Kim. Maybe there is, but I dont know of it. I need help so badly. I freaked out and pulled it off within seconds. Hi JHazel and Others I specify that because Ive lived in my condo since 2003, and I havent owned a pet since my early teens (Im 43, now). Please try not to worry though. I can feel the weight of its paws on the duvet, when walking from the bottom up and then the purring in my ear, i turn around and theres nothing. Im still frightened when I feel the cat on my bed. Your not alone onbwhat your facing. Best wishes to you. I do believe,like someone else metioned that there is a whole other life that us people have no clue about and maybe some of us are more in tune with that other so called life.who knows?? their experiences suddenly stopped then began again two months later. The cat I feel is DEFINITELY NOT MY CAT! Never had this sensation happen before but have seen spirits (which is freighting to me), felt presence of spirits for very long time. The first time was a couple of nights ago. It wants me to give it attention and play back. You might want to get some sage and find a native American prayer to walk aroundbthe house and free them and let them know everything is okay. Plant a Cat I wish that I did. 5- what I can see from there figures are there general form (shape of the head; the body and arms).. most the time they have a small heads and long arms . I believe there is so much we dont understand about our world, that it could be certain people have a higher sense when it comes to the unexplained, not by choice, it just is. Ive had cats in the past and sometimes they would jump onto my bed to snuggle up to me. So I am scared ! I am not crazy. You may see a ghostly figure it out whatever it is or you may not. I was doing a little celibrating and had drank several beers while I was skinning this buck. It went away immediately and I went to sleep. Coincidence? The next thing I did was praying quietly over & over I pray that the blood of Jesus & fire of the Holy Spirit surrounds me like a penetrable wall until the morning. I have felt the sensation of something jumping on my bed like a cat or small dog for sometime. after many years of experience I figure out what they are .. The body also becomes paralyzed to prevent people from moving and acting out their dreams. Im only writing this because it was there last night. I wasnt there for5 minutes & then I felt a cat or something jump up on my bed. The house, the cars, it is all gone. Have you experienced anything since going back home? Recently my cat Snickers passed away. 97%. I hope your post,along with my confirmation will help others to overcome this phenominan that has plaqued all of us. I wouldnt mind if thats all they did but when I feel them getting close to my bum, I freak out. Some of the time I just feel them jump on the bed really lightly and the sit on the end of the bed. Needless to say, it was very strange! Thank you for sharing. I am not a believer in ghosts or supernatural etc. The first time I rebuked it in the name of Jesus Christ, it immediately went away. Maybe be they become more frequent because they felt that I miss them! I am perplexed. I felt this on about three or four separate times within a couple of weeks. That doesnt sound like the work of God and even sounds like something a bit evil. The K-2 has a row of lights to indicate the strength of the My cats also seem to watch for something. I have had 3 pastors at my home to pray and clean my house did nothing. All of the things you all are describing are very real to me, as I have experienced most all of them. This invisible cat (or whatever it is) takes three to four steps toward me before I no longer feel the movement. Im so sorry. I dont think they are my cats or even cats at all. 5- they enjoy playing games and saying lies; and seeing our reactions..they enjoy when the human become afraid and anxious from the experience. 1. I never got another cat after him but sometimes I swear I could feel him jump up and walk around the foot of my bed while I was trying to sleep. I havent noticed the cat(s) lately. Maybe my lack of a reaction did it. However, the sensation of being attacked has to leave you feeling so confused and helpless. The bottom half of the bed sinks and stops about waist high. I would consider changing the foam rubber topper to another kind. I have been feeling the ghost cat walk next to me for a few years now. It feels just as it would feel if my cat landed on my bed and walked toward me, only it doesnt weigh as much. Now, many of you (I only read about 3 or 4 accounts) reference cats. he had been in a deep sleep. It feels like something invisible has me pinned down. I could feel each paw depress the duvet, I could feel the duvet touch my skin as it walked. Since I have some nerve damage in one leg, I wrote it off as a physical issue. I looked up the RLS symptoms and nothing like this is a symptom. I didnt really know what to think of it, pulled the covers slowly above my head, listened with my eyes closed and payed attention to whatever it was. Taking them and there claims seriously may affect your normal life; So dont do it! IT finally gave up and got off the bed. He was 16 and my faithful companion. Seconds before I fell to sleep I feel something landing on my bed; then movements around me then I feel like a very light human walking in my bed; then I started to feel like a balloon or a ball entering my body and moving from down to up ; its a little painful feeling such as a strong message .. after that I saw this ball get out of my body and became in a figure of little human I see it as a bluish white phantom in a figure of 1.5 Meter human or so .. We saw a black cat with a white stripe and a red collar sitting in the window across the street. It started after my cat of 16 years weatherby had passed away. I figured that he would chase it away, and I wouldnt be alone. I was also in an intense study program when this all started and feeling very drained. Especially when Im cooking or eating. Thats very scary, Julie. Sometimes I can feel it using it is paws opening and closing them on the blanket. I knew right away it is my cat that passed because the way it walks and where it walks and its actions I feel through the blanket are the same I used to feel. It didnt feel negative whatsoever. Something or someone was in that house. Ive heard that if you ask for something to bother you instead of someone else, it will. Ive had hundreds of comments on the topic. If thats the case, they may be noticing us too and asking the same questions. I can once again sleep without the feeling of all these sensations or the expectation of it on the nights I never had a visit of what I thought was a demon,disquised as a cat. Ed, this is a demon harassing you. i prayed a year ago to take it away that night it stopped but the problem is it went to our sons room. In fact I was rather glad because it really made me aware that I wasnt dreaming this stuff! I have burned white sage in there and a friend sent me holy water. Keep us posted if you see it again. It has the upper hand. I know that Im not, but its good to hear that its not just me. It took me about two years to figure this out. Im still experiencing it too. Other times I feel theyre cleaning themselves and vibrating, like a strong purring feeling. 2,4,5 time it just seams to visit when someone close dies. When Ava discovers an imaginary cat in the cabbage patch, she knows she's found a new best friend. Im afraid to ask why it is there; I dont want to invite anything negative. My own cat died a week ago and last night the sensation was the strongest ever. and sometimsei swear its a human being walking on my bed. So I went to bed and said my usual nightly prayers and talked to my Dad in heaven. Hi, All. It is scary, Rob. The one description I saw on another forum that said the flying monkeys from Wizard of Oz is exactly what it looks like to me. I looked in the mirror later that day and A scratch is on my chin that wasnt there the day before. I was kind of scared, but excited at the same time because I think it validates other dimensions. It must have been meowing because its mouth was open as if it was, but I couldnt hear it. I havnt had a pet cat for years. I know all of this sounds strange, but its really happening. This time it stopped at my chest, fearing the worse, i felt it weaken. Much to their total amazement and relief, more and more people visiting Kims blog are finding that they are not alone in the bizarre things that are now being visited upon them, for whatever reason. He told him he was just too scared to move. At first I just saw a sparkle that looked almost like tv static. I have had terrible experiences with theses things. I am still pretty freaked which is why I googled it and found your blog. I have had an expeience with the paranormal before when I was getting ready for bed one time over 2 years ago.I always say my prayers and read my Jesus Calling Book every night. So I decide to Google it and I cant believe I see this. It sends invisible creatures up my legs, sometimes on the inside. My mom told me last week that she had also felt the phantom kitty while one of our cats was on the bed. I got into bed and felt something hard and small under my right foot. Here youll find answers to countless questions and interesting info on pets, party planning, gift ideas, entertaining, DIY solutions, and more. 2- they claim many things but most of it are totally lies. Phantom cat jumping on the bed Ill start by saying Im a pretty skeptical person. He disappeared within 2 or 3 seconds. After experiencing the same thing for a year, about two months ago the visitations abruptly stopped except for one morning last week when my husband walked into the bedroom. i am a rational level headed person and this has really rattled me. He has to be near my face, and he watches the floor. Crazy can leave anytime ..Im tired of itwhy why why. It was the tombstone I took a picture of. I know its a cat if its a SKUNK I dont want to pass it went to my sister for the it came with me . In the past we wouldnt talk about these things because it wasnt widely accepted. Its also comforting to know that Im not alone. He doesnt believe it. I do know that this feels like as I have both cats and a dog. Hi, Chris. The being feels lightweight and has the gait of a cat. I have found myself to be in tune with things periodicly throughout my life. Hi Ann I sometimes have weeks with no encounter. I think its something playing tricks. This didnt really scare me and was sort of comforting but what really freaked me out was I felt like someone was watching me. He spoke slowly, and he had a southern accent. lol. So I walked into the house and there was my wife talking on the phone. This happened when I was roommates with a woman who previously took care of her mother who apparently died (in the bedroom I slept in) and who had a cat that was very loyal. It was a blessing to find in this blog that other people are experiencing the same thing. My husband says he dont feel anything and i says its because he doesnt believe in that stuff. I have no idea what these phenomena are but It has puzzled me my whole life. It seemed to lie down. I dont want to give it attention, but Id also like to know what it is and why its happening. the second night it even nudged my hand like he used to do when he wanted to be petted. It is trying its best to interfere with what I am dreaming giving me bad dreams instead. A fitted sheet can be used on top of the bed, when the cat might have unsupervised access to the bed (new or gently used). I am on laptop in my bed,If i stay on too long,he will kick me in my back through 3 pillows. I just feel the cat walking on the bed this morning I was sitting in bed reading and I looked at I felt the cat walking well I have two other cats, so I thought it was one of them and I looked up there was no one on the bed except for me. I feel like the feeling of my energy to and I dont feel like a cat sleeping at the end of my feet. Im talking a good 7-8 inches if not more! Going to be an interesting night if he can read! Sometimes I swear I see a one of them out of the corner of my eye but do a double take and nothing is there either. The late Karl Lagerfelds beloved cat, Choupette, has been formally invited to the Met Gala, The Post can exclusively reveal. If there is such a thing as a life force, could this be what they are after? I have a small dog and a cat and i look and they arent up on my bed. An invisible cat would have been the least of my worries. Two days ago I decided to take a nap. Im not feeling the walking as much these days, but Im feeling something more unnerving. It is a strange feeling. I look at the mirror beside the bed I see nothing and I still cant move hen all of the sudden a dog jumps on me somehow like a puppy and then turns into a cat then jumps off I tried to call my friend that was sleeping on the bottom of the bunk bed but I couldnt even speak or yell I just want to know the meaning of these things . Im sure it is, but there was no fan on, no vent no draft, and Id been laying completely still.. About six weeks ago I started experiencing one, sometimes two, cats climbing into bed with me. I was wide awake and in a normal state of mind when all of this happened for more than one night thus they are for real & not a fragment of my imagination. Must be difficult to be schizophrenic. I have had a similar experience but I didnt think it was animals. I cant control it, and so far it hasnt caused any harm. Im glad that its nothing scary, Debbie. I could not get my own dog to enter the room. A couple days later things were going nuts and I had to wake my wife. I have to disagree with you there. Its happened over the past few months but has really increased in the past week. When he got up in the morning he opened his door and all three of my cats were waiting in the hallway for him! It followed me everywhere I slept. I didnt want to see it. I did not get afraid at all, and it stopped right away. Domesticated cats rarely need to track and capture prey, so this energy needs to be expelled in other ways. Then as they were getting off the bed i managed to grab one from its front leg. When it happened, i kind of grab it in the location where i think it was but theres nothing. That's the case with many cats that fear objects like plastic grocery or garbage bags. Im so sorry about Max. We had one cat who passed away in 1993, but this even happened before that. Visitors may be unsettling your cat. Serious, this cat just keeps it up, digging claws in till it falls asleep. For a while, I honestly thought I was in the beginning stages of schizophrenia. Then I felt same ol thing not constantly mabe once a week. I was just telling a friend about this happening to me today. Felt presence is a phenomenon where you feel that someone or some entity is near you, sometimes accompanied by an actual hallucination of some form. However, the next thing that happened on a frequent bases was that my bed would vibrateeven when I was fully awake. I would hear something walking across the room and stop next to my side of the bed, with the jingling of keys, I thought, but could possibly have been a dog / cat license. appeared to stop for good after my cat died at age 24. I dont know whats going on so I feel unsettled. I had another experience when I was about fifteen. I felt cats walking over my face and purring (thats why I Googled the subject and ended up here). Nothing at all. I feel someone walking or crawling on my bed soon as I lay down, I noticed it always has to be behind me. They seem to be very friendly and rub against me and pur even. About an hour ago I was lying down on bed waiting for a call to get my roomate. These things only happen in my bedroom. I cant get comfortable either, and it feels as if Im lying on a round hard ball on my right side at the bottom of my ribs. And, it doesnt help when I hear the odd thud and other unexplained noises that I dont recall hearing before. I was very curious and interested although sometime I felt a little afraid I looked this up because the same EXACT thing was happening to me. I can see them although they are transparent. I just believed when it did happen. For a while anyway. The pattern of steps is very predictable too. It Feels Like an Animal Walking on My Bed Almost Every Night What walks on my bed and the beds of countless other people? Someone recently asked if anyone had ever been harmed. You may be going to a spiritual war with something you dont really want to know and this is only the begining. Some cats knead the rug, bed, or sofa as they march around. OK, I have the same thing going on here. now cant sleep, dog on bed, or not, still getting pawed. On several occasions, I would get up and turn on the light, convinced bugs or something was crawling in my bed. Although it was unnerving at first, the cat that I feel on my bed now doesnt seem at all threatening. It feels like laying on a set of drum sticks. I am scared. So spirits havent found their way yet and need a little human help, I have felt this for years and am just now getting to research it. I havent had that problem since, but that house was haunted. I havent been able to find anything or anyone who has had this same experience. I ignored it and brushed it off at first thinking there is no such things as ghosts and its just my mind playing tricks on me, but lately I really am thinking Im losing my mind. I too have felt something like a breeze. WebThe next morning my Husband asked me if I was moving around on the bed as we were falling asleep I told him NO! In a weird way Im glad it all happened/is happening because it brought me back to God. I keep them cut to short an OCD habit of mine. At that point I was scared, I knew something was in my room and it could actually move my body where It happened so fast I could not stop it! Well the following morning there was a diarrhea stain on the under pad and it was fresh, not only that, beside it was a urine wet spot. Sweetgrass is used for blessing after sage has been used. I have burned white sage in there and a friend sent me holy water. When it started I was very intrigued. I see the blankets move at the pokings, I even pinches myself. When I curse it, I call it Succubus & it responds. I dont care how innocent you think these ghost cats are. Sometimes I cant even set up to get out of bed. All of you who struggle with this situation, I hope you find peace and a solution. I moved into this house two years ago. I have lived at this house for over 2 years and this is the first time I have experienced this. I am searching for this phenomenon a few years after it happened. It all happened in a split second. Lately it jumps off my bed and fiddles with me standing on the floor next to my bed. Others are having experiences that arent very comforting. She didnt open her eyes to look. She came to my room (she said she could hear me call out but not sure of what I was saying) and when I looked at her in the doorway I told her It entered my body. Ive always had some abilities but I quickly repressed them when I was really young. After that experience I didnt think much of it, however, when I got home to my apartment a few days later the phenomenon continued. I had three bloody scratch marks. At times , it feels like someone is pulling at my socks from different angles, whether I have socks on or not. It has never did anything bad to me tho. She felt the phantom kitty land and she noticed our cat It was 4:14 am when I had finally woke up. Best wishes to you. 4- they try to do sexual intercourse and they enjoy it. Three nights ago I once again kicked at this thing feeling like a dog and scratching itself on my feet. She is continually coming up with new ideas to share with the world. I just start praying for my guardian angels to help me and it stops. My mom told me last week that she had also felt the phantom kitty while one of our cats was on the bed. A dog on the bed keeps it away!! Now it no longer walks around on my bed but I can feel it in my mattress up under me and constantly licking. I sense that somehow, this phenomenon seems to be changing. That night, it showed up. Jesus only can clean your house. I reach as everyone does and its not there. I was sleepy and thought i will investigate in the morning. Thanks for sharing your experience. I feel honored that one or more of my cats has I had a trashbag on my bed earlier and I could hear it crinkle when the CAT walked. I am relieved that Im not alone. Thanks for sharing your story. Of course there are others that claim it to be some paranormal entity. Its unnerving in the dark! Im tired of it too. The table was in an open area where the road is visible and this one night I looked out and saw two white things with sheet draped over them. it felt like a cat in your bed? While laying in bed wide awake thinkin on my to list, I felt small animal like footprints walk from the end of the bed up toward my back and then lay with its back against mine. However, I have felt pressure on the mattress next to my arm and wonder if thats what it was. Yes, I do have wood floors and I also feel the bed sheets pulling sometimes too. So does a spouse! im sooo glad i read your blog. This has been going on now for about a year and 4 years prior,it was something that seemed to brush my feet at night but I was able to explain that away but not this. Kimberly Dalessandro (a.k.a. Be sure to come back and post again if they discover anything. I feel the same thing. I was just about to fall asleep and felt something light jump on the bed. I am hesitant to even sleep in there again really. I woke up the next day and informed my family that it felt like something was pushing and crawling on the bed with me. I started having the same experiences 2 1/2 years ago. If it wasnt for the bruises i might never of mentioned it. I think its just ghost cats hanging out Ive had experiences throughout my life too. I am also skeptical in these matters yet I, too, have had the same experience only after we bought a cat for the first time - feeling what seems to I felt the same footsteps on my bed in my old rental house as I feel these days. I would reach down to pet her and.nothing there! I thought maybe it was my passed away dog at first, but now I feel its a cat. I broke the TV in 8 months sleeping with it on constantly, because I was terrified of what was happening. I would be lying if I said its not tempting but I pray hard to repress any temptations to reach out to this thing. As a result of the increasing number of people reporting these terrifying experiences who are not psychotic, prone to hallucinations, on drugs or have any kind of diagnosed mental disease, I am amazed that no paranormal group has decided to do some further research on this unknown phenomenon. I have many examples and one of them is that one early morning I was standing in front of the mirror brushing my teeth and I felt a hand touching me from behind and yet although I was staring right at the mirror I didnt see anything standing behind me so in my case the cat (?) I looked up and although I did not see anything, it growled at me but not like a cat. I dont know what to think, but youre not losing your mind. At school. But that was enough! I could tell you story after story. Yes I had the same issue with the cat. I was reall focused on the task at hand and enjoying the process. Its all so weird and I dont know where to turn to. About 20 minutes later we had an earthquake. May never know!!! Instead, it is now suddenly all over me at night vibrating all the time as it moves. So I dont think too much of it, pull myself up on my pillow and again just as quick as I laid my head on the pillow the same entity pulled me off towards the foot of the bed. This thing seriously wants to harm me & try to wear me out. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Ive been sleeping on the couch since. Its something that seems to be escalating. Well I Initially thought it was a dog jumping onto the bed on the floor, our family Yorky that died two years ago. No, Im not schizophrenic, Im not legally blind, and Im not imagining the bed jiggling as if an animal is walking. started to pray to God for protection. Some things we may never find out for sure. At one point I heard the phone ring and my wife answered the phone and said oh hi sis. I eventually made my room cat free so I could sleep uninterrupted. I also wrote about this in another article that I titled, I Think That I Have a Ghost Cat in My House. It sounds funny, but I also sleep with a small light on. I thought I was imagining it at the time since I had just woke up, but then I felt the walking and pressure on the bed. People would have thought we were crazy. I know that isnt comforting, but I dont have an explanation. Sometimes it feels like someone sits down on my bed. Im yes yes of course for this is not a mental disorder, from what I believe this is your bodies way of releasing unused energy (causing odd jolt sensations that feel like there is a presence around us) I strongly recommend if these feelings are keeping you awake that you go for a good run, enough to tire your legs out. My latest belt finally wore down so they are here in full force. This school is pretty haunted though, so who knows. I had a dog pass away and buried in my yard about 12 years ago. He felt a cat jump on his bed. And, perhaps like Shamans, they can shape-shift (change) even though we cant see them. There were three deaths in the family all unrelated and at various times. When I first moved, my cats would not come upstairs to the bedroom, they would stay in the stairway and meow. Hi, Linda. My little pest loves my feet but occasionally walks up to my head, spent many nights with light on but I guess he got use to that it would come to bed with, never seen a dropping of any sort so I am guessing it is not a mouse. I really want to know. Then I feel like Im in control of the situation and how Im going to react. So I moved to my couch last 2 weeks. LIke me, most of you seem to be very sensitive people with good energy. I was scared at first but am used to it more now. A cat walking in circles could be completely normal, or could have a significant underlying condition. Hi, Alexander. Hello I know Im jumping into this conversation a little late but when I Googled feels like a cat jumping on bed and walking,but no cat ur post came up and Im so glad Im not the only one out there that is experiencing this.I too have felt and heard the what feels like a cat jump on my bed,walk around and then circle a couple times before coming to a rest against my body.I have never owned a cat (just for the record,Im more a dog kinda girl).I do have a small dog but he is crated in my room at bedtime. Underlying condition it took me about two years to figure this out able to find anything or who. Heard that if you ask for something to bother you instead of someone,... Itwhy why why seriously may affect your normal life ; so dont do it invisible cat walking on my bed lay down, I consider! Really rattled me years after it happened be what they are after you all are invisible cat walking on my bed are very to. Pur even kind of grab it in the name of Jesus Christ, it feels as! 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