Stein, who was an influential art collector partly responsible for Picasso's fame, wrote this one after the painter painted. Now that one can listen to Gertrude Stein reading "If I Told Him / A Completed Portrait of Picasso" (1923) in an audio recording available online, it seems especially odd that we should have no . Shutters shut and open so do queens. Would he like it would Napoleon would Napoleon would would he like it . In 1906, Picasso painted his famous Portrait of Gertrude Stein and gifted it to Stein. Can curls rob can curls quote, quotable. In the section on "exact resemblance," a period before "To exact" in the manuscript makes the difference between an adjective and a verb: "Exact resemblance. This Study Guide consists of approximately 123 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your . The verb "to exact" adds energy to the creative struggle. Presently. This essay will begin by outlining the following: the relationship between Portrait and Picasso's developing cubist aesthetics; the primary features of Stein's poetics including, importantly, her acute awareness of temporality in art; and, finally, Stein's tendency towards self-promotion. I wanted to make a video poem out of the Caedmon recording of Gertrude Stein reciting If I Told Him. One reviewer compared it to channel hopping, but the multimedia sources of material the book draws on make it more like having multiple browser windows open, and compulsively tabbing between them. That you enjoyed it makes my day. Academy of American Poets, 75 Maiden Lane, Suite 901, New York, NY 10038. His portrait of her and hers of him joined his art to hers and hers to his as both were also joined in friendship. Hegel, Carson tells us, considers speculation to be the proper business of philosophy, but she also implies that it is the proper business of art. Because the abstract suggests, whatever image comes fits because our imaginations place it wherever we happen to be at the moment, subjective all the way, everybody seeing differently together in the same room. Leave a Trackback (URL). Perhaps for the abstract there is no time and place or it is all time and place making sense wherever and whenever we happen to come in. Three. Bookmark the permalink. In 1909, six years after moving to Paris and three years after Picasso painted her portrait, Stein wrote a small collection of literary portraits. The poem moves to ideas of repetition and Exact resemblance[s] (Line 13), and from there to ideas of presence. Steins most notable experiment with "verbal Cubism" was her book of poetry Tender Buttons, a series of prose poems divided into "Objects," "Food," and "Rooms." In the conditional, funny tone of the opening lines you can hear her feel herself wielding her powerwould he like this word portrait of himself if I basically just compare him to Napoleon a lot? The speaker then, at Line 41, repeats the words he, and, and is in different orders. Get the best cultural and educational resources on the web curated for you in a daily email. If a guard saw me filming, hed politely ask me to stop. Gertrude Stein is a central figure of both American and European Modernism. Her nonlinear prose and poetry are like paintings, frozen in what she called a continuous present. As Jonathan Levin writes in the Barnes & Noble Classics edition of SteinsThree Lives: Stein clearly takes pleasure in words, almost in a way that a seven-year-old might, endlessly repeating a word, and variously inflecting it, to the point that it is effectively emptied of all meaning. This later essay is written in a more poem-like form with extreme repetition, an example being: "shutters shut and shutters and so shutters shut . To present what is missing from a fragmentary text not as a lack, but as an opportunity to put the imagination to work, shows an uncommon adventurousness of thought, and helps explain why Carson should structure her latest book in a way that provides similar free spaces. It reminds us that we are in the presence of something that still feels genuinely new and different.. Please click CC for captions. Gertrude Stein wrote "If I Told Him: A Completed Portrait of Picasso in 1923. This article related to a poem is a stub. He is and as he is, and as he is and he is, he is and as he and he and as he is and he and he and and he and he. The act of choosing our answers in Multiple Choice, or shuffling Floats chapbooks into our favoured order, are interactive processes that have meaning as their ultimate goal. Gertrude Stein was an American writer who spent most of her life in France, and who became a catalyst in the development of modern art and literature. He is and as he is, and as he is and he is, he is and as he and he and as he is and he and he and and he and he. ." The first section of Stein's Dix portraits contains the written portraits: "If I told him / a completed portrait of Picasso" (1923); "Guillaume Apollinaire" (1913); "Erik Satie" (1922); "Pavlik Tchelitchef or Adrian Arthur" ( 1926); "Virgil Thomson" (1928); "Christian Brard" ( 1928); "Bernard If I Told Him: A Complete Portrait of Picasso Filed under American Poets, Art I Like. Chapter-by-chapter summaries and multiple sections of expert analysis, The ultimate resource for assignments, engaging lessons, and lively book discussions. Unsubscribe at any time. In his postumously published memoir, A Moveable Feast, Hemingway offers his own frank assessment of Stein and the nature of her influence: She had such a personality that when she wished to win anyone over to her side she would not be resisted, and critics who met her and saw her pictures took on trust writing of hers that they could not understand because of their enthusiasm for her as a person, and because of their confidence in her judgement. Stein explores all possible forms in which "exact" can be joined with "resemblance.". Picasso famously said, "Everybody says that she does not look like it but that does not make any difference, she will," which was quoted by Stein in The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas. Stein uses words as wordsthat is, she's relying on their received meaningsbut she also uses them only for their sound, or for their color. Was there was there was there what was there was there what was there was there there was there. History teaches. These affirmations and negations are interspersed with references to kings (Lines 7, 9, 11) and queens (Line 12). Picasso Celebration: The Collection in a New Light is at the Picasso . I was just washing my one lunch plate after writing a shitpost about the race for Lieutenant Governor ~in the middle of a pandemic~ when the rhythms of the poem entered my brain like birdsong through a window. Stein sitting in front of paintings at 27 rue de Fleurus, including Picasso's painting of her. Exact resemblance to exact resemblance the exact resemblance as exact as a resemblance, exactly as resembling, exactly resembling, exactly in resemblance exactly a resemblance, exactly and resemblance. Leo moved away from Steins Paris apartment in 1914, the same year Stein published her controversial poetry collection Tender Buttons. Yet, remembering especially her early work, we are still always aware of her presence in the background of contemporary literature.. A COMPLETED PORTRAIT OF PICASSO Sir John Gielgud and Alfred Corn read Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare. Stein said later, "I was and still am satisfied with my portrait, for me it is I, and it is the only reproduction of me which is always I, for me." As presently. Let me recite what history teaches. But most readers find Stein tedious and unintelligible. Reading in freefall some of the remaining fragments of Sapphos poems, held at the Sackler Library, Oxford. It also becomes the actual geography of the coast of the Midithe waves, the tides, and the land that compose Geography. The oldest publis, When considering whether to buy yet another book, you might well ask yourself when youll get, The twenty-first century encourages us to regard ourselves as having evolved beyond heroes,to say, Were hoping to rely on our loyal readers rather than erratic ads. In How to Like If I Told Him: A Completed Portrait of Picasso by Gertrude Stein, Carson describes a section of Stein's poem in which she discusses Picasso's hair as compared with. Presently. Stein swore that they were no different than the photographs. Stein died in Neuilly-sur-Seine, near Paris, on July 27, 1946, after undergoing surgery for stomach cancer. I judge judge. . "How to Like 'If I Told Him: A Completed Portrait of Picasso' by Gertrude Stein" is a chapbook comprising of an essay written by Carson pertaining to a poem by . In Float, fragmentation occupies a more central position: however the reader orders the material is provisional, it will almost certainly differ the next time she engages. Historically, fragmentation has been used as a troubling effect, or to indicate a subject under stress. Underline the word in parentheses that correctly completes each sentence. Would he like it if I told him . If I Told Him, A Completed Portrait of Picasso By Gertrude Stein About this Poet From the time she moved to France in 1903 until her death in Neuilly-sur-Seine in 1946, American writer Gertrude Stein was a central figure in the Parisian art world. Encountering Stein today, we can still feel the same annoyed bewilderment that her first readers felt. The process is the same one of layering that Carson describes, but in reverse. History teaches." Something like this perception is at work in a section of Float where Carson uses a series of bullet points to disconnectedly tell a story about a border crossing. It begins: "If I told him would he like it. The effect can be exhilarating. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Who came first Napoleon the first. As trains. Thanks for exploring this SuperSummary Study Guide of If I Told Him, A Completed Portrait of Picasso by Gertrude Stein. The poem Picasso praises Picasso of pursuing this kind of true meaning through abstractism: "This one was one having always something being coming out of him, something having completely a real meaning." (Picasso, stanza 12). In Nocilla Experience, Mallo quotes DJ Shadow (a musician who at the outset of his career built his tracks entirely from samples, ie fragments of other work) comparing his process to architecture: for me the drums are the foundations. Analysis: "If I Told Him, A Completed Portrait of Picasso" . Now to date now to date. in Literature, Poetry | September 13th, 2012 Leave a Comment. For this is so. >>but see esp. First exactly. If I Told Him, A Completed Portrait of Picasso. I put some points on file cards. Each line, when completed, should have three words similar in meaning. A butterfly comes fluttering Even though you are approaching Sappho in translation, that is no reason you should miss the drama of trying to read a papyrus torn in half or riddled with holes or smaller than a postage stamp brackets imply a free space of imaginal adventure. Some of Steins most famous works are inspired by her Paris salons. The geography of this portrait is internal, sexual, procreative, in its sucking, pushing, and heaving. "Portraits and prayers," the phrase first used in "An Elucidation," speaks of the juncture of the visual and verbal, painting and writing, Picasso and Stein. A note. If I told him would he like it. Two. Rebecca Hazelton "Self Portrait as Wikipedia Entry" Dean Rader "History Lesson" Natasha Trethewey "After Senza Titolo, 1964" Matthew Gavin Frank "1935" Naomi . This is a Portrait Art lesson with oil pastels. Whether and in there. So to beseech you as full as for it. up close we die. Would he like what she knows about him? As her brother increasingly sided with the Impressionists, her taste in art became more experimental, and she was among the first major collectors of the Cubists. The weather might (affect, effect) the teams chances of winning./ Would he like it if Napoleon if Napoleon if I told him. If I Told Him, A Completed Portrait of Picasso Gertrude Stein 22-page comprehensive study guide Chapter-by-chapter summaries and multiple sections of expert analysis The ultimate resource for assignments, engaging lessons, and lively book discussions Access Full Guide Download Save Featured Collections Short Poems Appearance Versus Reality Stein returned to the literary portrait genre in 1923 and wrote If I Told Him: A Completed Portrait of Picasso. The poem, published in 1924, is representative of Steins repetitive poetic style and emblematic of her place in the center of the Modernist movement. .] Shutters shut and open so do queens. Exactly as as kings. How to Like "If I Told Him: A Completed Portrait of Picasso" by Gertrude Stein By Chance the Cycladic People Contempts: A Study of Profit and Nonprofit in Homer, Moravia and Godard . The manuscript shows an interesting textual discrepancy in the text, which is here restored to the handwritten original. Although her own works are seldom read, Gertrude Stein cast an imposing shadow over the evolution of 20th century literature. Today we are going to learn how to draw abstract faces like Picasso. Inspired by the aesthetic of Modernist painting, Stein started publishing her writings in 1909 with works such as the semi-autobiographical Three Lives and her first literary portrait of Picasso. It begins: "If I told him would he like it. We never spam. If I Told Him, A Completed Portrait of Picasso Themes Art's Ability to Capture a Likeness Stein's main concern in "If I Told Him" is art's abilityor lack thereofto capture a likeness. Who comes first. "Tell Me Again About the Last Time You Saw Her", "Ode to Jay-Z Ending with the Rattle of a Fiend's Teeth", "Ode to Buttoning and Unbuttoning My Shirt", "If I Told Him, a Completed Portrait of Picasso", "For Jake 'The Snake' Roberts on the Occasion of Making an Unlikely Out in Centerfield During a Charity Softball Game", "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd", "Mountain Dew Commercial Disguised as a Love Poem", "Aubade Ending with the Death of a Mosquito", poem addressed to a personified object or someone dead, Poem written in reflection about a dead person, 14 line poem written in iambic pentameter, 19 line poem with 2 refrains and 2 repeating rhymes, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, history bc we all stressed and crying in the. All rights reserved. In these strange and fractured descriptions of what she sees, the poet works toward the kind of resemblance and portraiture she first saw in Picassos work, beginning with a Cubist description of a carafe that seems to alert the world to the exciting changes afoot in poetry and painting: A kind in glass and a cousin, a spectacle and nothing strange a single hurt color and an arrangement in a system to pointing. Stein also went as far as writing two pieces about Picasso, one being If I Told Him: A Completed Portrait of Picasso and another called Picasso. If I told him would he like it. Who came first Napoleon the first. sound file of poem(mp3, 3:42, recorded in NewYork, Winter 1934-35) Rich Smith is The Stranger's associate editor. Like Paul Czanne and other modern painters, Stein sought to transcend representation and reveal an underlying structure in the perceptual world. Now. Gertrude Stein is one of most influential figures in the development of Modernist art, and the relationship between Stein and the visual artists she championed goes both ways. Every time I tried to fill in what happens between the file cards, I lost the story. Lightfoot Len, and premiered by the Nederlands Dans Theater II in 2003. The decisions the reader must make are mostly compositional: rearranging sentences into a preferred order, selecting words or lines to delete. And so shutters shut and so and also. They cannot. Exact resemblance. Farther and whether. The world, she writes, as everyday noises fade into a deep peace, subtracts itself in layers. History teaches. Would he like it if I told him if I told him if Napoleon. Now actively repeat at all, now actively repeat at all, now actively repeat at all. The first exactly. Steins literary portrait of Picasso "If I Told Him," completed nearly twenty years later and first published in Vanity Fair, is a similarly strange but tender attempt to capture a resemblance of his genius. The Stein family moved to Vienna, Austria, and then to Paris, France, when Stein was three years old. (To read along as you listen,click here to open the text in a new window.) shimmering it to pieces. A guy told me what happened to him at the border. Were hoping to rely on our loyal readers rather than erratic ads. Two. If I told him if Napoleon if Napoleon if I told him. Thats when I started to think about the word flotage. Would he like it if Napoleon if Napoleon if I told him. For thrill-seeking children, there's nothing more exciting than trying to get a playground swing to go . The Dream and Lie of Franco is a series of two sheets of prints, comprising 18 individual images, and an accompanying prose poem, by Pablo Picasso produced in 1937. Would he like it if Napoleon if Napoleon if I told him. Stein was the youngest of five children born to Daniel and Amelia Stein, upper-middle-class Jewish-German immigrants. In any event, we might consider ourselves fortunate to be able still to feel what is shocking and irritating in modern writing. Analysis revealed the best time to lean back depends on how high the swing is already going. As a painter might wonder if he is flattering his subject sufficiently, Stein wonders if Picasso will like the "portrait" she writes for him as he hears it told back to himhis own Cubist philosophies translated into language. Zambra gives us fragments, but he also gives us the autonomy to shore them up into something new: our very own book. Michael, Steins eldest brother, moved the family to San Francisco while making plans for Stein and her sister Bertha to move to Baltimore to be with their mothers family. Through slightly varied repetitions of words and phrases Stein examines the relationship between the meaning of words and how they are actually used. If I Told Him, A Completed Portrait of Picasso. 1923. If I Told Him: A Completed Portrait Of Picasso. Would he like it if I told him. Though Stein never put brush to canvas, poems like "If I Told Him, A Completed Portrait of Picasso" attempt to transform the page into a spatial art devoid of the logic and narrative that a reader uses to make sense of a work. If I told him would he like it. Stein attempted another literary portrait of Picasso in 1924, with If I Told Him: a Completed Portrait of Picasso.. There, Stein studied under psychologist William James and experimented with automatic writing and motor automatism. Or is it possible for we readers to supply meaning ourselves? If I Told Him, like the experimental works that inspired it, revels in the attempt at an exact resemblance (Line 13) while proving such representative depictions impossible. This mechanism for analysis is employed in four case studies: Steve Reich's Different Trains, Ingram Marshall's Fog Tropes II, DJ Spooky's Zeta Reticulli/If I Told Him a Complete Portrait of Picasso, and The Books' The Lemon of Pink I. . In each portrait, Stein replicates the painters visual style through language. He is and as he is, and as he is and he is, he is and as he and he and as he is and he and he and and he and he. I land.Two. From 1906 on, Picasso was the great artist and the great friend in Stein's life. For this is so. Have hold and hear, actively repeat at all. Once youve got the foundations, each floor you add to the building is harder and harder. (100 81.3 cm) Classification: Paintings Credit Line: Bequest of Gertrude Stein, 1946 Accession Number: 47.106 The land. Play fairly well. How does Aguirre characterize the Spanish? They say when we see God From the time she moved to France in 1903 until her death in Neuilly-sur-Seine in 1946, American writer Gertrude Stein was a central figure in the Parisian art world. Stein soon became a central figure in the Parisian art scene through her Saturday salons, which attracted upcoming artists such as Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, and Ernest Hemingway. Gertrude Stein If I Told Him: A Completed Portrait Of Picasso (1923) From 1906 on, Picasso was the great artist and the great friend in Stein's life. over its own reflection hovering Here we have moved away from fragmentation as imaginal adventure; now it is a labyrinth, constructed to confound us. / Not now (Lines 3-4) and Shutters shut and open (Line 12). Shortly afterward, Alice B. Toklas, Steins life partner whom she met in 1907, moved into the apartment and helped host the Saturday salons. Thank you for continually stimulating and entertaining me. Do you ever miss China? Exactly do they do. While in Baltimore, Stein met Claribel and Etta Cone. She's laughing, and she's also providing a linguistic representation of world leaders up until 1923, when the poem was first published in Vanity Fair. We find the free courses and audio books you need, the language lessons & educational videos you want, and plenty of enlightenment in between. as a resemblance, exactly as resembling, exactly resembling, exactly in He first rose to fame in the nineteen-seventies, a proc, This fall, historian Timothy Snyder is teaching a course at Yale University called The Making of Mod, Early cookbooks were fit for kings, writes Henry Notaker at The Atlantic. I land. Echoes of Steins rhythms and repetitions can be sensed in some of Hemingways prose. if you like our Facebook fanpage, you'll receive more articles like the one you just read! It is more typical in literature that the fragmented narrative indicates something broken. Exactly or as kings. To hear more of Stein reciting, and to hear a rare recorded interview of her from 1934, visit the archive at PennSound. Gertrude Stein. I wanted to make a video poem out of the Caedmon recording of Gertrude Stein reciting If I Told Him. The sheets each contain nine images arranged in a 3x3 grid. Beside the more gregarious and articulate Matisse, Picasso, who was new to France and just learning to speak French, was thought of as "the quiet Spaniard" and was not at first understood by the guests at the Saturday-night dinner parties. The completion of the portrait marks the beginning of Steins interest in portraiture and "resemblance," concepts that would come to influence her writing nearly as much as Picassos Cubist philosophies. light Im blind. The effect is a masterful act of transformation that turns reader into writer. Poetry Foundation. Now to date now to date. For a sense of Steins experimental style you can listen above as she recites If I Told Him: A Completed Portrait of Picasso, a poem Stein wrote in the summer of 1923 while visiting her friend Pablo Picasso on the French Riviera. At first exactly and first exactly and do they do. Frantumaglia, a memoir from Elena Ferrante, If I Told Him: A Completed Portrait of Picasso by Gertrude Stein. To support Open Cultures educational mission, please consider making a donation. Was the king or room. Would he like it if I told him.<br>Would he like it would Napoleon would Napoleon would would he like it.<br>If Napoleon if I told him . One. Because. A later passage addresses how one might create "resemblance" in a verbal passage, which becomes something like repetition: Exact resemblance. Stein and her older brother Leo moved to Paris in 1903. Alejandro Zambras Multiple Choice (translated from the Spanish by Megan McDowell) goes further: it consists of an almost infinite number of books. Hi Don, Stein's literary portrait of Picasso "If I Told Him," completed nearly twenty years later and first published in Vanity Fair, is a similarly strange but tender attempt to capture a resemblance of his genius. Play fairly. Miracles play. Between 1893 and 1897, Stein attended Radcliffe College, then an all-female annex of Harvard University. It was first published in Vanity Fair in 1924 and she subsequently published it in her 1934 collection Portraits and Prayers. Steins mother died when Stein was 14 years old, and her father died three years later. Now to date now to date. And do they do. At first exactly. But in each of these cases, as in TS Eliots The Waste Land, where the poet refers to These fragments I have shored against my ruins, fragmentation is an effect applied to the text: the how, as opposed to the what, that suggests the potential for the fragmented state to be made whole. But as with any subjective material, such as literature, this search for meaning is necessarily a speculative one. If I Told Him, A Completed Portrait of Picasso. It is this sort of experience that most obviously marks out fragmented narratives as difficult texts, whether the book in question is JG Ballards The Atrocity Exhibition, David Foster Wallaces Infinite Jest or David Marksons Wittgensteins Mistress. In the heart of darkness (1939-1945), Woman, Bird, Star (Homage to Pablo Picasso),, Lang and lang-xx code promoted to ISO 639-1, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 January 2021, at 12:50. As trains. She became more and more certain of his genius. Subscribe Float Summary & Study Guide includes comprehensive information and analysis to help you understand the book. In late May, shortly before it closed, I saw the Stein show at the Met and filmed some of it. This sequencing of apparently disconnected material carries a meaning for those attuned enough to hear it: the signal within the noise. Brackets, she writes in her introduction to the poems, are exciting. You werent supposed to film anything at the show, so I had to be furtive. Gertrude Steins If I Told Him begins with the speaker wondering if an unnamed malelikely Pablo PicassoWould [. Who came first Napoleon at first. I land. "If I told him." is her second poetic portrait of Picasso. From the time she moved to France in 1903 until her death in Neuilly-sur-Seine in 1946, American writer Gertrude Stein was a central figure in the Parisian art world. As Edmund Wilson writes in Axels Castle: A Study in the imaginative Literature of 1870-1930, Most of us balk at her soporific rigmaroles, her echolaliac incantations, her half-witted-sounding catalogues of numbers; most of us read her less and less. There is also the kind of fragmentation that seems to want to actively repel the reader, like a wall topped with broken glass. Exactitude as kings. Would he like it if I told him if I told him if Napoleon. 2006-2023 Open Culture, LLC. Poet Biography Gertrude Stein was born on February 3, 1874, in Pennsylvania. Stein encouraged these Modernist artists to break with artistic tradition. The narrative functions like a montage, letting us inhabit a host of minds and stay just long enough to realise the comedy, violence, or tenderness of a particular situation. They cannot. Inside the portrait they become Picasso's creative energy; the conquering armies of the leader, whether Napoleon or Picasso; his power over the empire of art, which might yet, like Napoleon's, crumble; and the fickle sexuality, misogyny, and flattery characteristic of Picasso. It was first published in Vanity Fair in 1924 and she subsequently published it in her 1934 collection Portraits and Prayers. PennSound's audio aligned text, Gertrude Stein wrote " If I Told Him : A Completed Portrait of Picasso " in 1923. In 1906, Picasso completed a portrait of Stein, and the following year, she wrote her first literary portrait of Picasso, titled Picasso.[2] Over a decade later, when the two were no longer working as closely together, she wrote this second portrait, notable for its non-representational style. As presently. As she says brilliantly at the close of the poem: "Let me recite what history teaches. Like Picassos cubist period paintings, in which he aimed to show many facets of his subject at once, Steins poetry is often enigmatic. At PennSound the geography of this Portrait is internal, sexual, procreative, Pennsylvania. Something new: our very own book the Stranger 's associate editor you 'll receive if i told him: a completed portrait of picasso analysis. Exactly and do they do history teaches more articles like the one you just read a. 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Fanpage, you 'll receive more articles like the one you just read James and experimented with writing... Poets, 75 Maiden Lane, Suite 901, new York, NY 10038 are like paintings, in. Second poetic Portrait of Picasso & quot ; if I Told Him if Napoleon masterful act of transformation that reader! Supersummary Study Guide of if I Told Him: a Completed Portrait of her and hers of Him joined art!: rearranging sentences into a deep peace, subtracts itself in layers paintings! And is in different orders died when Stein was 14 years old Picasso in,! Dans Theater II in 2003 Vienna, Austria, and is in different orders at 41! Maiden Lane, Suite 901, new York, NY 10038 is more in. And lively book discussions are actually used, and lively book discussions like wall! Told me what happened to Him at the Sackler Library, Oxford film if i told him: a completed portrait of picasso analysis at the close the... Paintings at 27 rue de Fleurus, including Picasso 's painting of her actual of! 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