his real name and there were nearly thirty different opinions as to what it was. According to Islam, there are two kinds of najis: the essential najis which cannot be cleaned and the unessential najis which become najis while in contact with another najis. Maalik said: The scholars do not regard the urine of animals whose Whosoever dies in enmity to the family of Muhammad, will not smell the scent of Paradise. 15 However, one must realize that if a person is not a Shi'ah Muslim it does not automatically follow that he also hates our Imams. that you are facing. Are wounds (ones that are still bleeding) considered najis/defiling? !2123, 'Ali bin Abi Hamzah heard a person asking Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (as) about a man who was praying while he was carrying a sword-can he pray with it? Why is Abu Huraira considered unreliable by Shia fiqh? Signs of pathologic oliguria typically include a history of progressive kidney disease with symptoms such as poor appetite and weight loss. The Imam said, Yes. Then the person asked, even if its sheathe was made of leather from an animal which might have or might not have been slaughtered Islamically? The animal may have urinated and emptied its bowels; and when it jumps on its own refuse and urine, it splashes on my dress. Then that person goes out of your sight long enough for him to purify himself or his belongings. These mutahhirat can be divided into three groups:. Can a rotating object accelerate by changing shape? The latter group is not without blame in pushing many ordinary Muslims towards the so-called liberal group. The urine and stool of human beings are `ayn najis. (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was asked about praying in Source: In the battle of Badr, the unbelievers of Mecca had camped near the spring of Badr and the ground of their camp-site was firm. Therefore, if these two conditions are not found together in an animal, its urine and excrement are not najis. overburdens himself in his religion will not be able to continue in that At its peak, many ulama were involved with the site including Shaykh Mawlana Taha Karaan, Shaykh Abdul-Fattah ibn Abdullah, and Shaykh AbdurRagman Khan. wudu or prayer, that does not matter either, rather you should ignore these The water running from the pipes in the houses is treated as `running water' as long as it is running. The nine a`yan najisah can be divided into four groups as follows: 1. urine; Questions cannot be asked through this form. In Mu'awiyah's own words, It seemed the Imam had understood my intentions, and came out with that same dress for the Friday prayer. 23 A somewhat similar question was put in writing to Imam Mahdi (as) about praying in a dress made by a Maji without washing. The organ of urination can be made tahir only by the pouring of water on it at least twice. asking about a dress which had come into contact with intoxicating liquid and flesh of pig: can a person pray in that dress? * , O you who believe! However, it is always better to wash oneself with water. that. Allah Most High knows best. Why is a "TeX point" slightly larger than an "American point"? Assalamo alaykom, Is perfume containing some alcohol permissible to use? Am I required to pay Zakat on a car that is owned by me, if I use it to deliver food? Only 1-3% of cats with signs of urinary tract disease will have a urinary tract infection. Buying or selling the following najasat is haram: all types of intoxicating liquids, dead bodies, pigs and dogs (except the dogs used for hunting). at length by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him). Some a'yan najisah can be purified easily, while other a'yan najisah can be purified only through a long process of change and transformation. ones clothes or body, or on the carpet, and there is nothing wrong with If cat saliva gets on ones garment, it is slightly disliked (makruh tanzihi) to pray with it. Signs of physiologic oliguria include dehydration, pale mucous membranes, a weak pulse, a rapid or irregular pulse, and a history of fluid loss (through excessive vomiting or diarrhea, for example). Unlike the Kathir water, qalil water becomes najis as soon as it comes into contact with a najasat. Kafir dhimmi is a kafir who lives under the protection of an Islamic government. Is the Roudah Mubaarak greater than the Arsh of Allah Taala? Various conditions may be responsible for different types of oliguria and anuria. Imam Mahdi (as) replied, There is no problem in praying in it. 2426, `Abdullah bin Sanari narrates that my father asked Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (as), I loaned my dress to a dhimmi kafir whom I know that he drinks intoxicants and eats pork, and then he returns it to me-do I have to wash that dress before praying in it? The Imam said, Pray in that dress and do not wash it for that particular reason because when you loaned it to him, it was tahir and now you are not sure about its becoming najis. 2527. In all the cases of ignorance and doubt, one can assume that it came from an animal whose urine or excrement is tahir. There is, on the other hand, a group which has adopted the holier-than-thou attitude and says that we must totally abstain from the najasat in all spheres of our lives. 22:78), Allah Is it possible to purify the najis things? Use Raster Layer as a Mask over a polygon in QGIS. Could a torque converter be used to couple a prop to a higher RPM piston engine? Blood of the animals whose blood spurts out is also considered najis. Less than kur. It's purifying scope is very limited. Taharat is opposite of najasat, it means cleanliness and purity. The first four types of pure water are known as Kathir water, and the last one is known as qalil water. The smell of having felines is probably the only reason that there are dog proprietors in the first place! Please enter the correct OTP! What our mujtahids have said that you can assume everything --except the animal products obtained from a kafir- as tahir and halal unless you come to know otherwise is based on the clear guide-lines provided by our Imams (as). Physiologic oliguria may be occasioned by renal hypoperfusion, which is caused by low blood volume or blood pressure, or hypertonicity, an increased pressure of fluids in the body. Allah 3. Therefore, muzaf water is not one of the mutahhirat. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. 3. The benefit of istibra' and wiping with tissue paper is that the organ will become dry and not make the underwear or the thighs najis. Ghulat (s. ghali) are those who declare their faith in Islam but exaggerate in their beliefs about some prophets or Imams, e.g., those who believe that an Imam is an incarnation of God. This is a question of utmost importance to the Muslims, especially for those who live in a society which is predominantly kafir. However, a few of them are excused, (al-Majm: 1: 123). seminal fluid that has reached the stages of gestation in the womb; the milk, fur, wool, or feathers of all animals that may be eaten; human milk, male sperm, and female sexual fluid. 2. Is it permissible to watch recorded videos of female teachers, as part of an online course, during Islamic fasting? I know that there might be details, but to some extent we may find alcohol, urine and excrement as common in all schools (and Allah knows best). Ahmad al-Bizanti answered, Yes, and you do not have to question about it. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Najis things 1 & 2 Urine and faeces Taharat Recommended (mustaabb) and disapproved (makrh) acts when emptying the bowels and the bladder Najis things Impurities (najst) Ruling 80. In case of cleaning oneself with three pieces of papers, rags or stones, it is obligatory to use all the three pieces even if the body becomes clean by one or two of them. Mutahhirat is plural of mutahhir. Fuzayl bin Yasar, Zurarah bin A'yan and Muhammad bin Muslim, the three highly respected companions of the fifth and sixth Imams, asked Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (as) about buying meat from the markets while they do not know what the butchers do when slaughtering the animals. I do not feel sure of my tuhr (purification) at all. Urine in the bladder is supposed to be sterile, but once bacteria find their way to the bladder, the bacteria can grow and reproduce, causing the UTI. Cats hair that intact to a living cat is pure. Fatwa by: IslamQA. The last three ahadith make it quite clear that whatever non-animal products you get from a kafir is to be considered tahir and halal unless you come to know for sure that it is najis and haram. Doctors, nurses, and scientists can work and experiment with blood. 4. Oliguria and anuria are medical emergencies that require immediate treatment. Pigs and dogs are also counted as `ayn najis. Ahmad al Bizanti was a very trustworthy and educated companion of Imam Riza (as) and Imam Muhammad at-Taqi (as). taahir. It is permissible to keep cats in the house , and there is nothing wrong with that because cats are not harmful or najis (impure). A few examples of a najis thing changing into a tahir thing: A najis wood changes into ashes. The Imam said, He should wash his penis and thighs. 24. from that which the waswas is calling you to do. The first think about najis (unclean, based on Islamic ruling) is that we know it from the smell, color, shape or taste. According to the Islamic laws, the a`yan najisah are nine in number. Sakib Arifin . Are we allowed to consume Products that contain Vitamin D3? It also describes: e14.3 That which comes from the mouth of a sleeping person is impure if from the stomach, but pure if from the saliva ducts. Certain `ayn najis things can become ritually pure by change in its location or place. A generally healthy lifestyle may be helpful. The same ruling applies to any animal whose flesh may be eaten, such as sheep, cows, horses and so on. Answer Praise be to Allah. And if there is no such probability, then he cannot consider it tahir, it should be regarded as najis. to do with a kind of waswas (whispers from the shaytan), because In the following pages we shall explain the rules about these eleven mutahhirat. 25778. No matter what thoughts of According to the Islamic laws, the a`yan najisah are nine in number. How about the saliva? As a basic summary, Hanafi scholars deduce that: 1. (al-Baqarah However, one must note that negligence and rejection are two different things; so if a person believes in the unanimously accepted tenets of Islam but neglects them, he is not a kafir, he is only a sinner. Intiqal means change of place. The last among the mutahhirat is ghaybatu ' l-Muslim. A urinary catheter may be necessary to accurately determine urine volume, but it is important to place and clean catheters properly to avoid the development of a bacterial urinary tract infection. Fortunately, by running some simple tests, your veterinarian . Proper treatment is dependent upon the cause of the condition. praying in these clothes or on this carpet. 11. It is on these shari'ah principles that our mujtahids have based their opinions about assuming everything -except the animal products obtained from a kafir to be tahir and halal unless we come to know otherwise. What dirty (but ritually clean) surfaces can you pray on? If one notices invisible traces of filth (e.g. [Shurunbulali, Maraqi al-Falah; Tahtawi, Hashiyyat al-Tahtawi; ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar]. The Imam said, Yes; I also buy the shoes from the market, and it is made for me and I pray in it. For more, see the detailed answer. What stains make a prayer invalid I do not feel sure of my tuhr (purification) at all. The same applies to their clothes and utensils. Allah, and that your prayer offered with this purification is valid and The sun is also a limited mutahhir like the earth. Is it permissible for a person who is balding to have surgery to implant human hair, animal hai. To purify the unclean mutawassithah ie by eliminating it thoroughly. Is my prayer valid given that I wore pants which were dirtied by water splashed onto them by a passing car? However, once one is familiar with the rulings related to purity and tamed cats, its not so worrying. Wazi: a liquid which comes out after the discharge of semen. What I have said is valid at all times except in case of animal products obtained from non-Muslims. As far as the anus is concerned, a person can clean himself/herself with water, or with three pieces of papers, or three pieces of rags or three stones. `Abdullah ibn Abi Ya'fur asked Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (as) about a dress which had come into contact with semen. I understand your concerns. womans sin was in not feeding it or leaving it to eat. If one changes the litter every two days and fills the litter box with a sufficient amount of litter, this lessens the possibility of spreading impure cat litter around ones house. it is not permissible to use haraam things as medicine. The najis water changes into steam and becomes water again. attention to that, and carry on with it, and ask Allah to accept it, because Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Then on a Friday, just before the noon time, he sent the dress to the Imam. Inqilab like istihalah means change. When you stand (intend) to offer the Salah, then wash your faces and your hands (forearms) up to the elbows, rub (by passing wet hands over) your heads, and (wash) your feet up to the ankles. [ Surah al-Maidah Ayah 6 ]*. Thus, one always assumes purity in cases of doubt, unless one is certain filth is present. My mother has these two cockateel birds and the poop everywhere in the house. 8. Najis Mukhaffafah is an najis whose law is lightened. Home Shafi'i Fiqh Is Cat Hair Impure (Najasah)? I was hoping that a clear ruling can be given to me as to what is filthy and what is not. Khayran al-Khadim wrote to Imam 'Ali an-Naqi (as) Cat feces and urine are impure (najis), and they are considered major filth. If you regularly visit this site and wish to show your appreciation, or if you wish to see further development of, please donate online. meat is eaten and whose milk is drunk as najis (impure). feces, blood, or vomit) on ones furniture or carpet, one purifies the area by washing it with water until the filth is completely removed, even if it only takes one washing. Pathologic oliguria results from severe impairment of kidney tissues, which can occur as the result of a number of factors. There is a great of evidence that the urine and dung of animals whose I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and that Muhammad, is His slave and Messenger. If a clean (tahir) thing comes into contact with any of the najasat, then it will not become najis unless one of those two things was wet. Answer All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of the Worlds. What do you say about praying in such a shoe while the person does not know [whether it is from a slaughtered animal]? In cases of primary oliguria and anuria, treatment is limited to addressing the symptoms and supporting the patient long enough for spontaneous recovery of kidney function to occur. 5. Thanks for your answer would you mind quoting the represented view/fiqh school? 4. blood; unanimously agreed that it is permissible to pray in sheep pens, apart from And the conjecture that the kuffar may have touched it with wetness is not sufficient [to consider such a thing najis]. Answer: There is no problem in it, Note: The body and the salive of the cat, rabbit, and hamster is ritually pure (Tahir), yet its urine, feaces, and blood are Najis Does Chain Lightning deal damage to its original target first? Cat feces and urine are impure (najis), and they are considered major filth. Ibn al-Mundhir (O Muhammad) say, I do not find in what is revealed to me anything forbidden for a person to eat except (1) what has died of itself, (2) outpoured blood, (3) the flesh of pig --for it is unclean and (4) an ungodly thing (i.e., the animal) slaughtered (with the name) of other than Allah (6:146), Although this verse is related to the forbidden food, but it clearly defines the pig as an unclean animal. In western toilets, there is no water, only tissue paper is available. Please read this related link: Washing Filthy Clothing in the Washing Machine, Detailed Rulings Related to the Saliva of Household Cats, The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said about tamed cats, It is not impure, it is of those [creatures] that mingle with you. [Abu Dawud, al-Tirmidhi] Thus, due to the excessive interaction between humans and cats, the rulings related to the saliva of tamed cats differ from other animals out of necessity. Everyone that has a pet cat knows of the difficult task that is the dreaded LITTER BOX. This view is based on some misconceived ideas about the shari'ah and the Islamic world-view in general. The context of the verse does not leave any room for an exclusively symbolic or spiritual interpretation of the word unclean. It immediately says that they should not approach the Sacred Mosque. This reflects the physical uncleanliness. Almost all solid things that become najis can be purified by washing once with Kathir water or twice with qalil water. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. In the first volume of Minhaju 's-Salihiyn, under the section of najasat, he writes: What is obtained from the hands of the kafirs -like bread, oil, honey and other similar things, whether they are liquid or solid- is tahir unless you come to know that they have touched it with flowing wetness. So if we don't know whether your cloth dropped by urine or not, and you don't notice about smell, color, shape and taste, so you must assume that your cloth is clean. However, such animals loose their status of purity if they start eating human refuse. your act of worship, praise be to Allah. Contents The words relevant to our subject are: He sent down upon you water from heaven to purify you with it. The least that this verse proves is that semen is najis, and with its discharge a man becomes ritually impure. Islam;10. taba`iyyah (to follow);11. ghaybatu ' 1-muslim (disappearance of a Muslim). However, if the person's clothes were najis, then the declaration of faith in Islam will not purify them; he will have to make them tahir with water. With the acceptance of Islam, he or she will immediately become tahir. Moreover, the answer of Imam 'Ali an-Naqi (a, s.) to Khayran's letter quoted earlier clearly says that intoxicants are not just haram but also najis. Zawalu ' 1- `ayni ' n-najasah means disappearance of the najis element. It automatically follows that animal products from non-Muslim sources cannot be considered tahir and halal unless we come to know otherwise. Running or flowing water, e.g., river, stream. HSK6 (H61329) Q.69 about "" vs. "": How can we conclude the correct answer is 3.? it will disappear, by the power of Allah. Sci-fi episode where children were actually adults. As far as I know, Najis is divided into several levels ranging from mild to heavy. Scattered cat litter is not filthy in and of itself. Based on such teachings, our mujtahids have ruled that all parts of pigs and dogs, even the nails, hair, teeth and bones, and their saliva, milk, urine and excrement are najis. quote. interrupting your act of worship or repeating it come to you, do not pay any The wooden plank or cement slab upon which the dead body of a Muslim is washed, as well as the piece of cloth used for covering his private parts, and also the hands of the person washing the dead body becomes clean when the ritual bath is completed. The polytheists (mushrikun) are indeed unclean; therefore, they should not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year of theirs (i.e., 9 AH). (9:28). However, one is allowed to buy or sell the other najasat if there is any lawful benefit in them, e.g., buying or selling excrement for manure. If the area dirtied is large, or the excrement is mixed with some other najasat like blood, then only water can be used to purify oneself. Many things put doubt in my heart, like when my hand touches a tahir (clean) place after I washed a najis (unclean) place, so I have to wash that position as well. Alternatively, if one notices filth on removable household decor (e.g. Imam Musa al-Kazim] used to do? (1) A minority group says that the Ahlu '1-kitab are pure and tahir, just like Muslims. End quote. It is permissible to keep cats in the house, and there is nothing wrong with that because cats are not harmful or impure. Key diagnostic procedures include an urethrocystoscopy, which uses an insertable diagnostic tool to view the interior of the urinary tract and bladder wall, and which may provide evidence for obstruction or rupture of the urinary tract. If left untreated, these conditions can lead to death within hours or days. She studies with leading Hanafi scholars from Syria and elsewhere. The najis water which a cow drank changes into its urine or mills. Hair of edible animals is pure. The only possible way for purifying a najis liquid is its complete transformation or change-the purifying methods which will be discussed later on. Semen Stains Remaining On Clothes Even After thoroughly Washing The Garment. First among the mutahhirat is water. In Islamic law, najis (Arabic: ) means ritually unclean. Islam Q&A, It is not permissible to use animals for target practice, Ruling on praying on clothes that have got cat hairs on them, You can ask your question on the website via this link:, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in It is needless to say that this view has no support in the Islamic sources. [What should I do? Wadi: a liquid which comes out after urinating. This answer was collected from which was a repository of Islamic answers as per the Shafii madhhab. Everyone that has a pet cat knows of the difficult task that is the dreaded LITTER BOX. The urine of inedible animals. Oliguria and Anuria in Cats. What information do I need to ensure I kill the same process, not one spawned much later with the same PID? The urine and excrement of the animals are also najis if they belong to the group of animals (1) whose meat is forbidden in Islam and (2) whose blood spurts out when a blood-vessel is cut. Q.69 about `` '': How can we conclude the correct answer is 3. after discharge... Change-The purifying methods which will be discussed later on and transformation opposite of najasat, it should be regarded najis. Importance to the Islamic world-view in general after thoroughly washing the Garment three! Is an najis whose law is lightened the discharge of semen verse does not leave any room for exclusively. 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